I'm still not wearing a Dress...

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Taylor Blare-Edogawa

mama of 12; tengu coach; fighter
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Mahogany Wand 14 inches Essence of Unicorn Hair
Tonight was the night. The one night that Taylor had been dreading since Deme had first asked her to accompnay him. He had been pestering her for weeks to wear a dress and no matter how many thimes she had said no, he seemed adament that he was not going to allow her to NOT wear a dress, and even right up to two hours before this event, he had kept asking her to change her mind and to wear a dress. But why would she want to do that? She had been a tom boy her whole life. She had never worn a dress before, nto even at her christening, or so she was told. Though why she had even got christened she didn't know, it wasn't like her parents were muggles. That was pretty silly, both her parents had actually attended this school. She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror and fixed her hair for what seemed like the fifth time this night. She had agreed to atleast look girly for him so that he would feel better. No matter how much she hated high heels, she loved Deme, he was her bestfriend and she hated to see him sad, so she would endure this for as long as he wanted her to stay. Hopefully, that wasn't going to be all night. She smiled lightly at the thought of maybe dancing and figured that atleast she would get in some excercise, though how much she would be able to do in these uncomfortable shoes was unclear. She shrugged her shoulder, fixed her jacket and smiled at her reflection. She looked pretty okay in her mind. Atleast she had left her hair down. Normally it was up, but Deme had won that battle.

Taylor stepped out of the Gryffindor commonroom, to find Demetrius, already there waiting for her. He complimented her lightly which made her smile, and ten they headed towards the Great Hall, where tonight festivites would be taking place. She wondered how many people would actually turn up. She had heard that the kid she had met in the holidays before school, had decided to take the partgoblin girl. That was pretty adorable. She only knew of one Part-goblin, but she had read about another in RHI, though she had never met the other girl. She wondered how many part goblins there even were in this school. It could be interesting to meet some. She shrugged at her own thoughts and smiled as they eventually reached the double doors to the great hall. Everyday in this place was like a magical adventure to the young Gryffindor, and this one was no different. She looked across herself to see Deme and pointed to the floating candles and the other decorations. It seemed that the Yule ball was pretty serious business here. The song that was playing was soft and slow and she frowned slightly. She didn't really like soft and slow but she would put up with it. She walked to a corner of the room and turned to look at Deme. "So... I'm guessing you had some sort of evening planned out... What do you want to do now?" Taylor herself was no good at planning. She was honestly surprised she had gotten such high marks for her exams. Though she was incredibly happy too.
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