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Rhiannon Archer

Healer McGowan, new mum
OOC First Name
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Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
40 (4/2022)
Rhiannon had never been to a ball before. she had seen people attending balls, her parent attended their work one annually (from what she could tell most people got quite drunk other than the ones who were on call or driving) and she had seen photos of the year twelve students at her school going to theirs but she had never been to one. the week before the ball she looked through her trunk to see if she could find something to wear. she wasn't sure what kind of ball this was. surly not a real ball. eventually she had decided on a rather cute pink party dress that she hadn't warn yet. it had been one of her favourites at home and she had warn it a couple of times to discos and other such events. by the day of the ball the event was all people seemed to be talking about. both what people were wearing and how they were going their hair etc. and also who was going with who. most of this was irrelevant to Rhiannon as being a first year she didn't know many of the older students and anyway she was too young to be dating. in the afternoon she got ready in the dorm. using the little make up she had and trying to do her hair nicely (usually it was just down in its normal waves or up in a ponytail. eventually it was almost time for it to start and Rhiannon went down to the great hall.
She entered the room her jaw dropping in admiration of the decoration. if she didn't know better she would not have believed that this was the same room she ate her breakfast in daily. the house tables were gone and instead there were collections of smaller tables placed around the edge of a large dance floor. and at the other wall was a large buffed dinner. "wow" she breathed before realising she was blocking the door for the other attendees who were not as amazed by the decoration. not sure what she should do first she took a glass of cranberry juice (it seemed the house elves had the christmas spirit in mind when preparing the food) and took a seat at one of the tables. not an obvious table, but not one that was hidden away slightly which she thought was more for the older students who wanted a little privacy. as she drank she waited hoping that she would see someone she knew, or at least get an idea of what one was meant to do at a ball.
To begin with be hadn't thought he would go to the Yuleball, it wasn't an occasion that he had thought would be for him. Though he'd been before, without a date for the evening, the evening held very little interest for him. But despite all this upon waking that morning, he had decided that maybe the yuleball was exactly what he needed following the exams. He had worked his butt off drinking classes and then studied like crazy for the exams. Ty thought he had more than deserved a night were he could just be Tybalt Archer, 13 year old teen who was still a child. He was definitely ready for a night where he wasn't being well rounded. He needed a break from the quid ditch and this was just the perfect opportunity. He could even claim that he was a little bit excited by what the night could bring for him. He had always loved going out with his family and the previous yuleballs he had attended had been fun. This year he was pretty dateless though he could've asked Indiana, he was sure that he could swing it his way and have a good time despite of anything else. Which was why after a fairly intense quidditch practice that ended earlier than normal, the young teen had put away his broom and gone back to Gryffindor to get ready for the night ahead. He had taken a very long shower and then put in his contact lenses while still walking around the Gryffindor Dorm in only a towel before finding his usual black suit with a black bow tie which took him a while to be able to put on. But in the end he figured it out, and it didn't take long before he was pretty much all set to go.

With hair standing at all ends, the one thing he knew he had no hope for. The young boy had really grown in the year the remaining baby fat had begun to fade, bringing out the chiseled cheek bones, a gift from his mother, much like the bright blue eyes that he had gotten from his father. He walked confidently to the Great hall, knowing that with his eye sight he would never enjoy the hall in it's true beauty and with this night it would be better if h could just see the hall. The hall itself upon his arrival was full and busy. He didn't see the beautiful colours and all that. He smiled to himself looking at the different people in the hall. His eyes fell upon a young girl, you get than him, though possibly not by much. He could see she was alone, possibly her first yuleball. He smiled slightly, and then walked over to her. "Hey, you want to dance?" the young Gryffindor offered her a hand, the thick southern accent clear in his words, smiling his most charming smile. He knew that he might be rejected but this was a night of firsts and he was ready to just give it a try. Forget everything else and enjoy yourself. "Can't let a pretty girl be alone for the entire night" he gave another much friendlier and warm smile. "Or a boy for that matter, but I saw you first" he added hoping it wasn't too forward. Or too cheesey.
Although there was a lot of conversation in the room. however there somehow your ears always have a way of knowing when the voice is directed to you. this was what Rhiannon picked up when she heard someone ask if she wanted to dance. the first year looked around and saw that there was a boy nearby looking at her. she smiled, he seemed somewhat familiar. it wasn't from class. and no it wasn't from the common room. it was a second before it clicked. "It's Ty right. the boy who also likes photography" she said remembering her camera. it was in her small bag at the moment and now wasn't the time to take it out. she smiled and nodded. "sure that sounds like fun" she said. her dad had told her once before one of the discos the local council and police put on for children and teenagers, it was one of the few times he had been home from work before one. she could hear his voice now. "you know rhiannon, if a boy ever asks you to dance you should do so even if just for one dance, as he must have had a lot of courage to ask so don't knock him down he had said. at the time she had thought it was sound advice which is why it had stuck.
She took her last mouthful of cranberry juice. some small part of her brain thought. it looks like no one here will be getting a UTI in the near future" she smiled just before he said that one should leave a pretty girl alone. she smiled brighter her cheeks slightly blushing. he seemed sweet, and she was glad she had agreed to dance. "aww, thank you. I am glad i wont be sitting alone like a turnip all evening" she said blushing and knowing she her scottish accent getting a little stronger. after five years in tasmania it had weakened little though it was still always there but sometimes it did get stronger. she stood up. this seemed to be what one did at a ball there were quite a few people dancing. she didn't recognise the music playing she caught a few words, broom, potion and spell. she guessed it was a wizard band.
It did not take long upon his arrival at the hall for her to notice he was in front of her. Honestly Ty had felt something familiar, though he could not place why or where from. He did a lot of clubs and took a lot of classes, it was hardly surprising that at times he failed to remember who certain people were. And given his eye sight, well that didn't help much either. He was the sort of kid who could try to remember if the other remembered first. Which turned out to be in his favour with this girl, who spoke to him using his nickname. Which took him a little by surprise to begin with, though the teen quickly got over it as he began to remember her, Rhi or something was her name. The club academia or something. He was slightly unsure, though he would have the time to ask her. Since this would be a nice long night. He gave her a warm smile. Realising that she like him might've brought her camera. He had his within his pocket. The pockets if the suit were bigger on the inside, an idea of his mama should he ever have a date to one of these things and require a place to store a gift or something of that nature. He reached in and took it out almost confirmation. "Yeah, and you're Rhi, or Rhia, right?" he put the camera back in his pocket. "Photography is probably my favourite past time. And I play quidditch" Ty gave a light laugh he spoke, as if the norm would be to prefer quidditch over photography. The words sounding much friendlier with his accent. As she accepted, he held a hand out to her, his mama had always taught him to be a southern gentleman. Polite, well mannered, confident. While he had not always been the most confident, his height making him nervous and afraid of others who might think less of him.

The girl seemed nice, though he couldn't remember much about her. Just that she was a first year, and having been sitting before him had gone first, therefore meaning that his photography thing had seemed a little copied. Though it had ever really bothered him. He was confident speaking in front of large groups just yet and getting it over and done with quickly was a much better idea. "I doubt that would've happened, Rhi. Someone would've asked you eventually." Ty was a fair enough dancer, by no means brilliant and he sometimes took a while to be remotely good at it, but turned out to be pretty easy to dance to. It was a live band, playing the most modern magical music. Most of which he didn't know but it was lively, and had a good beat. "How are you finding Hogwarts then?" he asked her, as the song changed, and there was a brief moment of slight quietness as the band introduced the next one. "Not too hard, I hope? No one giving you any bother I hope?" Tybalt gave a slight grin, though he was not the strongest, he didn't like people being pushed around. He might not always protect himself, but he would be damned if he let harm come to others. "Any bright ideas on how to make things better?" he ran a hand briefly through the dark brown hair, smiling at her, as the next song picked up.
Bituin hadn't been at the ball for very long till she noticed Tybalt Archer dancing with a girl whom she had hoped would be Indiana, but it wasn't. The young teen knew much more about Tybalt Archer than he probably knew about her. Sure he was the photographer for the school's yearbook, he had to know she existed. But other than that he could barely get past her looks when he saw her, that she knew. Bituin looked just like her older sister Josefina who for the past few years at Hogwarts tried her hardest to make life a living nightmare for Tybalt Archer. Of course Bituin knew about him. Her sister was quite the bragger about anyone she made cry.

Tybalt's best friend, Indiana Night, knew her as herself however. She knew the difference between Josefina and her. She wished the girl was around, she heard great things about Tybalt from the day she met Indiana and they talked for hours in the student lounge. Bituin wished she could meet him and apologize for her sister and possibly be friends with the boy. She had to admit watching him dance in his tuxedo and bow tie he was very good looking. His grin as he talked with the girl he was dancing with made his eyes seem brighter. Yes, Bituin did want to meet Tybalt, if only their mutual friend was around so Tybalt wouldn't run off thinking she was her sister. But she knew she couldn't go to him now, she didn't want to be rude. It looked like he was on a date anyways with the girl he was dancing with. Looking at the ground Bituin glanced up every once in a while to watch the couple dancing.
rhiannon smiled when the boy remembered her name. she couldn't actually remember being called Rhia before but it did have a nice ring to it, and to be honest if if distanced her from that horrible magazine she wasn't going to complain. "yes that's me" she said as he said photography was probably one of his favourite past times as well as quidditch. "I am looking forward to watching a game" she said. usually she was not one to enjoy sport however she had heard the quidditch was a really good sport to watch. she started to dance with Ty and as she did she realised just how good looking her was. his facial features were neatly done but they were nothing compared to his eyes which were such a entrancing blue. they continued to talk as they started dancing. she smiled when he had said she would have been asked eventually. she wouldn't have minded too much if not. her mum had always tried to teach her that she didn't need anyone to have a good time.
As the song changed and a new one started Ty asked her a couple of questions. "I am loving it here. the castle is amazing, and the classes are great, the hardest is flying as i keep falling off the broom." she said chuckling slightly The question about what could be improved was a little out of the blue and stumped her for a moment. "a map of the castle would be useful. i got lost once trying to find the common room and ended up in the kitchen" she said unable to tell a lie and remembering that adventure. and Raf and Persius. it hadn't been anything she had been used to but it had been fun in retrospect though a little daunting whilst she was in the creepy corridor. "what year are you in?" she asked. "and how are you enjoying this year so far?"
Rhiannon had to admit although she didn't know the song that started it was a good one to dance to. after about four or five minutes the song came to an end. as the last few notes played Rhiannon wasn't sure if she was meant to keep dancing or return to her seat and let ty dance with someone else, probably someone he knew better than her. as they turned around again Rhi could feel someone watching them. looking up she saw a girl who she had seen glance at them a few times whilst they were dancing. "Ty, do you know that girl, she seems to be looking this way a fair amount" she said gesturing to the girl. she didn't want to be rude or anything, for all she knew the pretty brunette could be the girl Ty had come with, maybe had had just asked her to dance before she arrived.
Giving a small smile to the younger of the two, he nodded. He remembered the first real quidditch match he'd seen. It had gone so fast he hadn't even been sure if what he was seeing was real. He was certain that no matter what it had appeared to him be less than fun. Playing it was a different matter. "I'm sure you'll love it. Quidditch is a great sport. Moves fast but that's part of the charm of it." he spoke with an honesty to his voice as really only coming to that realization with her in front of him, as they spoke. Which was odd to him, because he did a lot of quidditch, practiced long and hard but never was he ever really thinking about the sport. He rarely if ever actually watched a match. He more often than not played them. Which suited him better. He faced his fear in the air rather than standing by the stands completely helpless. Not knowing it was a good or bad thing that he could barely watch it without being scared for those playing. Thankfully however he was getting better at playing and also at just heights in general. He no longer felt sick after every match. Or practice. He was getting better. As it turned out Rhia seemed to be a fairly good dancer. Which was good. He always felt that, that made him also a better dancer. She seemed quite pretty, and like she would become quite pretty with age. But they were young and to him it mattered little. She had appeared to be alone on a night like this, and Ty was more than happy to dance with her. Since he was without a date, and had all the night to spare. A good bargain.

Continuing to smile as she answered his questions. Though the questions were pretty trivial, it was the start of the evening and they had a few more dances to go. He wasn't the type to do just one dance and then leave, he wanted to see that her first Yuleball was good fun. "I'd be more than happy to give you a hand in learning or improving how to fly. I found it pretty hard to begin with too." Ty agreed, though he didn't mind teaching or helping her out. He was playing quidditch and improving his flying for his much younger sister. He was more than happy to try out helping someone else first. At what followed Tybalt gave a small laugh. "Oh yeah, that would've useful. I ended up in Divination rather than Astronomy about three times. I still sometimes get lost." he gave a shrug. Knowing it didn't look too good, but he didn't mind. "This school has so many twists and turns." Tybalt looked around, he had problems finding things unhelped by his eyesight. "I'm a third year, and it's good. Pretty hard, I'm doing more classes than ever before." he hadn't thought that doing more than the required would be that hard but he was happy to do them. He was even considering doing more the next term. "it's harder but it's good. You learn a lot in a short space of time." he smiled at her once more. Noticing that the music was picking up once again. He began to dance with her once more, though this was shorter and it was as the song closed that the teen noticed the girl staring at them. He recognized her instantly. Remembering the problem she had caused him in first year. He glanced to Rhi, flashing her a charming smile while looking back up at the girl. Although she had caused him a lot of bother, he had to admit that she was pretty, the dress made her look pretty stunning. But it was his eye sight tricking him. Lies. Rhia spoke again, he shook his head. "She's in my classes, and I sort of know her because of the yearbook. But not personally. How about a final dance, Rhia and then we can part ways as friends." he gave her a small smile, and extended his hand to her once more.
Bituin bit her lip wishing someone she knew was around, like Bryce or Rosie who were both in her year and house. Or Rose Bellard and Indiana Night, her Gryffindor friends who were always nice to her. Instead, the only person she seemed to recognize in the entire room was Tybalt Archer. Who, was attractive enough but also probably didn't the know the difference between herself and her bully of a sister. She could just hear whispers of words coming from the conversation he was having with the girl. Quidditch. Ah there was something she was trying out new. She joined the Quidditch team this year as the Seeker. Maybe after a match and seeing her on the Ravenclaw team, Tybalt and frankly everyone else would know she wasn't her sister. That, she was a victim just like them of the cruelty in her sister's mind. Then they were talking about classes and she lost the conversation as it got drowned out by the louder music. Not that she really minded, she couldn't care less what they were talking about. But even saying that to herself she knew she was looking over at them a lot more than she should be.

Playing with the end of her braid the young teen wondered what she should do. She was friend's with his best friend for sure, Indiana. But Indiana told her that Tybalt would get confused between Josefina and probably run away if she ever tired to approach him on her own. Glancing up again Bituin saw him looking at her and looked to his electric blue eyes. He didn't seem afraid, maybe his Gryffindor bravery was finally coming out. Maybe, perhaps just maybe, Bituin could approach him without him running away. After all he wouldn't want to leave his date by herself. Looking at the girl he was dancing with Bituin found herself wishing it could be her instead. Her cheeks turned pink from the thought and she looked back down to the ground. There was no way Tybalt Archer would want anything to do with her, he was good looking and smart. Good at many things, like photography. Gathering up what little courage she had Bituin picked herself up from the wall she had been leaning on and made her way towards Tybalt and his date. It was slow going as the song had just ended and couples and friends were making their way towards the food or a table to sit and rest, while others moved towards the dance floor to start dancing once again.
Rhiannon smiled when Ty offered to help her with flying but she shook her head. "thank you for the offer but I think i am happy with both feet on the ground. I am glad i took the class and everything but I think that it isn't for me" she said politely turning down his offer she had little intention of flying again if she could help it, and certainly didn't intend to join the house quidditch team. she had never been big into sports. the only one she had done voluntarily was dancing, she had taken both ballet and "modern and jazz" when she was younger on two separate occasions. she had to admit she had preferred the ballet, she had found the rules and the order some what relaxing.
she was slightly relieves when he said that a map wouldn't be a bad plan and that he had ended up in divination when he was looking for astronomy several times. though she was a little disheartened when he said he still got lost occasionally, what if she never managed to find her way around. "I haven't even tried the towers yet. that is something i guess i will be looking at next term" she said. she would try and remember to give plenty of time to find her first few astronomy classes, just in case she ended up in divination. she had read the summary of the subject and thought divination didn't sound like a class she would enjoy so she was glad it was an elective, and elective that she wouldn't be taking. "third year is when you start taking the electives right?" she asked. "which ones are you taking?" she asked. she was already thinking about the ones she would want to take, so far she thought Arithmancy sounded good (she loved numbers) Divination sounded like nonsense (she was a vary logical person) but she hadn't thought of the others, care of magical creatures, runes and muggle studies.
At the offer of a final dance Rhia was practically glowing. "that would be lovely" she said as the song started, this one was a little slower than the last which she was grateful for but it was no where near slow dance slow which she was even more grateful for. about half way through the song the girl who had been watching them appeared standing next to them. she smiled in greeting deciding the music (and some singing along form the dancers) was too loud to make a proper greeting until the song was over. she then moved slightly to one side opening up the pairing to make space for the girl to join so that they could dance in more of a circle. this is fun Rhiannon thought to herself feeling slightly smug as she was a first year dancing with two third years. it wasn't long before the song was over. she turned to the girl who had joined them. she looked really nice, and she found the way the girl had done her hair interesting, she had tried to do a sort of twisty braid in her hair quite a while back but it never seemed to stay. "hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm Rhiannon, though most people call me Rhi" she said over the last lingering note of the song.
Shrugging his shoulders at the girl, he knew that quidditch was not for everyone. That much he really did know. "No problem, but if ever, you'll more than likely find me in Gryffindor tower" He gave her a small smile as he said this. Wanting her to know that if she ever changed her mind he would happily give her a little bit of a helping hand. More than happily. Ty had just met Rhia, met her properly and while they'd maybe never be firm friends, there was nothing wrong with hanging out, and her knowing that if ever, his offer would stand. He could still remember those first lessons in Flying, the deep fear of stepping off the ground. Of the wind in his hair, the way he had tightly gripped the broom. Prayed to the high heavens that the glasses wouldn't fall from his face. Tybalt had gotten better since then. Much better, but it was because he'd pushed through when he had thought he couldn't any more. Done more, tried harder. Willed himself to do better. Which had in the end resulted in success. Nothing more than he could ask for. Tybalt knew that he was being somewhat more like what he imagined his brother might be, had his brother lived and gone to school, but most of it was for him. The photography was never his brother. It had always, from a young age been Ty's thing. He could draw and he could take pictures. That was Tybalt. The little boy who preferred to draw a new world than be in this one. He nodded at her words. The towers were confusing that was for sure. So many, so many snaking paths that weren't linked causing a massive detour and the possibilty of running late. "Just always give yourself plenty time." He met her eyes with a small, but charming smile. He had always hated the long walks up the towers. It was dull and silly but it was something that had to be done. Something he would always do until the end of his days at the school. He was in the Gryffindor tower for most of it, and some of his classes would lead him to the towers too. "Yeah, it is" He nodded as he said this, taking a small moment to pause before continuing, "And I picked Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, Divination and if I managed to convince the professor's that I'm up to the challenge, I might see if I can add Arithmancy, but I don't know yet. My timetable is pretty busy already." He was hoping to take four out of the five electives, but he knew it would be hard, and he wasn't sure if he was really up to that sort of a challenge. All would depend on how well he had done on the exams. That to him would be the decider. "I know you have some time before you pick, but have you given it much thought?" asking out of genuine curiosity more than anything else.

Even after offering Rhia a final dance to end their brief time together, that might've been longer had she not interrupted his otherwise nice evening. He hadn't thought he would have to deal with it again. Deal with the problems that had arisen from it. He could tell as he danced with Rhia that she was getting closer. The closer she got, the more she reminded him of that girl, older though. He was close to calling her beautiful. He could barely move his eyes away from her, though most of mind was screaming at him to run. To get out of there as fast as he could. This song, unlike the last two that had played was slower. Not so slow that it might get a little awkward between himself and Rhia, well maybe not on his part. The teen would go with the flow of music but he didn't want to overstep. For all he knew this girl actually had a boyfriend out of school, or something like that. The song was beginning to come to a close, and the girl was practically upon them. Mere metres away. Ty met the girl's eyes before quickly looking back at Rhia who was introducing herself to the other girl. Ty wanted to run so bad. Turn on his heel and leave. He had to be a brave Gryffindor. He just couldn't be around this girl. He couldn't be near her, what if she tried to pull something once more. What if. Tybalt looked to Rhia just as she finished, "I'm afraid I must be going. Rhia, it has been awesome, have an amazing night. I'll see you around" He every so often shot a glance at the girl his age as he spoke but remained focused on Rhia. Tybalt felt a little bad for just sort of deserting her. But he couldn't. He smiled once more at the young girl, a forced smile before he turned towards the door, and in a much quickened pace walked away. Not looking back. Not glancing anywhere. Just walking silently ahead. Keeping his eyes on the ground. The monochromatic knew in this light with his eyes would render his sight useless. Without another glance back he headed out of Great Hall and into the crowd of people lingering in the hallway of the ground floor.
Bituin was taking a leap into the deep end by approaching Tybalt Archer and his date. She figured with a date by his side he wouldn't run away from her so quickly and she would have time to talk. Magical snow was falling all around the Yule Ball and the moment seemed to be right. The couple was dancing and she hated interrupting them. But the young teen knew she had to be a good person and apologize for her sister's actions during their first year. Tybalt seemed so much better since Josefina stopped bullying him, she knew he had cried because of her sister. But now he was older and seemed more mature and just braver. Bituin hoped that he would talk with her, she hadn't done anything to him just Josefina. Bituin herself didn't have many friends at Hogwarts or at home. It was always Josefina, her older sister, who pushed potential friends away from her. Though she did still try her hardest to make friends that could get past her older sister. Making her way through the crowd towards Tybalt and his date Bituin could feel butterflies in her stomach. She was nervous and she couldn't imagine what she would do if he ran away before she got to say anything. The girl wasn't very experienced in confronting others about things her sister had done wrong to them.

Bituin was even less experienced in talking with a guy who made her stomach clench every time she saw him. Over the past two years she felt many emotions about the boy. First it was a sincere apologetic sadness for him. She knew about her sister's bullying, the older girl would always boast about those who she bullied. And then when it came out in RHI that his Stephan was his cousin and Bituin could see the happier look on the boy's face Bituin was happy that things were looking brighter for him. Her sister hadn't bugged him since their first year and things were good. Indiana, Tybalt's best friend, told her about the year she had last year and how she missed the entire school year. It made her look back at her second year and wonder how happy he really had been, his friend who picked him up after the bullying Josefina had done, was missing. Look at Tybalt now she saw the guy that he was going to be and thought to herself how lucky his date was to have him. She thought that it was Indiana and Tybalt all the way. But it clearly wasn't, Indiana wasn't in sight and Tybalt was all smiles for the girl in front of him. The girl, Rhiannon introduced herself as the song ended and Bituin was glad she did. She hadn't been sure how to start the conversation. "I'm Bit-," she started to introduce herself to the two. However, before Bituin knew it Tybalt was stated his apologies and moving out of the Great Hall. She felt defeated, just completely deflated like a balloon who got stuck by a needle. Bituin watched as her hopes went out the door, she had only heard good things about Tybalt from his best friend. However, it seemed that he wasn't the brave Gryffindor that she had thought.
Rhiannon listened to the subjects Tybalt had picked. and nodded. it sounded like a lot of subjects he was planning. "I was thinking of doing arathmancy but i don't know what other ones, maybe ancient runes or muggle studies." she said. she was hoping to get some guidance from professor Snow when the time came to make the decisions. which subjects would be best if she wanted to become a doctor. as the brunette girl approached She could see that Ty was starting to look a little uncomfortable, she wasn't sure why. maybe they had something awkward happen in their past that they didn't want to stay near each other. soon he was making an apology. she nodded her head slightly in thanks "thank you too. it has been a goo.." she said before he vanished and she finished the sentence in her head "d evening. I hope to see you around."
she looked at the girl who had given Ty such a fright. she too seemed just as astounded as she felt at his vanishing. the other girl did seem a little more upset. maybe she had been looking forward to talking to him. "are you okay?" she asked her getting ready to put a reassuring arm around the other girls shoulder if she needed to (not yet moving of course incase she was wrong in her assumption) "you look great by the way. I love the twisted braid you have done" she said maybe a little randomly but she was thinking it so that is what came out.
The defeated Bituin stood watching as Tybalt Archer quickly escaped from the ball. "Of course, I'm alright, I just really needed to talk to Tybalt, I'm Bituin (bit-win)," she said to the younger girl. Glancing around the room she still saw no one who new Tybalt and herself, she knew she was going to go after him but now it seemed like she was going to do it alone. He already seemed scared off by her appearance she only hoped that he would stay long enough and listen to her and believe her. However, she already knew he wouldn't, he hadn't even tired to hear her here, where he'd be safe if in fact she was her sister who wanted to hurt him.

Forcing a smile to the younger girl she was glad to get the compliment about her hair. It had taken most of the time getting ready to get the braid to stay, regular braids were easier but they didn't seem fancy enough for a ball. "Thank you, it was really hard," she said with a blush creeping up her face. Biting her lip the older girl knew she couldn't risk anymore time and for once in her life was going to have to be rude to someone. "I'm really, really sorry Rhi. I need to follow Tybalt and talk to him. My older sister who looks pretty much just like me use to bully him. I don't think he even knows that there are two of us, he must think I'm her, and all I wanted was to apologize to him for her," she said in a rushing tone. She gave the girl an apologetic look feeling bad to leave the young girl on her own at the Yule Ball, but she had to find Tybalt. Rushing off towards the entrance the girl wondered how she would find him now.​
Rhiannon was glad the girl was okay and not too disheartened by Ty disappearing. she saw her looking around the room as if trying to see where he was off to. she felt like saying she should go after him if she wanted to however the girl started to talk a little more responding to her comment about her hair. however she was pretty sure there was more on the girls mind. it was clear then when she too made her apologise That's okay, go and do what you have to do, you don't need to apologise" she said "and good luck" she said cheerfully as the girl disappeared.
This left Rhi in an odd situation standing in the middle of the dance floor suddenly alone. not feeling like dancing any more she headed over to a part of the hall where there was a large crowd forming and realised that was the food table. she took her camera out of her bag and photographed it before taking a plate and putting a selection of food on it, a slice of christmas cake, some pieces of turkey and stuffing, chipolatas, potatoes, other vegetables, a mince pie, and cranberry sauce. she then headed back to the tables. stopping to pick up another goblet of juice this was a spiced orange juice. the table she had sat at before was now occupied by someone but there was a free one near to it. she took a seat and started eating slowly enjoying each item. as she was eating a particularly nice pice of potato she looked around the room wondering again if anyone else she knew was around, or if anyone else was going to join her.
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