Closed inevitable

Chrysander Kaster

freedom is finite; MM assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
There was a fine line, for Chrys, between neglect and being busy. Sometimes he wondered if he had made the right decision when he'd decided to mostly leave his children in the care of others. With Jett and Diamond it had made sense, because he'd really only done that for his love of his friend Sapphire, and then with Honey it just wasn't really going to be ideal, which his work, to have her trotting along after him. He moved around alot, he didn't have a steady address - he supposed he could have had a steady address if he'd wanted one, but honestly he kind of enjoyed the freedom that came from it. He was so used to having family around him constantly that now not having them was a new experience. He didn't see them nearly as often as they would have liked probably, but that was their problem not his. One of these days he would be able to sit them down and actually talk to them, but that day was pretty far off, especially with Ben and Sam now settling down properly with their two kids and with Aleksandra and Jackson off who knew where with their... how many kids did they have now? He couldn't remember, or he didn't care, one or the other really.

He looked at Luna and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. He liked seeing her, spending time with her. She was the only person still in his life that didn't take his sh*t. She had a tendency to tell him off when she thought he was being a d!ck, which was valid as that was pretty often. "Have you seen Honey recently? She's gotten so big," he was having a hard time dealing with the fact she was seven, it wouldn't be too long now until she was off to Hogwarts and having adventures of her own. He could only hope that she would do a better job in school than he ever did, which wasn't going to be hard since he couldn't remember the last time he'd paid attention to anything. "Can I stay? Just for a couple of days, I have a ... meeting with some potential clients over in Brightstone and I don't want to have to stay in one of the inns if I can avoid it. They scalp me these days because they think I trashed one of the rooms." He hadn't, a client had, but then, he supposed that was kind of on him.

@Luna Urquhart-Cade
Luna hadn’t stayed in touch with many people after she had abruptly decided not to go back to school for her final year and finished things out being home schooled. Chrys was one of the few exceptions, they had been best friends when they were younger and while they had been through their fair share of ups and downs, with Chrys leading a particularly exciting life since leaving school, they had still managed to stay in touch. There things they did together that friends didn’t, but they’d always been a little unconventional in their friendship and Chrys offered her a level of comfort and ease that she had never found in anyone she actually tried to date, she didn’t see anything wrong with leaning into that every now and then.

“No I haven’t, I don’t really see much of Elio and Rowan so I don’t see that much of Honey, she doesn’t look like you does she? Poor girl doesn’t need that kind of handicap in her life,” She smiled and leaned into his touch when he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. It still surprised her when he showed moments of gentleness, for whatever reason it felt out of character. “You can, but I hope you aren’t expecting this kind of treatment every day,”
Chrys threw back the covers of the bed, throwing his legs over the side but not standing up. He ran his fingers down his face. "Har har," he said shaking his head at her. She was right though, honestly, though he never really talked about it. Looking like him could only get her into trouble, it got Chrys into enough trouble in his life and he was trying to avoid that for any of his kids. He didn't see much of them anyway, less so of the twins but that was more for Sapphire. Honey was better off with Rowan and Elio because they had the time and ability to pay attention to her, whereas Chrys was busy with everything else he had to do. "She kind of does look like me though, but her personality is all Rowan and Elio, they'll have her turned into a vegan in no time and whenever I see her she begs me to get her a duck, which is pointless since Rowan had Priscilla and she can't have a duck on her own, where would she keep it? It's not like she can stay with me, I have no room, I barely have room for me." he sort of had an apartment, well, it was a place he paid rent on monthly that he never spent any time in unless he had to and whenever he was there he had to clean again. Which sometimes felt like it was all he was doing. But he only ever stayed there when he was with Honey.

"I never expect any kind of treatment from you Luna, I know where I stand," he said, looking over his shoulder at her. From this angle she was even better to look at, but there was a reason for that, obviously. "I promise I'll pay for all the for I eat from the fridge, and if you're lucky I'll even do the dishes. Do you have any games coming up?" He hadn't watched her play Quidditch in a long time and maybe he wouldn't have time to now, but he would like to try if he could. It had been a very long time since he'd done anything that wasn't work, he was so busy. He really needed to think about getting another job. Maybe the Leaky Cauldron was hiring.

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