Open In Fancy Clothes

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Liusaidh Styx

100% defeated styx
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kalif II
Knotted 12" Flexible Chestnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
7/2040 (21)
Liusaidh walked into the great hall, she always went to these things but they were hit or miss as to if she had any fun. Sometimes yes and sometimes they were just dull and boring. She didn’t exactly have anything better to do with hert time and she was also a little curious as to if she’d see Rosenberg at this thing with that boy she’d possibly heard about. The idea that anyone would want to date Rosenberg was wild to her, so any opportunity to see this and Liusaidh would take it up. She walked into the great hall but didn’t immediately spot who she wanted to. She frowned a little and just went to the drinks table and kept glancing around at everyone in the room to be able to spot anyone she knew that she could annoy.
Natalia smoothed down her dress as she took in the decorations in the Great Hall. Unlike the Yule Ball, the decorations for the Valentine's Dance remained unchanged. Which was a shame, as they were pretty tacky. Natalia headed to her usual spot at these events, a drinks table near the door. It meant she could leave easily once she got bored of standing around. Unfortunately, she didn't notice Liusaidh standing there until it was too late. Natalia met her eyes and knew she couldn't pretend not to have noticed her. Great. Liusaidh was the person her parents would want her to hang out with, but last time Natalia had spent time with her at an event like this she had gotten in the middle of a fight between her and Gisele Rosenberg. It had been uncomfortable. But there was no getting out of at least saying hello. "Hello Liusaidh, you look nice tonight," Natalia said politely.
Liusaidh glanced at Natalia and gave a little laugh, "Good evening Natalia," Liusaidh said with a near mocking tone, always finding it funny how polite Natalia was. "Ye look average," she replied with a little smirk. She could admit that Natalia looked nice, but wanted to just mess with the girl a little more. "Hows yer sister?" Liusaidh would happily admit that while she found Natalia boring her sister was way more fun.
Natalia felt a bit relieved at Liusaidh's fairly normal response to her question but tensed at her next words. She had no idea what to say to that, which was clearly the older girl's goal. Natalia faltered, glancing around. She could hardly thank her for something that wasn't a compliment. Frowning, she debated saying something about it. But her parents would kill her if she got into a fight with a girl of Liusaidh's status. The girl's question about her sister was a welcome distraction. "She's well, I believe." She said. "My parents let her join the phoenix scouts, she can let out some of her energy there," Natalia said, using the exact phrasing her mother used when talking about Isadora's new hobby.
Liusaidh couldn't help her little giggle as Natalia began answering the question of how her sister was. She gave a little frown at the name of the group. "Wow, that's so....muggle," she didn't really know what it was in all honesty, given she hadn't been raised in New Zealand it was no surprise that she wouldn't know any of the things relating to kids there were, so she just called it muggle. "What dae the phoenix scouts dae exactly?" she asked, trying to appear curious.
Natalia blinked at Liusaidh's words, then frowned. "What? No it's not." She snapped, barely noticing that this was probably the first time she ever spoke back to Liusaidh. "What part of Phoenix scouts sounds muggle?" She asked with a frown. But as Liusaidh asked what they did, Natalia couldn't really answer her. She shrugged. "I don't know. My sister barely talks to me. About that stuff, I mean." She said, adding the last part quickly. She shouldn't say anything that could make her family look bad.
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