In need of direction

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Hello, I am Elvera le fey
I am a sixth year Hogwars new zealand student, and I just wanted to let you know that i am looking for something i have lost, what is this i hear you ask, well i need a little drama, in my six years at the school i have watched my fellow students pass from stages of deepest love to grief at the death of a family member, however i have not really been involved in any such things since the end of my first year five years ago where i found my mother. but now i am getting bored of my monotonous life, and i want some change. weather it be that i fall in love (or at least get a crush) with someone, or it may be that i get bullied (maybe someone starts telling me that i am not good enough to be in ravenclaw and should be somewhere else, that will actually be an awesome idea), anther option is that i find a lost half sister, not that i know much about my farther just that his name was Arthur and he went to Hogwarts scotland and is, i think 55 like my mother and her sister, but i have never met him and he could be the minister for magic in Singapore for all i know, i dont even know what he looks like because i look just like my mother.
so if anyone can help me give my life some form of direction please reply to this by a message in a bottle, as i feel a little stagnant,
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