I'm Not Actually Reading

Graeme Fergusson

chaser for pride of portree & scotland | new dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
10/2022 (39)
Graeme was struggling, he was sitting in the Student lounge, just staring at the book that was open in front of him. He was meant to be studying for the potions class, and while he didn't have a test or anything like that, it was one of his weaker subjects so he'd decided to try to fix it by doing a bit of studying. But, it had become very clear very quickly that studying was not his strongest trait. He liked practicing the spells, and actually doing the potions, but the reading and just learning part of things seemed to be something that he now struggled with. It hadn't really been anything that he had struggled with before, but Hogwarts was slightly more intense than his home, and in his home there were times when he had just simply been alone and bored and those two thing generally lead to him just doing homework. Hogwarts was not the same as this. It was incredibly different. There were constantly people everywhere. He mind was always in about a hundred other places than where it should actually be. All of these things just boiled down to the fact that while he had his book open at the correct page, he'd been at that page for a good ten minutes. He had just been staring at the words, neither moving forward or taking any of it in actually. So this posed a small problem, he was getting no where, he was bored, but he felt like he should be studying. Which he clearly wasn't. Looking up from his book, the boy glanced around the room. There were a couple of students dotted about the place, but it wasn't like it was an overly busy room. he also saw no one that he actually knew which didn't actually help anything. He was just stuck sitting with his book open in front of him, doing nothing.

Graeme stood up, he was bored, and not getting anywhere, there was no use pretending, so he got to his feet and just walked around the table once. Just hoping that perhaps this method would allow himself to actually get beyond that page he'd be on for too long. After this one round of the table, Graeme just stopped where all his stuff was, where he'd been sitting. Glanced around the room again. This was pointless. He was getting no where. Kneeling down the boy pulled his bag out from where it had been underneath the table, and opening it up tried to find something that he could do. Something that was more interesting that what he was currently doing. Anything really. Graeme only managed to find more books. A couple of bits of paper. Nothing. Graeme groaned, shoving his bag back underneath the table and sitting himself back down on his chair. He gave a small sigh and looked back at the book. But, as he did, he once again realised that this was utterly pointless. Graeme pushed his chair back, and while holding the book began to balance the chair, using the table to make sure the chair would stay upright and so he had control. he placed the book on his lap and just stared at the words, letting his mind wander as he took nothing of the words in.
Maya Corby was just a little bit bored. She had not been doing much at all today and it was starting to impact her day. As it turned out, doing nothing made her just as tried as doing everything. She just couldn't win. She had not classes today, unfortunately, because she rather enjoyed her classes. Deciding that she didn't want to just sit around, Maya took to the corridors in search of people. Maybe she would find one of her friends. Maya liked walking around the halls of Hogwarts. She was often so amazed by all the magic she saw around the place. It really was so mysterious and sometimes frightening. She had seen objects that could be lifted by magic and blown away with magic and changed with magic. She could never do something like that on her own without magic. It would be hard. It would surely be impossible. Though as wonderful as magic was, she had to wonder just how reliable, she was terrified that she would stuff something up, or break something, or hurt some one, even herself. Of course she understood that danger was one of the reasons that they had Professor's and Older Students looking out for them, apart for the sole instruction that is. Maya was taking it in her stride though. She was learning everything she could and she was redefining what it meant to be in a different world. She had written to her father a couple of times, though not as many times as she would have liked. She would never have thought that she could be this busy, but apparently this was happening. Her favourite class so far was probably Flying. That was amazing. Charms was good too. She had written her father about Quidditch and whilst he hadn't told her that she couldn't join, he had advised against it because he was worried. That was okay, Maya didn't really know if she was ready to join anyway. It seemed kind of scary to be honest.

The corridors always confused Maya. She often got lost. It was probably how she was always finding herself in all these new places, because she often didn't know where she was, which made a lot of sense. There was even one time she had gotten stuck on the stairs. That had been unpleasant. She was always careful about that now and made sure that she was with someone else when crossing that point. Just for moral support if anything else. It was good though. Since making the decision she actually hadn't been stuck on the staircase. She somehow felt that the stairs were alive and that they liked to play pranks on the first years. Maybe it wasn't just the first years though, she was sure she had heard about older students getting lost or stuck around the castle. So she had that to look forward to she supposed. Shrugging, Maya noted that she was on the fourth floor. At least she thought she was, she couldn't be sure. Maya came across the Student Lounge as she walked, looking in curiously. She had not made it to the Student Lounge yet, so she hadn't been here before, of course she had walked past here plenty of times on her way to and from the Hufflepuff common room, but she had never been inclined to just pop in. She was glad she did however when she spied Graeme. He seemed to be leaning back on a chair. Was that not dangerous? Maya quickly walked into the room and over to one of the people she very much considered a friend. Bringing her face close to his, Maya smiled. "Graeme!" Maya was happy to see someone she knew. She was bored and she very much wanted to do something. Talking was as good as anything else she could think up right now.
As time wore on, Graeme found his studying really became more and more fruitless. He couldn't understand why it was happened. He was reading the same words over and over again. He knew that as a second year it was not overly important for him to do well in his lessons, but he was sort of hoping to do a little better than previously. He was learning most things from no previous knowledge which admittedly made it a little hard. He had just hoped that this part, the revising and memorising would be a little easier. In his last school, Graeme had been one of the smartest kids in the entire school. Now he was never ever going to be anything close to that, and it was just a little bit depressing to him. It was understandable though, considering that he went from such a small school to something so much bigger. There had been no way, for young Graeme to continue being the best. Right now, all he had to hope for was that some of the words in front of him would just stop dancing long enough for him be able to retain any of it. The young hufflepuff rubbed his eyes and then leaned back over the book open in front of him. He continued to swing on his chair, as he tried to take it all in. Just hoping that some of it, would pop back up when he finally sat down to do the exams that he was dreading.

It did however appear that no matter how hard he tried, nothing really went in. This was why when a voice spoke behind him, he didn't even mind that he got pretty startled and almost fell backwards off his chair. He placed his chair firmly back on the ground and looked to where the voice had come from. "Maya" he exclaimed happily, smiling at her. She was a nice girl, Graeme really was beginning to like her. He'd shown her that spell while practicing, and it had felt pretty good to help someone else who had been partly in need. He smiled at her, "How've you been?" He said as he got to his feet and greeted her. Closing over several of the books he had open, and then just took a seat on the table. Hoping that she might stay for a while so that he would be able to forget all about the studying he'd planned on doing. It was half way through this second term, he didn't really need to be studying just yet but he was. "I've no seen you in a wee while. Settlin' in alright?" he asked, the usual thick Scottish accent pushing through, though he tried his hardest to tone it down. It didn't entirely work but the effort was there. He just wanted something to do, to distract him, and finally take away from the fact that he no longer could take any other words in.
Maya made a face when she realised that she had nearly killed her friend and hurried to help him straighten his chair. Gritting her teeth and sucking in a breath, Maya bit her lip and shook her head. "Ah, I'm sorry, I nearly killed ya!" She stepped slightly away from him. She was a hazard to his health today it seemed and she didn't want to cause his death. That wouldn't be a very good thing at all. However she did grin back at him when he smiled. Graeme had been very helpful that first day and she had learned a spell before she had even gone to class which had made it so much easier for her to be able to do when she eventually got to learning that spell. It was really a very good thing. She shrugged slightly when her friend asked her how she had been. It was slightly a difficult question to ask really. She had mostly been good and happy, but there was just this lingering dread of not knowing things that others seemed too. The other day in the dorms she had come across a boy playing what she thought was regular chess, until the pieces started moving about the board like no-ones business. The worst part of it all however, was that she jumped nearly ten feet in the air when Queen piece decapitated a knight. She had never seen such violence from a small board game before. It had been rather confronting. Although the two boys laughing at her had been a rather low point for her as well. However, today she refused to dwell on that as she was in Happy-Maya-Mode. She was going to be happy and cheerful and keep her friend company with whatever the heck he was doing. "I was a little sad a couple of days ago, but I am great now and happy to see you!"

Maya watched as Graeme moved several books around and then sat on the table before looking around herself about where she would sit. She considered sitting on the chair he had just vacated, but she was so small and she felt weird about how big the chairs were, so in the end she just plonked herself on the floor not far from Graeme. Swinging her head around slightly to get her plait to rest on her shoulder, Maya grinned up at Graeme and then shrugged as he asked her another question. This could take awhile. "Oh yes! Especially when you showed me that Lumos spell! I was able to help my class mates with it, oh I was so proud of myself in that moment!" She told him, nodding to him as she leaned back on her hands, her plait leaving her shoulder again. Maya rolled her eyes at her hair and continued talking. "I've been exploring around the castle and the grounds too. My first night here I somehow managed to get myself into a forbidden area. Near the Cliffs, I met a most unpleasant boy there, but he's leaving next year, i think and I've been doing my best to avoid him every other day. Just have to stick it out for a few more months and I am free!" So far she had been lucky with regards to that boy. She still hadn't figured out who he was and she had been lucky enough to mostly avoid him over time, but on the odd time they did run into each other, she was usually with someone else and so it wasn't as bad as the first night, he'd been really mean to Maya and she wasn't happy with her treatment at all. How could someone with a badge behave in such a way! Rolling over so that she was lying on her stomach, Maya looked up at Graeme and patted the floor in front of her. "What about you? You look kind of busy?"
Graeme didn't mind almost being knocked off his seat. It was not that much of an issue to the young boy. He knew that if he had fallen it would've really hurt. But he hadn't so, that was a definite plus. He noted however that Maya seemed a little nervous perhaps about having startled him. "Nae worries, Maya" He smiled at her, and waved his hands in dismissal. "I'm fine, so it's fine!" He added happily. All was fine, so that meant it was alright. He did briefly wonder if he had actually fallen what she might've done. He would never blame her, since he had been the one swinging on his chair, so that meant to him that he was definitely at fault. He couldn't not be, since she was not in charge of taking care of his safety he was. In this case, he really was glad to have seen Maya. While Graeme was busying himself with studying that he knew he didn't really need to be doing, but was. He was glad that he could finally spend a little but of time hanging out with a friend, whom he would always be glad to see. However, as she spoke, he frowned ever so slightly. "Why were you sad?" He asked her, while they hadn't spent too much time together, Graeme cared about those he came into contact with. He cared about his friends. He didn't like the idea that Maya was sad. "I'm happy tae see you tae" He smiled happily at the younger girl.

He watched from where he'd sat himself as this girl sat down on the floor. While he was sat on the table. He didn't quite like this angle, it felt a lot like he was looking down at her. Which didn't feel right. He wanted to get down to her level. On the floor but before he could move, she responded to his question, well, told him about how she'd managed to show another the spell which he had shown her. It was not a complex spell, he was glad to have been able to show her it. It had felt good at the time, and it felt good now. He was happy that he could've help her. "I'm glad!" Graeme said while smiling brightly at her. He knew that coming from a background with little magic was hard at times. For him at least he'd known about the existence of the magic world. As she continued talking, he nodded along, a little concerned about this person who was bothering her. He would if this was back home see if he could helpher out with him. From what Graeme could tell, she had it pretty figured out. "If this boy gives you any mare trouble, you let me know. I'll set aboot him" He joked with a light laugh. Making his accent a little stronger than he did normally. He didn't mean it. Obviously this person would be much bigger and more experienced that him.

"I've no been tae busy" The boy shrugged when he spoke. It was true, he hadn't really been particularly busy. Not in the way that most thought. As he spoke, Graeme stood up and then lay down next to Maya. Stretching a little before getting comfortable. "I've been studyin', but it's no going tae well" He wasn't sure what else to say. "I wasnae busy there. Plus, I'd much rather spend time wae you Maya than wae some books."
Maya was glad that she hadn't hurt Graeme, even though she wasn't a crier, she probably would have cried at that point, especially if he was really seriously injured. Since the toaster incident, she couldn't stand to hurt someone and she couldn't stand to see someone hurt others. She would never purposely hurt someone if she could avoid it. She was pretty sure that was a good thing, but with the way people seemed to be able to be mean just for the sake of it, maybe she was going about all of this all wrong. Deciding that now was not the time to think about it, Maya smiled in relief. She was glad that he was unhurt after all. He was her friend. He actually wanted to spend time with her and she didn't feel so lonely without her family. When he asked her why she was sad, Maya shrugged and decided not to answer, she didn't want him to think like she was a big baby so instead she just ignored the question, though the fact that she had made eye contact with him probably told him that she had heard him. She looked away from him again and placed her head on the floor. Crinkling her face a little Maya sighed into the floor and looked up at Graeme again, there wasn't much he could do anyway, short of sending her over the pond as it were. But maybe talking about it would make her feel better. That could certainly help. Lifting her head up again, realising she had been quiet for a little longer then she expected, Maya grinned and tilted her head at her friend, "Well, its just that i'm a little home sick, you know?" She told him, nodding her head and biting her lip.

Maya nodded at Graeme as he said that he was glad to see her. She was also quite glad to see him, as she had stated earlier. She sometimes spent time with Francesca too, but she was spending so much time with that other boy now, Maya felt as though she should also branch out, which was what she was now doing. She smiled slightly as Graeme offered to help her with her problem, but she didn't know how much help he would be. She had been doing well to stay away from him luckily so that was a plus and she only had to wait out the rest of this semester and seeing as they are now in the middle of the semester, she was pretty sure she would be fine. "How about you walk me back to the dorm when I get tired and then you can make sure he doesn't pick on me?" Maya grinned as she spoke. Yes, there was safety in numbers and she had made it a rule not to wonder the halls alone anymore after all. Maya shook her head at herself and looked back over at Graeme as he joined her on the floor. Crossing her hands in front of her Maya laid her head in her arms and looked over at Graeme. She missed laying on the floor it reminded her of being back home and that made her feel a little better about everything. At least that was something. "I think i'm allergic to studying..." Maya frowned, Studying didn't seem to like her all that mucj at all and so when she had to study she always found that the words just didn't sink in, she was pretty sure she learned better by actually doing things rather then reading about them. "Oh! I definitely agree. My company is much more appealing then books!" She then frowned. "Wait, was that the right word... appealing... that's right isn't it? Oh well, its the right word now!" She nodded at herself and at Graeme and then went right back on laying her head in her arms.
When Maya explained that she was a little homesick, he nodded at her. He absolutely knew what that was like, of course he did. While Graeme didn't really know about her homesickness, he knew his own, and sometimes it felt pretty bad. He liked being in New Zealand, but he much preferred being back home. He just liked it more. He like things more back there, and it annoyed him a lot that he was never able to go back during the holidays and it didn't help that he had barely heard from his mother over a year and a half ago. it did nothing to stem his slight longing for home. But, he just nodded at her. "That's tae bad Maya" He said, though his tone was almost in agreement with her. "There ain't nothing wrong wae being a little homesick" He said with a small smile, knowing from his own experience that no matter how much he attempted to push it away, it always came back, so it helped to just go with it. Openly miss his home, and not be ashamed to admit it. He was miles from his home, he was understandably going to miss every part of it. He didn't know how to stop it. "I miss my home a lot too. It's okay to get homesick when this place is so different from what your used tae" Graeme smiled at her and shrugged lightly. He was sure that Maya would grow less homesick with time. Just in the same way he hoped he would grow less homesick with time.

Graeme was always happy to help his friends, even if it was against someone he would never win against. It was to be nice. He would obviously like to try and stand up for her. He at this stage would be of little use, but that would not exactly stop him from trying. He smiled and nodded when she spoke. He would very happily walk her back to the dorm. Though there probably wasn't any real danger to her between the student lounge and the hufflepuff common room. Those places were fairly close. "I'd happily dae so." He continued to smile at her, laying on the floor next to her was fun, but he chose instead of lying on his front to flip and lie on his back, his head turned towards her. "He won't do anything when he sees me. He'll run away at the sight" Graeme laughed, obviously joking about it. He chuckled lightly, knowing that what he was saying was ridiculous but it wasn't like the boy was here now and could do anything. No one would care about two young students lying on the floor. No one, he figured would even glance at them. This was a magical school, stranger things had to happen, on probably what was a daily basis. He laughed again, looking up at the ceiling, "You and me both Maya" He looked back at her, and continued to smile. "It wasnae interesting" He said to her with a small smile.

True enough, Graeme while smart was not good at studying and when the thing he was reading didn't catch his attention grew bored, this was what happened. He just did something else instead, in this case it was be around Maya. As she spoke again, he just nodded along. Her company was much more desired that the company of the books now closed on the table above him. "I think it is the right word. Seems like it would be." He didn't think it could be anything else. "Your company is definitely more interesting than those books. I know that for a fact. I like classes as much as the next guy, but studyin' that's a little bit boring." He smiled happily at her. "Did you have a nice break?" He asked her, while he was trying to think of something they could do, once he thought they'd caught up enough.
Maya was glad that Graeme seemed to understand her. She wasn't really a difficult person to understand in her opinion anyway, but it was just good to know that he understood what she was saying. Maya liked having friends, she really enjoyed having and making friends. Being able to be with people who had the same interests and liked to do stuff together was definitely a lot of fun. After Graeme commented on her homesickness Maya pouted and hid her face in her arms again. She had told her brothers when she left that she wouldn't miss them because she would be to interested in learning magic. She was so mad that she was wrong. "I told my brothers that I wouldn't miss them. I am so mad at them for being right!" She mumbled into the floor. She wasn't sure if Graeme had heard her, but surely he would pick up the basics of what had said. "They're gonna know the minute they see my face at the airport!" Maya was mad and sad all at the same time. She knew that missing them meant that she loved them, but why did they have to know her so well? She was the big sister, she was supposed to be the one who knew everything, not them. She looked at Graeme and frowned. "My brother, Corey, told my father that I was going to cry like a baby at the airport!" She said, her eyebrows furrowing as she let out a frustrated sigh. "I mean, i did... a little, but that's not the point!" She shoved her face back into the floor as she remembered the flight. It had been so strange leaving her family at the airport like that. Only to have one of the Professors meet her there and take her the rest of the way. She figured that would probably be how it would go for the rest of the time she was at this school. Seven years of flying back and forth between New Zealand and Australia. That was... about four flights a year!

Maya smiled at Graeme when he agreed that he could walk her back to the common room. That was nice. So now that meant that she could walk to the common room without having to look over her shoulder. She would have needed to go and find someone else anyway seeing as she made it a point never to travel alone. Maya reached over and poked Graeme in the arm, testing his muscles. She laughed with him as she pulled her arm back. "Yes! I'd run too if I saw you coming... actually that's a lie, i would probably run up and hug you. Well, if I knew you anyway, not if we were strangers, because that would be weird. Though... didn't i hug you that first night here?" She asked, flipping onto her side to see him better instead of having to lift her head up all the time. Maya nodded again in agreement as Graeme mentioned his stance on studying. "I don't think i could ever like studying. My mum used to tell me that i was doing it wrong, but she never helped me to fix it. She kept saying it was something i had to work out for myself. I miss her sometimes, when i remember things like that. She was an amazing person." Maya smiled at Graeme and remembered the first time her mother had helped her with her homework. It definitely had been an interesting day. "She said study, was like a signature, you could tell a persons whole life story by the way they studied." She added, more as an afterthought then anything else. "Yeah, she was a weird one." Maya laughed and ran her hand through her hair. She really missed her mother.

Maya clapped her hands in delight. "Oh! I'm glad you think so! I love to be interesting! I mean reading is fun too, but not when its on boring things..." She said, nodding her head and sitting up properly as she was beginning to feel her ribs start to ache. "I love to read fairytales, Disney are my favourite, but not many people know what Disney is... do you know what it is?" Maya hoped he did, otherwise she was going to be here a while trying to explain it to him. "Yes i did! My daddy met me at the airport with my grandmother from mum's side! I went and visited with them for a while. It's so cool because they live in the middle of Alice Springs! I'd never been to Uluru before, but Grandma took me. Oh it was so much fun." She then subconsciously rubbed her shoulders. "I kinda got a bit burnt though... daddy got mad and we had to go home early. I had to use Aloe Vera rub for two weeks." She shook her head at her stupidity. "How was your break?"
Graeme found that around Maya it was pretty easy to feel better, to smile and enjoy the company of another person. He listened to what she had to say and while he had to listen closely he was happy to let her talk about things, and he wasn't going to bring it up. He found that homesickness was not really something that he should've been prepared for, but he'd been really homesick, and it was just a part of life. Graeme couldn't change it, and he accepted it. There was nothing wrong with it. Especially since Hogwarts was different from what he was used to, and also what she was used to. He smiled at her slightly, when she frowned at him. He hadn't been too upset about flying himself to New Zealand. He had at the time missed his ma, but he hadn't felt like crying. He patted her shoulder lightly when she put her face back to the floor. Not sure what other kind of comfort to provide her with. He couldn't change it, and he thought that it was alright to get upset about it. He remembered that his ma had appeared more upset than he had when he'd left. Although now, he was sure that he would probably be the more upset. The hufflepuff teen was more than happy to provide her with the armed support to help her get back to the dorm. It wasn't like he was going anywhere else after this. He gave a small laugh, laughing along with Maya, smiling when she poked his muscles in his arm, which despite his quidditch weren't quite as good as were elder students. When she spoke he laughed. He was just that huggable clearly. "You did, aye, but it was after you managed the spell" Graeme said in a way that meant that it was alright. That was the kind of situation where it was alright to hug someone who was at the time a perfect stranger. It was different. It was a spur of the moment thing, and Graeme had been more than happy to accept the hug.

Graeme looked at her and smiled, as she then turned to lay on her side. He was feeling so much better now that he was not studying, now that he was with Maya. He listened as she talked about her mum and that stance on studying. He nodded along with her. He liked the sound of it. He liked that. His mother had always tried to help him out, but she'd been busy and often hadn't been able to. He smiled more when Maya said what her mother had told her. Adding at the end something he didn't really agree with. He shook his head and looked at Maya. "I think your ma sounds great" he smiled at her. "My ma's all I have but she's no able to help me wae ma homework. Tae busy" he shrugged at Maya. He missed his mother and he loved her dearly but she didn't really see her often. Even back home it hadn't been as frequent as it could be. He glanced at Maya when she clapped, grinning as he watched her excitedly talk about how spoke of books and her break. He had to admit that it sounded nice. Not the burn part, but everything else. It sounded like she'd had a lot of fun. "Sounds amazin'" He smiled at her, "Well it's tae short a holiday fae me tae go home during. So, I stayed here" Graeme shrugged, "It was nice, quiet and good. You know, it was good" he didn't sound as convinced as he actually was. "I cannae wait for the next break, cause I finally get tae go hame" He smiled at this. He couldn't wait to go back, when he eventually got the chance to. "I've missed it so much. It sounds silly, but coming to New Zealand was the first time I'd ever left it, it a part of me" Maya knew how much he loved his home, well in part, but he was just hoping it wasn't too strange how much he longed for it.
Maya quite liked talking to Graeme and being his friend. He was her first friend in this school and she thought that was pretty special. Friends were the best things in the world and whilst she would dearly miss her friends back home, she knew she could see them during the breaks, as she had done, quite successfully last time. She nodded when he mentioned she had indeed hugged him, if she remembered correctly, she had sort of actually fallen into the hug after having gone for it, only to stop, but then fall anyway. She giggled slightly at the memory. "I think i fell actually!" She said, remembering how she had been so happy to actually do her first bit of controlled magic. She had felt wonderful and had the urge to share the feeling with someone, only she had stopped herself because she figured it could be considered weird, but, as her slightly clumsy self had discovered, inertia did indeed exist. Not that she had been trying to disprove a Physical law or anything. That would be silly indeed. "I was unusually clumsy that day." She told him, shaking her head at her own unmanageable feet. She was a bit of a stumbler sometimes, but it happened so rarely, she didn't worry about it, except this time she had stumbled into a hug which had been kind of awkward but kind of congratulatory at the same time. It was a good memory regardless.

Maya nodded in turn when Graeme spoke of his mother. He had graciously listened to her drone on about her mother, so it was only fair that she returned the favour, not that she thought he was going to drone on, because she didn't, she was quite willing to listen, she liked to think she was a rather good listener, she had to be, seeing as she was such a bad studier. Maya really missed her Mum and she could hear some of that loneliness in Graeme, though she could tell they were for different things, as Graeme could see him mother again, whereas Maya's was dead. She wasn't quite over it yet, but she had been accepting it more and more each day. She didn't think she would ever be over it, but she knew her mother was in a better place and wasn't suffering any pain. She was with the Lordly Father and he would protect her. "Mum didn't help me with homework... not much, it was usually daddy." She added when he mentioned the homework. She hoped he wasn't think about anything sad, she would feel bad if she made him feel sad. "Oh, that's too bad! So you have to stay here during the mid year breaks?" She wondered. "You should come to my house! It's not that far to fly, at least not as far as you live, right?" She asked, clapping her hands. "It's not too bad and during the mid break its usually pretty cool, this break was a freak of nature, so you won't burn to badly! But I have sun cream for that anyway!" Graeme finally continued by mentioning the fact that his first year here was the first time he had ever left home. Maya drew her legs up to her chest and smiled. "It's not the first time I've left home, but its the first time I've left my parents."

"Hey! If you want to get out of studying, do you want to come out by the lake with me? It's boring inside anyway and I was heading out of the castle when I spotted you anyway!" She said, not really remembering why she had wanted to go to the lake, but it was as good a plan as any right?
Graeme smiled at her, remembering when they'd first met. When he'd taught her the spell, and as he remembered she had fallen into him, and it had been his natural instinct to catch her. Which he would still count as a hug. "I'd still count it" He said with a bright smile. He remembered it fondly, it had been a good day, and he was happy to have met her. "It's alright Maya, I didnae mind. I knew we'd be friends" He chuckled lightly at this. He didn't really think that she was really clumsy, but he didn't really know her all that well just yet, maybe she was and she wasn't even that sure of it. He wasn't so he was happy to say that. If he was clumsy and also had to work on the quidditch team, then it would be ridiculous. He chuckled slightly at that fact. "I didnae think you were, it was early in the morning , you were excited. Understandable" Graeme flashed a friendly smile. He knew that being able to cast a spell was pretty amazing, so of course he knew that she had probably just been so happy to do it. Much like him, with his first spell. Happily despite the early morning and the fact she had excitable. Graeme in talking about his mother was honestly so looking forward to hopefully seeing her. He couldn't wait to tell her stories about the every day magic, that he just knew she'd want to hear. It was nice to talk about family, he really didn't often get to talk about it.

As she spoke, he smiled at her, maybe her dad was the smarter of the two, and well, he was better help with homework. Graeme's dad was not in the picture though the boy knew that he was the magical part of him was from his absent father. It had been a while since Graeme had heard from the man, not that he was really that worried about it. He didn't mind not having to see him. The man wasn't in his life anyway. Graeme couldn't help but feel warmed at her offer. "That's nice of you to offer. Maybe ask your parents before you offer it tae me, but I would love tae" He smiled at her brightly, he wanted to see more of the world. It was just more interesting to him than going to see his grandparents who barely remembered who he was. Which was not fun, and why he hadn't gone back to them during the previous week. He nodded along with her, "Some nights, when the weather's really stormy, I end up having to stay myself because my ma can't get back to the house." His way of explaining that he it was not the first time being away from his ma, but the first time away from his home. As he lay still on his back, he watched Maya sit up slightly. He continued to smile at her. So glad that he had met her. She was a lovely person. He was a little surprised when she suggested that they ditch the lounge and head to the outdoors. glancing back up at where his books mostly still sat, he nodded. "Sounds good" He pulled himself off the ground and gathered up his books. "After you Maya"
Maya was happy. Graeme was her friend and she really enjoyed spending time with her friends. She really enjoyed it more then spending time do anything else, unless it was her family, because Maya really loved her family a lot. She smiled at Graeme when he mentioned that he knew that they would be friends. She was glad. She hadn't known it at the time, but she was happy that he did. Hugs were nice, especially if they were accepted. She had been known to hug people randomly before, but it hadn't always ended as it had with Graeme. Not that she particularly minded. Most of the people she hugged were the local kids from the reserve anyway and they were usually pretty reserved about her and other things. Not that she could blame them though. Maya nodded to Graeme as he mentioned that she should probably let her father know about the invitation first. "Oh, Dad, won't mind. He told me to invite my friends home if I want too! He will be fine about it, I promise. But I'll ask when I go home again and then I'll let you know next year!" She was excited to have Graeme go to her house. She'd never had an international friend before and this would be really cool. She couldn't wait to show Graeme around! She was sure he would like it, true, it was usually pretty sunny, but she could take him to the bunker in the middle of the town, that would be cool and it was really old and had lots of cave paintings. Maya enjoyed it there, so maybe Graeme would too.

Maya felt slightly sad for Graeme. He had to stay home in the stormy weather. Maya was not exactly a big fan of storms. She didn't hate them and she wasn't afraid of them, but they got them so rarely in Alice Springs, she simply wasn't used to them. Maya was glad when Graeme agreed to follow her to the lake. Going to the lake would be fun and she was quite happy to spend the rest of the day there, because, honestly, she didn't spend enough time outside, she needed to get more sun in her life. Sun was important, unfortunately, she was so pale, that sun was often bad for her skin. She liked sun however and just wore suncream for protection. Luckily, the sun wasn't as bad in New Zealand, so she didn't tend to burn so much. Maya grinned at Graeme as she stood up and helped him carry some of his books. She had no idea where they were going to put them, but they would find somewhere, perhaps a blanket would be good. They chatted and laughed as they headed down to the lake. Maya knew she would have fun, because regardless of the fact that she wasn't a strong swimmer. The waters edge was just as nice as the water itself.


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