In need of peeps for rpage

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Corinne Kolpeck

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 1/4" Bloodwood/ Cocobolo wood mix with hair of unicorn core
Corinne is the midwife and healer at St.Mungo's but has only been in New Zealand a few months having moved over from England with her father Samson who is the Director of St. Mungo's. She has yet no life outside of her career but would like to see that change.

So anyone interested in becoming friends - male or female, becoming a love interest perhaps just let me know here ;)

thanks :wub:
I have a lady willing to be a friend,
Tracy is in her thirties (Can't remember her exact age), she holds up the apearance of pure blood woman ut would be willing to be friends with someone nice as her current guy is making her softer. Is she okay?

They could meet through the hospital? She's due for a check up as she is pregnant.
I have Ben(18) . Although hez a lot younger hez really intrested in becoming a healer. a crazy excited but serious kid. what say? I am soon going to apply to be a healer in training
@Jay - Tracy sounds perfect - why don't you send her right along into the hospital and Corinne will see to her ;)

@Kasey - Send Ben along.. she can start training him up ;) along with her father
should make for some interesting rp's
I could offer Nicolette up as a friend, she used to work at St. Mungos some time ago but quit due to lack of a life from all the work.

this is great... ok
Adam perfect no worries - best pm first and we can hash something out as to where and when etc.

;) Jessye :hug: pleasure as always - - that would be great. Nicolette would be perfect ;)

we can hash the details out as well ;) yeah Corinne has no life either :(
I have Noelle Viera (24) who is generally sweet hearted and really quite mature, having a five year old and another child on the way will do that to a person, I suppose. She doesn't have too much of a life other than her son and her ex-husband who she is still very much in love with and I've been wanting to get her friends for a little while now.
Awesome ;)

Noelle would be perfect as well
they could meet up through the hospital as well or something, one of Noelle's children has a mishap perhaps.
we can work it out over pm or something anyhow.

Thanks a million everyone
I think she has more than enough friends for now :hug:
and plenty of rpage to be getting on with too :woot:
:hug: am on it ;)

thank you

finally feel like my adult characters are getting some life into them =))
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