Closed Insider Info

Nicole Fisk

💮 Gladrag's Asst. 💮 Your Average Witch 💮
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Ajax)
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2037 (26)
Nicole tried to subtly catch a look at her reflection as they passed some of the windows that lined the first floor, brushing her fingertips through her hair for a moment before clearing her throat. "So, Lumio, I can't believe we've never talked much," she said, turning to smile at Lumio as they walked further down the corridor. There wasn't much to do on the first floor so no one ever really snuck around breaking rules for them to have to catch; it was the perfect place to chat while on patrol. "You promised you'd tell me everything, right? Like, what was it like growing up with Ajax? Oh, or what are your parents like? Do you all have the, you know-" Nicole made a vague hand motion, first to her hair, then towards her eyebrows, before giggling. It wasn't exactly like Ajax kept secrets from her, but there was something about getting a chance to hear things from someone else, especially a little brother, that had Nicole extra excited.
Though the prospect of hanging out with any sibling's partner was probably not somerthing most people were looking forward to, Lumio certainly was. He couldn't wait to get to know the girl he'd heard so much about, the only person to nail down his brother. He knew they were all still young and partners now didn't define the future but he still wanted to get to know her. They were patrolling down the first floor corridor when the questions started. And he gave a little frown, had Ajax not mentioned it...or not gone into it much...He could imagine not. "Our parents are fun, the hair is our mother's side, eyebrows father, our mother's Italian, our father kiwi, we're named after towns in Corsica where our parents met and married." Lumio paused, hesitating before starting again, "They are now separated....have been since I was like one. Ajax went with dad, I stayed with mum," Lumio said, he wasn't disappointed in it either, Lumio knew he had a good and lucky life and he and his dad's lack of closeness was made up but the closeness he felt with the rest of his family. "I can tell you about the christmas Ajax turned up red as a tomato speaking arabic having completely lost his english..,"
Nicole nodded as Lumio started talking about his parents, trying to imagine a woman with as much wild hair as Ajax had. "Oh, I knew the bit about the towns," she said, turning somewhat as they walked so she could face Lumio more. Ajaccio was a weird enough name and Nicole pretty sure it was one of the first things she'd learnt about Ajax. That and that he clearly wasn't scared of heights.

She stilled some when Lumio mentioned their parents being divorced, trying to remember if Ajax had ever mentioned that. She knew he talked about his dad a lot and his mum a whole lot less, but Nicole had never really put two and two together. "Oh, uh-" She started, relieved when Lumio moved on to tell some story about Ajax. "Oh my gosh yes, tell me everything," she said, trying to imagine the scenario. "How old was he? What happened??"

ooc: I don't mind if you wanna be vague about the childhood stories or not and just say Lumio told her :r
Lumio was a little surprised that it seemed Nicole hadn't known about his and Ajax's parents. He didn't often talk about it because he knew his life wasn't lacking from the lack of a present father and he knew Ajax would've turned out to be an entirely different person if he hadn't been allowed to travel the world. So he was glad that she grabbed on to this story he was going to tell her. "My brother's always been a sponge for languages, but when he was like five and I was like four, he spent a good like three months in Eygpt, he'd been sent to a school and everything, dad was busy so there was an egyptian nanny," he launched into a long story from what he remembered and from what his parents had joked about with Ajaccio having been badly sunburnt, and because of his immersion in the culture and language of that country and that he'd just lost it. "It took him a good few days to get his english back, but still, our dad was translating all of it, had to have conversations through him," Lumio laughed lightly. "You have a brother in my year right? Any stories like that?"
Nicole couldn't help but turn, walking slightly backwards, patrol forgotten as Lumio got into the story about Ajax, her face delighted. She could just imagine little Ajax all sunburnt and speaking yet another language. "That's adorable," she breathed, biting her lip to keep from laughing at the mental image. She was definitely filing that away to tease Ajax about later, not that Ajax would probably even be bothered. Even his embarrassing childhood stories were bilingual. "Oh yeah, I forget you share a year with Ryan, you seem so much more grown up than him," Nicole said, rolling her eyes at the mention of her brother. "Well, kind of. There was a few months Ryan decided to speak only in code, but it was a code he'd made up so none of us could understand him. It was such a nightmare," she recalled with a groan, remembering the strings of gibberish Ryan insisted on speaking. "It took like two weeks for him to get tired enough of no one listening to him to give up on it I think," she said, shaking her head.

Taking advantage of the lull in stories, Nicole side-eyed Lumio for a second, having turned back to walk forward again before she accidentally fell down the stairs or something. "Say... I don't suppose Ajax even mentioned me to you before, did he?" She asked lightly. "Maybe before we started dating perhaps."
Lumio listened to her story, laughing lightly at it. He idnd't know Ryan all that well, but he had to admit that it would be both hiliarious and awful to deal with speaking in code. At the very least Ajax's youth could be blamed for his language errors, but this had clearly been a choice. "That's some commitment, I don't think I'd last a day," Lumio joked, he wasn't the most talkative and he didn't always need to hear his own voice but it certainly didn't mean he'd enjoy having no one to talk to and no one to understand him.

Lumio raised an eyebrow at her question and laughed, "I don't want to spill all of my brother's secrets, but he did, from the moment he got off the train after his first year he was asking our dad about paris, about places to go and visit. He talked when he was older about you too, more than he talked about any of his other friends, before you and him got together, I couldn't get him to shut up about the pretty Slytherin girl, who he was sure could never like him that way back," he left out some details and maybe flourish some of it. His brother had talked quite a bit about Nicole, not always by name, but he'd come to learn who he meant.
Nicole rolled her eyes fondly at Lumio's comment, still shaking her head at the memory. "You have no idea," she said with a smile. "If Ryan's good at anything, it's committing to stupid ideas." She wondered idly what it would have been like to grow up with a brother who was more like Lumio, sensible and sociable. Probably a lot easier.

She tried not to look too interested in the conversation as Lumio mentioned Ajax's secrets, shrugging innocently when he laughed. When Lumio mentioned Paris she felt her heart flutter, ducking her head and trying not to look too smug. "Oh, well that's all very sweet," she managed, chest feeling very full at the knowledge that Ajax had been talking about her possibly for as long as she had. If one of them had said something sooner, she mused, trying not to think too bitterly about the mess with Eric. She did pause when Lumio mentioned a pretty Slytherin girl, heart sinking some at the memory of Ajax and Wangui the other year. "That could have been anyone, there's plenty of pretty Slytherin girls," she said lightly, trying to joke though her mood had definitely shifted.
Lumio laughed lightly with her comments on her brother. He again, didn't know Ryan well, but he could at least feel sympathy when it came down to a sibling who was maybe a little more...odd than most. He watched as she reacted to his statements about Ajax. He shook his head at the last statement. "Ajax was infatuiated with Wangui, but I still believe that's because he thought he needed to move on from you and she was there," Of course Lumio didn't know this for certain, but given that the relationship with Wangui had never gone far and all he really liked of the girl was how pretty she was and that he knew how much he had moved on when he could. "She was also temporary, he knew she'd leave after a year, so he knew there was no commitment, leaving and being left is Ajax's bread and butter." Lumio assured Nicole, he had known that Wangui was a fleeting thing, a crush of the moment. "Plus between you and me, Ajax definitely thinks you're the prettiest girl in the school,"

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