I'm going away

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Jessame Rose Trewelly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains

So, I'm leaving soon. Tuesday the 13th, actually. I won't be able to be on between then and the end of the month, as I'll be super busy meeting with friends and whanau and saying goodbye to rl people. On the 29th I'm flying from Auckland to Barcelona. I have four hours in Singapore airport, so I should be able to get on there. After that, who knows?

I'm doing a five week intensive CELTA course in a small city near Barcelona. I've heard it's so intense you barely have time to eat or sleep, so I'm not counting on having HNZ time, and anyway I don't know if I'll have internet access.

That finishes on the 4th of June. I will stay in Spain and relax and travel about a bit, and get on HNZ, and then on the 22nd I fly to London. I have a couple of days of orientation and training, and then I'll be working at a summer camp somewhere in the UK. I don't know where I'll get my placement yet, but I'm assuming there will be no internet, at least not for long enough periods of time that I can get on HNZ.

SO, apart from sporadic checking in-ness, I'm out until about September (eep!) :cry:

If you want to talk to me about plottage or remind me of topics that need replies, I'm lemonemma on skype and twitter. If you think of something before next Tuesday, you can PM me here, but after that, I won't be checking in much, so skype or email will be best.

This affects
and Emerpants

Have fun without me. But don't forget me.
See you as soon as I can!

Ohmygosh. I want to go to Spain. You are so lucky!

Hope you know enough Spanish! And have heaps of fun. 'Kay? And when you get back maybe we can start the Zavier/JR topic? Let me know! (via Skype probably :) )

♥ Olivia
Okies, I guess you could say I'm back now. :woot:
Have been around a lot the last couple of days anyway, and now I know for sure I have internet access for the next five weeks, it just depends on my schedule for my course - which starts tomorrow :frantics: yay! (Only not so yay if it means I can't get on HNZ)

This topic can be moved to old absences :woot:
Oh noes!

I have been so so super super busy lately. I can't believe I haven't managed to get on here in so long.

My new job in London is amazing, but because I live at the same place that I work, it's too easy to get sucked into working extra shifts, or to say "I'll just pop down to my office and answer a couple of emails before I go out"

This is our busiest season and there's a lot to do. The person who worked here before me left things in a bit of a shambles and I have lots of backlog to sort out.

There's also the fact that now I'm living in LONDON, where there's WAAAAY more to do than anywhere else I've ever lived. Theatre, adventures, people to meet, things to see, places to go... and with this stunning weather it's hard to choose to stay inside and roleplay.

I am SO SO sorry to everyone I had plans with on here. There's just no way I can do you guys or my characters justice any more.

I really want to stay involved with this website, but I don't know to what extent that is possible.

It breaks my heart to say it, but I have to pull my characters out. I'm not doing any of them or the characters they're rping with any good. I love this place and I'll stick around and lurk, and I love the wiki, and want to help keep that going, but I can't keep putting my babies' lives on hold, so I have to take them away completely.

I'm really sorry.
I will be back to spam and lurk, or you can contact me on facebook or skype. I'm lemonemma.

As far as what's happened to my characters...
I could write a book on JR.
Even though I can't RP it, Jessame Rose will get pregnant in a while, and drop out of Hogwarts. Her baby is sickly and she doesn't like it much. She finds a witch who is experimenting with unusual magic and agrees to be experimented on because the witch thinks she can remove magic from a witch. The experiment is not entirely successful but it reduces the power of JR's magic enough that she can live a muggle life without magic interfering as it did before. It leaves her scarred but her child's health improves and JR completes high school by correspondence. She blacks out most of her memories of magic and Hogwarts and lives a troubled life as a muggle. Oh there is so much more. I wish I had time...

Beau and Joli's little sister dies of heart complications. The family falls apart and their aunts take them to Peru where they study magic.

Salazar... oh Salazar - another one I could write a book on. He spends most of his life struggling with his belief in blood status and his desire to be a good person. He falls in love with a muggle-born but destroys the relationship by running away with a pureblood he doesn't even like. Eventually he finds peace in accepting muggle-borns and the muggle world in his old age. He becomes well known for his art and campaigns for acceptance of muggle-borns in villages like the one he grew up in.

Ekky dies of old age. It makes me so sad. He never met his son.

I never really RPd Ksaafa much. If someone would like to take over the account, let me know.

Someone is also welcome to take over the account of Emer Laude, owner of Ollivander's.
Oh man, Emma, I am so sorry to read this :cry: I am going to miss you and your characters a lot! :cry: :cry: :cry:

I am glad that you will still lurk. I'll try to keep in contact on Facebook. You're a wonderful writer and I bet that I'll be seeing your work in bookstores one day. :)

Have fun in London. ^_^ Keep in touch, missy!
I can't believe I forgot poor Double!
Someone should totally take him over, too! He's super fun to RP.

I'm going to miss everyone here an awful lot, but I will be back

I'm glad you're having such a great time in London!! ^_^
Good luck with the job and all of that!

You have such awesome characters, and I'm sad to see them go,
especially since it means you're going too. :(
It's good to hear that you will be back though.

Take care,
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