In Too Deep

Ichiro Arai

Curse Breaker / Pro-Blood Magic
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Doxy Wing Core
After a long trip to Russia from his homeland in Australia, as well as Japan, Ichiro Arai, the eldest of the Arai siblings, had long since arrived at the woman that was his girlfriend's house. The two had been dating for about three years now. The two met in Durmstrang, after he transferred in during his fifth year. She was a fourth year at the time. And now, Ichiro was seeing her regularly, while hunting for a house of his own. He had yet to score a job where he wanted to work, but he would have to make due with what he had right now. Cursed objects. He researched them for a living, and it made a decent living. Just not what he wanted. He wanted something that had him researching blood magic. His mother and her family used it, and his father was nothing more than a tool. He was relieved that his blood was no longer used for magic, since he had little brothers now. He was just now getting over the anemia it was causing. Thankfully, it was not severe enough to make him need medical attention. Just made him a little colder than others to certain weather.

For now, his attention was on Tatyana. He called her Mari for short. Rolling over onto the other side of the bed, while still under the covers, Ichiro could hardly catch his breath. He loved it that every time that he got to come see her, they ended up in bed together. Sweat dotted his forehead, as he stared up at the ceiling. His brown eyes looked pretty content, and his blonde hair, transfigured of course, was nothing short of messed up. He clinched the blanket up to his chest, and he continued to stare up at the ceiling. He could only imagine what his mother would say once he got back home. Why couldn't he just find a nice, pureblood Japanese girl? He ended up with a pure Russian angel instead. He let out a soft sigh and he murmured, "I think we should do this more often." He didn't like the fact that he lived so far away. He only came by once every two weeks, and the rest was by letters. He needed to find a way for the two to see each other more. Something that didn't require a huge commitment because that scared him more than anything.
Tatyana Khamidouline could not be an happier now that her boyfriend was with her. She could not deny that she was always looking forward to his routine visits. After all, they could not see each other as much as they would like. She lived far north in the globe, in Russia, to be specific. While he mostly spent the time in Australia or Japan if she wasn't mistaken. It was probably a good thing though that she was now out of school, otherwise it would be harder to see him. During her last year in Durmstrang, she could only see him during the Holidays and it was quite hard not to miss him. After graduation, she had joined a Quidditch team in Bulgaria, although, it couldn't be helped that not long after, she would be going on leave from the team. She had yet to tell Ichiro about this, though it was no doubt that before his visit was over, he would know that she was now expecting their child. Well, she just didn't exactly know how he will react though.

Speaking to her boyfriend about the current circumstance had easily been postponed when he had arrived and they ended up in her bed. It was no surprise to either of them as it happens every single time. Lying on her stomach under the covers, she smiled lazily as he rolled over and tried to catch his breath. "What's on your mind Zen?" she asked as she watched him stare up at the ceiling. She knew him well enough in the three years they had been together if something was on his mind. Granted something was in hers, well, she might as well find out if anything was bothering him before she dropped the news. Laughter spilled from her lips though at his words and she couldn't help but agree. She scooted closer to him and propped herself up just so her face could hover above his. "Hmm, that I can agree on," she said with a grin before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on his lips. She pulled away from him after a moment and decided that it was now or never. She never had been good with subtlety, she preferred to be straightforward and outright. "I'm pregnant by the way," she told him, her voice barely above a murmur as she looked at his features for any change that would indicate how he felt about all this.
Ichiro could not believe his luck when he met and started to date Tatyana. She was so amazing. And beautiful. Sometimes, he had multiple nicknames for her. His favorite was Mari, because of her middle name. Of course, her family was a lot more difficult to get around than his. His mom was just insane. She had her protective father looking after her. And like seven or eight other kids. Ichiro did not really pay attention since he only cared for her. Ichiro heard her speak, and asked what was on his mind. He smirked, "Well, thinking about having a second helping of you. But in all seriousness. I don't think this is enough time together. I think we need to live closer together." But, she lived in Europe and he lived in Australia. He froze to death every time he took a step outside. It was not something he could ultimately help. Laying in bed with Mari, it just made everything better for him. She was a Quidditch player too, which means that she stayed in better shape than he did. He was just researching cursed objects. It was a fun job, though. He hated accidentally touching the cursed object and almost end up in the hospital for it.

She pressed a soft kiss on his lips, and he returned the favor of course, while moaning while he did so. Ah, the taste of her was still on his tongue. She was such an amazing kisser. As soon as she dropped the bomb on him, Ichiro looked at her, hoping that it was a joke. However, he could not see any ounce of a joke on her face. His face paled considerably, before he sat up. The covers fell off of his tattooed his chest. She was pregnant?! Ichiro climbed out of the bed, bare ass naked. He summoned his kimono to him, and put it on. It was black and white, with a red dragon design. He left his pants and everything else. He sat down on the bed once more. Ichiro looked back at Mari, before asking, "Are you sure?" He did not want to really get his hopes up that she was not. But why would she say that if she were messing with him? And he just... Did he just do that with her while she was pregnant with his kid?!
Tatyana had always thought of herself lucky to have become Ichiro's boyfriend. She didn't know why, but he had caught her eye ever since he transferred. She didn't really know what she found in him that was so endearing. Or what he found in her. She knew herself pretty well. If she wanted something, then she was sure as hell going to do everything in her power to get it. But aside from that, she didn't think she had any other qualities that would catch his eye. But she had and she loved every second that they were together. The woman couldn't help but lick her lips at the way he looked at her. She was nearly putty under his gaze, that much she was sure of. "I don't mind a second helping to be honest," she said as she grinned back at him though she couldn't help but scoot closer to him when he had told her his thoughts on living closer. "Living closer sounds really nice," she mumbled. It was no secret that she had been wanting to be together with him for a while now. Especially while she was in Durmstrang and he had already graduated. She had hoped that when she graduated, they'd be able to have more time with each other, but even then, they barely see each other.

Tatyana had imagined a couple of reactions from the man that was her boyfriend. As expected, one of them hit the jackpot. She watched as his face turned ashen and his eyes widened in realization. The woman looked at him silently in worry as he hurried to get himself dressed and she half wondered if he was leaving her now. It would be lying if she said that she didn't care whether he accepted the child or not. Because she wanted him to be part of this. She wanted him to be part of the child's life. She sat up on the bed, clutching the sheets closer to her body to offer him a slight bit of modesty as he sat down. "Zen?" she called him quite hesitantly, one of her hands reaching out to his shoulder to make him face her. She needed to know how he was taking this. She needed to know how he felt about this. "Of course I'm sure," Tatyana assured him and she wondered what he is planning to do now.
Ichiro felt her hand on his shoulder, and made him look at her. His dark eyes looked at his girlfriend, as he thought this over. Sure, he wanted to be a dad one day, but anytime soon was something that he didn't want. But, he wanted to be close to Mari. She was this amazing person to him, and he didn't want to lose her over his fear Their child would be a pure-blood, which made the child very valuable within the family. Even then, he wouldn't want his mother to use his or her blood. No, the kid would be brought up similar to him, but not in the same way. Blood magic was something he loved, and will always. But he would never use the blood of his babies. Everything was just too fast for him, and he didn't know what to do. She was sure that she was pregnant too. Ichiro rubbed his face with both of his hands. "I'm going to be a dad then, since I know we have been nothing but faithful," muttered Ichiro, with uncertainty lacing his voice. Not that they were unfaithful, but that he was going to be a dad. He knew a lot about infants. He spent a lot of his life around them. That was not what bothered him. What did was commitment.

Was he ready to commit to Tatyana? Well, she was amazing and he loved her. He looked down at her neck for a moment, admiring the delicate lines. They were having a child, so no matter what, they would be tied. Perhaps, things won't be as bad as he thought. He placed his hand on hers, before he finally said something that was in his normal range, and with confidence once more, "If we are going to have a child together, then we need to make things a little more permanent. I'm not asking you to move in with me. I'm asking you to be my wife, and the rest is implied." Ichiro remembered that he did not have a ring, because well, he was not exactly planning this. It was new, and fast, something he didn't like, but there was a baby coming and there was no halting that for the next two or three years. He spoke, once more, "I don't have a ring, but we can get you one real soon. If you accept anyway. I knocked you up. How can you deny a marriage after that?"
Tatyana couldn't help the small smile that formed upon her lips at his words. He trusted her loyalty to him and that touched her. It would have scared her to think how either of them would react if he had suspected that the child she was carrying was not his. It was not a possibility though, because she loved him and as stubborn and hardheaded as she may seem, she was not stupid enough to break the trust of the man she wanted to be with. Although, the uncertainty that laced his voice, not just his voice really, more like his whole being, was worrying her. She knew that taking the news would not be easy. Hell, it had taken her a few days before the idea of her carrying a child had finally sunk in. It was worrying her though that she did not know what was going on through his mind right now. And then he spoke and she was left speechless.

Tatyana did not know how she was supposed to react to all of this. Sure, she had dropped a baby bomb on him. But he did not have to drop another bomb on her! She was pretty sure she was pretty much gaping like a fish right now at what she supposed was his proposal and she would have laughed if the matter wasn't so serious. There they were, him fully clothed and her naked underneath the blanket that was covering her, him still getting over the baby news and then suddenly springing what was pretty much a marriage proposal on her. She wanted to marry him though. Merlin did she ever! But what was worrying her was did he even want this to begin with? Was he marrying her just because she was pregnant? She forced a smile on her lips against the rampant thoughts in her head. "Zen? Baby? I would love nothing but to say yes to becoming your wife. But I don't want you to marry me if you're not ready, or just because you knocked me up," she said before placing a chaste kiss on his lips and placing her forehead against hers. "We can and will raise our baby together. But I want us to marry when we're both ready. I would love to be your wife. So if the position is still open for me then, I would gladly accept."
If it was one thing that Ichiro did not do, it was kid around. If he wanted to marry Mari, he would do so. And he asked, so he would not be taking it back. He wanted her to be his and always. Sure, it scared the living hell out of him, but he needed her to be at his side. He would have gone insane without her. And she supported everything that he did. Well, he kept the blood magic bit a little bit on the secret side. Ichiro had no reason to reveal it, and would not until he was caught red handed, no pun intended. Ichiro decided to voice what was flying through his head. “I love you. The baby that is in that womb is a pure-blood, and I believe that the sanctity of parenthood that the parents need to be married. It must have happened with that one that looked broken that night a month or two ago.” Things like that happened, and now that it happened to him, he would have to just live with the consequences. How to juggle everything while keeping his family in Russia. Well, they would have no choice. Good thing he had his own apartment with two bedrooms.

“The position is still open,” Ichiro spoke, while placing his hand on her cheek. He did have a couple of conditions, such as a Japanese wedding, but he was sure that she would accept that. He would love to be married in the place where he was born before moving back to Australia. Sure, he preferred Japan, but his mother demanded that he remained close to keep a close eye on his brothers and sisters. “I guess you will just have to pack your things and move in with me. You’ve not seen my new apartment. It isn’t big, but I’m not a fan of big places.” Ichiro stood up from the bed, and stretched his arms toward the ceiling. He was in a hurry to get out of there, and for more than one reason. Her dad, Borya, happened to hate Ichiro because he was sketchy. Ichiro was into some pretty Dark stuff, but it could be worse. He could be descended from that one family neighboring Russia in some aspect. Ichiro and his family could not compare. “I just hope your dad doesn’t know,” muttered Ichiro, as he turned around and looked through the curtains of the window.

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