In the libaray

Amber Watson

Well-Known Member
Amber was in the libaray studying for a test. She was reading and not paying attintion to the other people.
Axelle had been worried about her grades, so she decided she needed to study. She had been to the library only once before, and that was to get a few books that she had not returned. She hoped the librarian would not recognize her, but just in case, she snuck past the front deck. As she was sneaking past she tripped over a chair that held a blond girl.
Amber looked to see a girl. "oh I'm sorry are you ok?" she asked not recoginzing the girl because she spent most of her time in the libaray.
She smiled and stood up, pulling up her pants and adjusting her shirt. "Oh I'm fine." She said, looking back at the librarian. "So who did i have the pleasure of tripping over."
Amber frowned. "Amber Watson" she said then a small smile touched her lips. "and who did i have the pleasure of tripping?" she asked.
"Axelle, got it memorized." She said smiling at her. "What'cha studying?"
"Really, i hate history. it's the only class i have trouble with." She said frowning a bit.
Amber smiled. "my parents dig and study history and artifacts so it's in my blood i could help you if you want" she said.
She smiled and listened. "Really, my mom isn't like that. Seh's a dancer, so i'm supposed to be as dumb as a post too." Seh said jokingly. "Really, you would help me?"
"Well that would be great. Oh crap." She ducked under the table as the librarian walked by.
Axelle nodded. "Yeah like, my first year here. i have no clue where they are." She said laughing and standing up.
"Well she's been harping me about it lately." She said taking a seat.
"No, that's not it." She said frowning. "If it were that easy." She ducked under the table as the libraian came back, "i wouldn't be hiding under a table, looking at the gum." She made a noise and came back up. "I think the gum just moved."
"Be that as it may," she said. "I still think some gum moved!"
"Creepy." Was all Axelle could say.

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