In need of a future girlfriend

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Callum Yarn

Active Member
OOC First Name
Soo, I have to been on Callum... At all... For a long time xD And I need to get his plots sorted out. So, to start with, seeing as there aren't many boys around, Callum is currently open to girls!

He has blondey/brown hair, and he is quite small. He is always friendly and a bit shy.
Thanks everyone! :jesse:
Well Trinity might be up for a little romance but only a little
she's got her heart well and truly set on one particular individual and even if he never ever feels the same as she - she doesn't want any other.
She'll become a spinister xD

so yeah, if you want a light romance as they are only young things any how - she's good to go ;)
Hmmm... Well, thank you for the offer but he is looking for something more serious xD
But thanks again.
i have izzy i could offer. she has an over bubblky champagne bottle as her personality. She loves to draw(although bad at it)dance and choreograph dances and set them to music. she can be shy at first but easy to get along with

shes 12 (i think)
Hey there, I have Sydney Caine, she's a third year Slytherin. You'd have to wait a few months before they meet as she's in a rough patch and needs the ice broken first. After that happens she will be nice, occasionally b!tchy, but a genereally good person.
Oo, both very nice offers.

What's Izzy's surname? o_O
And I will start 2 RP's and PM them to both of the characters :D
If Yearn doesn't mind a girlfriend from another school I have Judy at Beauxbatons where she's learing just what her spine is good for. She went through a terrably shy stage that she's now getting over with a little help from the (unmade) friends she got at Beauxbatons so if you wish to RP over the brake we can :D
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