I'm shipping YOU up to New Zealand

Ainslee Maxwell

Mum to 🧒🏻🧒🏻👧🏻 | Head of IUOM
OOC First Name
Agent Smith
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sturdy 14 inches Oakwood wand with Magaul feather core
The sound of her tapping fingers against the wooden table was enough to know that Ainslee Maxwell was frustrated at something. On her left hand is a letter that she requested from the Improper Use of Magic office of Britain, a letter that they send out to underage wizards or witches that used magic in front of muggles or simply kids who can't control their magic. Either way, she can't let it go even though, her niece did it.

Ainslee talked to her brother about her niece to him and he couldn't agree more to what she offered to do. Shipping his daughter to New Zealand. It was the last option they had because her niece had attempted to do magic on one of her friends at a slumber party. Ainslee was not close to her niece and the only way to talk to her is treat her a whole day of going to Diagon Alley but with more approached on the 'Girl-you're-being-shipped-to-New-Zealand'.

She groaned, "Why am I even doing this?" Ainslee mumbled to herself.
Teagan was disgusted when her mother told her to go inside their huge fire place, fit for a king. Although not used and is being clean everyday, she still hates doing this as a means of transportation to the Wizarding world but she has to. Today, Teagan is spending the day with her estrange aunt who she doesn't talk to a lot, not even when she visits.

She doesn't hate her aunt, in fact, Teagan wants to meet her in person because whenever she ask her to her father, her father would say something good about her on how she's so lady like and loves everyone. Teagan got a handful of floo powder when her mother handed her a clear mason jar. Her mother reminded her to speak loud and clear when dropping the floo powder.

The young child took a deep breath and smiled to her mother and spoke loudly and high, "The Leaky Cauldron." And green flames smoulder her and vanished. Next thing she knew, she had traveled from Ireland to United Kingdom in just a split second. Teagan's feet landed square on another fire place, this time, much dirty than their own.

She shook her entire body like a spider just came up on her while getting out of the fire place. Though the place was familiar, a dark pub with barely costumers in it. Teagan was at The Leaky Cauldron, it was now her fifth time to come here but a first without her parents. She started to look for her aunt but it wasn't even a minute, she spotted her not far from the bar.

Teagan walked toward her and spoke when she neared the woman, "Aunt Ainslee?" She called out. She was nervous, that's what she's feeling right now. Though, there was something about this meeting that seems to be off.
Ainslee blew out a frustrated huff, she looked at her wrist watched and it indicated that her niece is late for about 5 minutes. To last the boredom again, she opened the letter containing a copy of the letter. Ainslee had mailed letters like that since she first work at the Improper Use of Magic Office in New Zealand and had went to people's houses to witness wizards and witches' wand being destroyed on their third offense.

Seeing that her niece has the first warning, Ainslee felt that she has to do something about it since she never was a good aunt to her. She avoided her because since her niece was born, Ainslee was named the third heir to the Marquessate of Donigael oppose to being the second heir. She knows she has been greedy all those times when she was young and now she became a lady, Ainslee's greediness subsided.

Ainslee was finishing up reading the copied letter when a high pitched tone from a girl spoke behind her. She turned around to see her niece, Teagan. Teagan, for Ainslee, was different compared to her brother or even her sister-in-law. She has blonde with a hint of brown hair, slim, pretty white and tall. Teagan was like she's not born to the Maxwell family. Ainslee smiled at her niece and stood up to hug her, when she released Teagan, Ainslee stared at her mesmerized for some reason.

"I'm sorry, I though you'll be arriving by car. Didn't think for once we're a family of witches and wizard and are subscribe to the floo network." Ainslee chuckled to lighten up the mood and so she can stop looking at her niece, "Anyways, I'm glad you came." She continued. Time flies too fast, in a few months she'll be entering Hogwarts as well.
The air from her lungs seems to have gone out when her aunt Ainslee just suddenly hugged her once she stood up from the bench she was just sitting on. Teagan hugged her aunt back and smiled, she was glad to meet her again; beautiful and intelligent, that's what her aunt Ainslee is or how she see her. She actually wants to be her, work at the Ministry and all that.

When both released each other from the hug, her aunt said she was glad she came. Teagan frowned with a smile, how come her aunt thought of that? There wasn't any trouble between them. "Why would you say that? You're like my favorite aunt." And it was true, her other aunt, Jessica Fields, isn't actually always around. Jessica missed a lot of her birthdays but not Ainslee, her aunts have different personalities that you can't explain.

Like how her aunt Ainslee is more lady like than her aunt Jessica who acts tough when she's not, how her aunt Ainslee works at the Ministry now and her aunt Jessica only works at the Ministry half a month or not at all if the British prime minister doesn't have anything for the Minister for Magic. And her aunt Jessica seems to loath her and her mom.

"So, do you have anything plan for today? Are we going to Diagon Alley for shopping or Westfield london? Teagan asked. She didn't mind going to both or either one as long as she's happy spending time with her aunt Ainslee.

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