In the beginning

Carter Kaster

head of international magical law
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Carter honestly didn’t know what to think. He was excited, exuberant, ecstatic! All the things a man should be when they find out they are having a baby… but this was also problematic. Though Carter was confident that he would never leave Kiera again, her health was another thing entirely. He hadn’t meant for this to happen, but accidents were accidents, they weren’t actively trying. Still, Carter worried every day that this would be the day. He wasn’t sure how to go forward and talking to Kiera about his concerns just didn’t help. If anything, ever happened to Kiera, he didn’t know what he would do. It would be his fault, he’d never be able to forgive himself.

Carter sat quietly as he waited for the results. Finding out they were expecting was easy, potions were quick and simple. Finding out other things however, not so much. It felt like they’d only just gotten back together and now they were doing things to prepare for a child. It felt like it was going so fast. And Carter was snailing on behind. It was simultaneously exciting and terrifying all at once. He was trying to wrap his head around it, but it was not working out that way at all.
To say Kiera Kaster was nervous was an understatement. This was not supposed to happen. They were supposed to be grown adults that knew how to protect themselves from unexpected pregnancy. Though, Kiera hadn't been taking precautions that night that Carter showed up at their home to reconcile with her. She hadn't expected him back in his life, and Kiera had already broken up with Etienne at the time. The mother felt like this was all one big cosmic joke, and they were right back to where they had been when they had the fight that split them up for over two years. Except this time, the pregnancy was moving forward. She had gone last month to confirm that she was in fact expecting, and today she had her first official visit to check the baby.

Kiera had gone alone today, like she had selfishly asked to do. She wanted to ask the healers her own questions without Carter's anxious expression to make her even more nervous that she was already. She had not been prepared for what she found out. The brunette walked into the house with a blank expression on her face, looking for her husband. "Carter? I'm home." she called out, trying to keep her fear pushed down and out of her voice.
Carter was a nervous wreck by the time Kiera finally got home. He didn't know what he was more concerned about. Her Health or the results. Either way, as she announced herself, Carter moved to pour himself a strong drink before joining her. He sat on the lounge again, trying to steady himself, emotionally at least, as he gestured for her to join him. He'd have made Kiera a drink as well, only she was pregnant. "How did it go?" He asked, wrapping himself around her to comfort both her and himself. They were both very strong people, no doubt, but they definitely needed a little bit of support right now. This was one of the hardest things Carter had gone through, and he'd nearly lost Kiera once. He refused for it to happen again.
Kiera knew that Carter was just as anxious as she was, and she could see it all over his face as he sat down in his favorite chair. As her husband opened his arms to her, the petite woman went straight into them, wrapping her arms around his neck as she sat down in his lap. She took a deep breath, trying to figure out best way to relay the answer to his question. "I'm definitely pregnant." Kiera said, looking at Carter to see his reaction. She knew he wanted this, but she wasn't so sure he was prepared for what she was going to tell him next. "Carter, it's twins. I'm pregnant with twins." she said, feeling her stomach tighten up in knots. The healers had warned her today that her chances of surviving this pregnancy were slim due to her past miscarriages and her age. All Kiera could do was take this one day at a time. "I got to hear the heartbeats." she said, looking at him anxiously. She didn't know how he would take this additional surprise.
Carter, by any definition, was not a swearer. He liked to present himself professionally most times because of his position and because he was brought up in a home and not in the gutter. He considered swearing to be a very low form of communication. He'd swore only once or twice in his entire life. He was about to make it three. "F*cking hell." The only response that seemed appropriate at the time was not a great one, nor did it give Kiera much of a window into how he was feeling, but it's all his mind could come up with in that moment. "Twins, I didn't... expect that." It was always going to be possible, given Kiera's other set of twins. He didn't ever expect it though. He wasn't sure how this affected the rest of it, but it was... thrilling to hear. He placed his hand over her stomach and pressed his face into her neck. "How were they? Strong?"
Carter's exclamation did not give her much confidence in his initial reaction. The words that followed instilled even less confidence. She knew it was a lot to take in all at one time, and Kiera couldn't say that she was completely over the shock of it herself. Especially when they had both decided that having children together was not in their future. Still, Kiera couldn't help but smile as Carter nestled his face into her neck and placed a hand on her still flat stomach. He seemed...hopeful and excited. "They were perfect." she said with affection for him and their unborn children. "They said we should expect the babies to arrive in early March." Kiera said, knowing it was still early and not to get her hopes up too high. Pregnancy was not easy on her body, and twin pregnancy even less so. She had been on bed rest for half of her pregnancy with Lyra and Link.
There was nothing really more that Carter wanted in his life. He had three beautiful kids, thanks to James, and he loved them as much as any father would. He was so happy to hear that, at least so far, everything was going well, but it couldn't stop him from feeling like maybe this was wrong somehow. "I'm glad. March is a good month. Not too hot and not too cold." The real question here was, what were her chances of survival? "What did they say about... you?"
Kiera knew Carter would get to the most important question sooner rather than later. He knew she had been advised to not have any more children. What he didn't know, and Kiera had no plans to tell him, was that the healers had tried to convince her to terminate the pregnancy for her own well being. They had told her to go home and discuss things with her husband and to come back in one week. Kiera had no intention of doing that. She had already made up her mind. "Everything is perfect with me." she lied, smoothing his hair with her fingers. Kiera would have to be brave for them both now. "Don't worry, love." she said, calmly.
Carter sighed in relief as Kiera told him there were no problems. He definitely would not want this pregnancy to hurt her, after all, he'd resigned to the fact this would never happen and now that it was he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. It probably was, but if he got to keep both of them, he would never complain about anything ever again. She started stroking his hair and Carter smiled. "I'm so glad. I don't ever want to lose you again, not for anything." The calmness in her voice was helping to sooth his own nerves. If she said they could get through this then he believed her one hundred percent. Nothing would ever come between them again. "I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. You know that, right?"
Kiera hadn't expected Carter to believe her so easily, but she was relieved that he had. She would still have to keep him from coming to the next appointment. She didn't want the healers to question him about her decision. Carter's words made her feel a twinge of guilt in the pit of her stomach. Carry a baby, let alone twins, was very dangerous to her health. She leaned in and kissed him softly. "It wouldn't be your fault, Carter." she said, hoping he would remember that always.

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