In Need of a BFFL?

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Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member
So Izaak has a few, ahem, issues at the moment and I realised that he's seriously lacking some friends he can talk to :doh:

A best friend would be good, preferably a girl I think, 17+ Perhaps they could have already met/been best friends? If not, he's a pretty lovable guy and makes friends quickly. Even then it would be good if he could have a few more friends on top of that ^_^ Check out his bio if need be, the link is in my signature.
I'd prefer it if you could write at least one-two paragraphs per post but other than that, buddy away =))

Love, Em :)
Melodie would be perfect...I think she's*embharrased that I don't know my own characters ages...* anyway, she doesn't have much to do right now or any friends, so that would be good.
I have Valencia here. Her character can be a real jerk to people at times, but that's mostly people that mess with her or she sees as below herself. Her personality is very contradictory in many ways, but the reason I think she'd work as your friend is because she's been through some really tough times and is very wise in many ways, though she rarely shows it. She's feircely loyal and insanely protective. Despite her many less than good qualities, she truly cares about the people that manage to get close to her, though those people are very few and far between. She's wild, and she loves to party, but she can also be very withdrawn from others at times due to recent events in her past. Also, she's really in need of a good friend, and I think she'd get along better with a guy. Let me know what you think, if you decide against her, it's cool. This character can be tricky to have a connection with. On the up side, I like writing long posts :)
darling are you sure you want to go there?
wouldn't a boy be a better best friend for you?
after all you and girls tend to get extremely flirty, you're a very hands on guy

we could end up very much like Iz and Alexis did :r

that is all I will say on the matter
would you like me to get myself a male bffl ? a real handsome guy??

where's Greyson gone? :shifty:
Honey, please, how am I ever supposed to gush to a guy about you the way I want to? And besides, Alexis didn't mind all my girl bffls :r
Um, I love you?

=)) Lin, you crack me up

But just for the record this is open to guys too. He's just going to have a lot of emotional baggage he needs to spill and somehow I don't think males would appreciate that xD

Caysi, if you wanted to start a topic somewhere that would be great ^_^
And Maddison, I replied :)
Just got back from hospital :cry: but I will reply now. There should be no chance of Melodie flirting because she is well, engaged so yeah
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