In your eyes

Dominique frowned. James. . James had been missing her for several days now and she didn't quite understand it. She hadn't been sure at first - she'd thought she might be imagining it - but a couple of more days and she found out that he hadn't really attended any of his class yet. Not until their professor had given her some school works to hand down to him that the reality had dawned on her. But why? She frowned as she thought about it. Surely nothing bad had actually happen, right?

James is someone that Dominique considers to be her friend. He's quiet, but he's sweet. He's smart, but he won't admit it. He's talented, but he won't show it. He's everything that's wonderful about life, everything that makes it worthwhile, yet he's the most mysterious person she had ever met. He's the one thing in life that she can't figure out, but she'd had so much fun trying. However, lately she'd been worried.

Well, James had been acting strange lately. He's been quieter than usual, he never looks anyone in the eye anymore and it makes her worry.

With a sigh, Dominique wandered down a few hallways, looking for something cool and interesting, and of course, looking for him too. She had tried to look at the library, but she couldn't find him. Deciding to take some rest, Dominique started to make her way towards the school's vast grounds, wishing that she'll at least see him there. She wanted to talk to him, after all, she's been really worried.
James was sitting in the Durmstrang forest, leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. He hadn't even been back at school a day without his friends coming to bombard him with questions. He didn't know it, but in his year, James was popular. Especially with the boys, the odd way around it seemed now a days. He had come to find some peace and quiet, having been slightly unnerved by all the questions.

When James had left the school for the summer holidays, everything had seemed good and right. His family had been together, happy and well. But with one curse from a wand, some unknown drunk person had killed James' dad and ruined his life. Within a week, James' mum had packed up all her stuff and moved to America to live with the man she had been having an affair with. James had been left alone in the world now. It wasn't the loss of his mum that had made him panic for he never really got on with her. It was losing his dad. His best friend, his football coach, his mentor and person to turn to. And all of that was gone, gone with one simple curse.

It had taken James a few weeks to get over it and having stayed at his grans, he had had a lot of time to think about what he was going to do. He was going to get revenge. Hunt down this murderer and kill him himself. And if it killed James in doing so, then who would care? No one, or so James thought. That was the reason he had returned to Durmstrang. To find out how to kill and to kill. Whatever it took, he would do it. No one could stop him.

When he had first arrived at the school, he had been confident that it would all be fine. He would keep his cool and answer the expected questions. The thing that had unnerved him was how many people these questions came from. How many people seemed concerned for him and why he had missed the first term. He sighed, leaning back against the tree trunk and trying to focus his thoughts, trying to keep his cool and not give up with life like the rest of his mind told him to do so.
No luck. That's the thought that came to Dominique's mind when she had finally rounded the whole school, James was no where to be found. And honestly, it was unnerving her now. She was getting rather frustrated, everywhere she would go, he's not there, even his so-called friends didn't know where he was. Really, she can't get what it was that was wrong with that guy.

Feeling tired and disappointed with herself, Dominique had had this thought to just return to her dorm, and probably, find one of James' dorm mates and ask the said person to just hand those school works to him, yet, a part of her mind tells her not to do so. She's worried about him, and that reason is not to keep her going.

With a sigh, Dominique had found her way to the school's forest's entrance, well, that was the last place that she hadn't searched yet, and no matter how least the possibility is foe him to be there, she'll take the chance. Hugging the papers close to herself, she tried to call out for him a few times, her voice echoing throughout the forest, until she had decided to stop, after all, if he didn't want to be found, then he'll surely flee again once he head her voice.

Going through the thick forest, Dominique had had this feeling that she will get lost, until finally, she saw him there, just sitting, his back against a tree, and his eyes closed. Smiling inwardly to herself, she had run to approach him. There's no need to hide her presence, is there? "James...there you are, I've been looking for you for ages." She said, one of her hands on her hips while the other was holding the papers.
James jumped as he heard someone say his name. His thoughts disrupted for the present time, he opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times to adjust them to the light. Squinting for a moment, he waited until his eyesight corrected itself before smiling at the person in front of him. "Dominique!" He exclaimed, his tone one of surprise and pleasure. It had been ages since he had seen a lot of people and now it seemed to everyone was suddenly around. He recognised the girl from his classes. They had been friends when they were in their 2nd year, but as time went on, their friendship separated.

But now, in the moment with the situation as it was, he had utter pleasure at seeing someone. He smiled his carefree and lopsided smile at her and ran a hand through his hair roughly. Why had she been looking for him? He asked himself before his attention was drawn to the papers in her hand. Standing up, he smiled again despite the fact that he was slightly annoyed. Not with her, but with teachers. Remembering what someone had said to him about having to make the time up, he groaned inwardly. It was work. Why did he need work? He was clever enough to get an average grade without bothering, but his teachers would probably get in trouble if they didn't make him catch up. "I suppose they are for me then?" He asked, his tone full of mock horror as he let out a theatrical groan.

Funny was a word that people would probably use to describe James. He had a quick sense of humour, making proper jokes rather than inappropriate ones like his class mates. He was mostly friendly to everyone and knew quite a few people in the older years. However, there were a few people that rubbed him up the wrong way and this turned James nasty. Otherwise, as long as they weren't around, he was generally polite and nice to people. He was frequently told that if he was in a Hogwarts house, he would go to Gryffindor. Not clever enough to make it to Ravenclaw, not enough passion for the dark arts to go into Slytherin but brave and loyal enough to go in Gryffindor.

However, he was in Durmstrang now and he was trying his very best to enjoy learning about the dark arts, but in general, it didn't interest him that much. He knew that there were many people around the school that would like to become aurors and therefore went to Durmstrang to learn about the dark arts from dark wizards point of view. But this didn't bother him either. He didn't have a problem as such with the dark arts, but he didn't agree with all the points. Sighing as his attention became distracted again, he turned his thoughts back to Dominique in front of him.
Dominique sighed in relief when James started talking to her, for in all honesty, she had thought that he'll ignore her, run away and proceed with his own business. James was someone that she had considered to be a very important part of her life, they had been friends before, et, for some unknown reason, their friendship began to fall out, leaving them something like casual acquaintances, that's why when the professors had asked her to hand the school works to him, she was quite surprised. Maybe they still thought that they were still pretty close, maybe they still thought that she knew where he was. But actually, at the moment, she was pretty happy with the fact that their professors had somehow misunderstood them once more, for at least, she was able to find an excuse to talk to him again. "Glad that you still recognized me." She said with a laugh as she made herself comfortable by siting right next to him, her hands folded in her lap as she handed him some of the paper works that he was assigned to do.

"Yes it is, see? They were punishing you for missing for quite a long time James, I suppose that you'll have a hard time doing these stuffs." She said with a laugh. She had had a quick scan of the papers while looking for him, and from the looks of it, she knew instantly that working with those papers would take probably few days to finished. Looking at James once again, she had had this urge to just ask him straight-forwardly the reason of his absence, yet, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable, she wanted to let him know that he can trust her, that all those times, she had been a faithful friend, and though they didn't get to talk a lot lately, she was still there, just waiting for him.

Dominique had always admired James, how carefree and funny he was, yet, at the moment, that James had seem to have vanished and what was left was like a hallow shell, something might have happened to cause that and she was determined to find out what it was, no matter what it takes her to do so. Dominique would want to see his old self, the one that she had somehow grown to get attached to.

OOCOut of Character:
wow, you have a long post there.. :D
(OOC: haha thanks :D im glad that i impressed you :p None of the other ones will be that long, i can assure you :p )

James smiled his carefree smile. "How could i forget you?" He asked, rolling his eyes as he laughed softly. Dominique was a good friend of his, and he had liked her since the day they had met. She was clever and sweet, someone who really seemed to care. Glad that he had a friend, he listened to her laugh that he realised he had actually missed having been away. Ever since he had returned, there had been many things that he had missed, the sounds of curses flying around, his friends constant chatter, a boy in his dorm and his snoring. So far, it seemed that in the few weeks he had been away on top of the holiday, he had missed so much and it was only coming back that revealed this to him. Sighing inwardly as he found himself reminiscing over the loss of his dad and the trouble that this had caused, he turned his attention back to her, wondering why it was lacking so much today.

Groaning again as he took the papers, he scanned it and pulled his eyebrows together into a frown. "This will take ages." He said with another groan. Shoving the papers into his bag roughly, he wondered whether Dominique was a good enough friend to help him with it, after all, she would know how it was done. He was probably clever enough to work it out, but in the current state that he found himself, he couldn't be bothered. "I guess you are wondering why i have been off for so long." He said, leaning back again and closing his eyes. It was the same with everyone, and it wasn't news to him to understand why. Most people were nosey, interested in gossiping about him, but some of his close friends had been really kind about it all, understanding what he was going through. Unsure of where he lay in Dominique's opinion, he wondered whether he could trust her. She had been a good and solid friend before, but he wasn't sure if she had changed. And if she hadn't, he knew that he certainly had. But this worried him, whether she would like the new him and whether she would still be the good friend he wanted and needed at such a time.

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