i'm mad, really bad

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Zander Ellison

doing better | travelling
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 10 1/2" Flexible Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Heyy guys, so It's me again.
How are you?

So, I need a few things, for a few of my people. I'm open to a lot of ideas, so just say it.

This here is Zander Valentine. He's 23 and holding two jobs. So he's a pretty busy guy.
Although he's lacking in friends. And that is all he needs. He lives in England, but has a house
with his family in New Zealand, where one of his siblings is living. Zander is the parent of his
family. When his parents died when he was 16, he dropped out of school, and did his studies
from home, and he didn't do as well as he could have, but he's okay with that. Zander is
very loyal to those he cares about, and is very family. He would literally do anything for his
siblings. He works hard, and works to get everything he has. He can be a little forgetful, but
that's just because he has so much he has to deal with, and do. He never really had the time
to deal with the loss of his parents, so he needs people to just talk to him about it, be there
for him.
So yeah, he needs friends. Doesn't matter age, or gender. He's a friendly guy.

Next we have James Green, he's 14 and at durmstrang. And his life has pretty much gone
to sh!t. I got this character from Kate (alice hills) and I'm still getting used to him. But, he's
not really got anyone anymore. His parents have gone, and his gran put him to the door. He's
being sent to Poland, where his parents are from, to live in a group home between his time
at Durmstrang. He used to have a completely normal life, and now he pretty has nothing. He's
a distant guy at school. He'll talk to people, but will very rarely make an effort. He's decided that
he needs to deal with everything alone. That people would cast him out if they found out what
has happened to him. He will act tough, and he'll fight people when they don't agree with him.
He doesn't have a violent nature, but if someone pushes him, he will push back. But generally he's
calm, and pensive.
What he needs, are a few friends, maybe one that could pretend to be an old friend, who notices
that something has happened and can't seem to get it out of James. And an enemy.

Next we have Malachy Scythe. Now, I've had a number of problems with this character in the
past. I just can't seem to get his character right. And it makes it difficult to RP. But I'm trying again.
He's a beauxbatons graduate, and 18 years old. He is currently living in France in Toulouse, just
having a bit of fun, and messing around with his guitar. Play small stuff, and working part time
at a bar. While on the sidelines, studying to become a Healer. He's from Ireland, and loves his
country, but after having spent a lot of timme in France, it's become his home. He has a large
family at home, but currently he is the only wizard, which makes him think he is better than all the
others in his family. He has the thoughts, Magic is might. And would very much like to be a death
eater, if he wasn't muggleborn. He just likes to live it up, party, and not entirely focus on his studies.
For him, I'm looking for some friends, and a girlfriend. (for the girlfriend, I was thinking he could
get her pregnant but I'm not fussed) And probably a final, could be the same person as the girlfriend,
but it doesn't need to be. And a few flings. Flings can be male or female, he's pansexual, but would
settle down with a girl because of his religious background.

And that's it for now.
If you'd like to RP with one of my other characters that is not here, below in the spoiler is a list of my characters. So, if you think your character would get alone with them, PM me, and we can plot.

Stefan Archer - 3rd year - Slytherin
Elijah Tine - 5th year prefect - Hufflepuff
Lily Fossil - 6th year prefect - Slytherin
Grae Kanu - 6th year - Durmstrang
Oscar Fossil - 4th year - Ravenclaw
Sidney Carver - 1st year - Gryffindor
Ariahna Northwood - 2nd year - Gryffindor

I can offer Praneil Patil for greu, hey is a sixth year beauxbatton, rather friendly, and a little bit of a flirt.

I have Briar Rowan A fifth year Gryffindor prefect for Elijah, or as a mentor for the younger ones.

I have Elvera Le Fey a ravenclaw graduate and seer who could be friends/girlfriend with Malachy and/or Zander

then obviously Tara for Stefan.

or any other combination that you would like.
Hey Emzies! Well, Dominic here is the same age and gender as Zander, he's from England but lives in New Zealand, and has also lost a parent. So yeah, they have a bit in common. Dominic is meant to be the type to have a decent circle of friends, but I've never actually plotted any. He's really friendly, but can come across a bit eccentric at times. I think they could be good bros or whatever? He has experience with the whole 'talking, emotions' thing.. since he sees a therapist himself once a month. xD
I also have a first year Gryffindor named Evelyn Mosca - she's very adventurous and spacey, and could probably be friends with Sidney?

Mia, I think it would be funny to have Praneil&Grae, since they are complete opposites. Grae, isn't that friendly, and is not at all a flirt despite the fact that he probably could be if he tried. I like it, Would you like to start something, or Shall I?

I think Briar would make a good friend for Elijah. And I think it would be fun for her to meet Ariahna. I think Briar and Elijah could be good friends, Elijah's friendly so, he gets along with everyone. I can start something for them, and I shall PM it to Briar. If your interested in Briar&Ariahna, then we can start something.

As for Tara and Stefan, do you want to start another topic for them? I can start it if you would like.

Helena, I think that could be a good friendship. Since they could connect over one thing, and it would not harm Zander to actually have a friend that encourages him to talk about things. He probably wouldn't mind the eccentric side of him. Sounds good. Would you like start something, or shall I?
I also think that Evelyn and Sidney would be a good friendship. Again would you like to start something, or shall I?
I have started a topic in europe with praneil and Grae, it is called "sitting in a Parisian cafe and eating croissant"


I also started one for Ariahna and Briar , and PMed the details to Elijahs account. it is on the lawn .
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