in need of friends

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Emmett Martin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Well Emmett is in need of friends. Hes a nice guy who will probably end up in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Hes into muggle sports and will most likely love quiditch(sp?) he is Brodie fudges cousin(yes the demon child) so any friends of Brodie would most likely be enemies of Emmett so if you want to be his enemy that would be cool too :p
Him and Jess could be enemies. I would like to say friends, but Jess is most likely going to be a Slytherin and is pretty nasty at times. But im willing to meet and form some kind of relationship with Emmett :)
I could be mates witrh you. Taylor and Brodie have already had a run in. She really doesn't llike him.
sorry i havn't replied to this >.< havn't been on Emmett in a bit

i can so see Taylor telling Emmett all about Brodie and Emmett being all like, D= how can my cousin do that!?

and Emmett would probably act all big brothery to Eunice :p

was she 15 when you made that post or am i going crazy? :blink:
w00t w00t!

at this rate i can totally see a show down between Brodie and his friends and emmett and his! :lol:
((Same person as Taylor))

Sounds funky. Wanna RP it then? Lisa could join in too, she already knows Taylor and was with her when she had the run in with Brodie.
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