I'm back, but with complications...

Lolli Lovre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 8 Inch Flexible Fir Wand with Manticore Venom Core
I had writers block, was stuck in school, had an emotional break down, and am back for a bit. I've been having a lot of problems emotionally adjusting to my first year in high school. Bottom of the food chain and such; however, I want to start coming back, maybe little by little. I'm not sure. I have to say that one of my characters will be deleted from my group, for now anyways. Kira Lronne, she wasn't going anywhere; to be honest. I may bvring her back when I'm less busy, or when I feel there is something to do with her. I may also slow down Activity with Angela, as far as being in school and what not (not that she really did anything in her classes anyways). I'm really sorry for being gone so long. I really am. I'm going to message anyone I had any plots with and find out what we will do, because my rude disappearance has gotten in the way.

Reasons I may be gone in the future are as follows... I have to get the two B's I had up, which means concentrating on homework, more or less. I also am going in for x-rays. At physical therapy, they couldn't find exactly what was wrong with me. Then church, and this is the biggest reason. I was bulimic for most of the time I've been on HNZ, and i hadn't started getting better until I went back to youth group with my friends. I can now keep down a meal a day, and am at a pretty healthy weight. I hope that my scarcity may be excused. Thank you all for understanding. And I'm glad to be back... sort of.

It's good to have you semi back Cole! You were definitely missed here.
I'm sorry about everything you went through, and am praying that you recover fully :)

Love Donna :wub:

Wow! You definitely had and have a lot going on in your life. I hope that the adjustment into high school is going better now. Things are always rough at first, but they do get better, sometimes it only happens little by little but one day hopefully you'll look back and realize that things are better than they were before :)

Best of luck with everything in school, socially, emotionally and education-wise. I hope that you continue in your efforts to be free of your bulimia, and I'll be sending positive thoughts your way :D

See you around the site ^_^

I know we haven't really spoken before, so that means a lot that you are praying for me. It is getting so much better, and yes, things are looking way up! Thank you for thinking of me,a dn welcoming me back to the site warmly. My only regret is actually leaving, because some of my best friends are here :D
Thanks again!

Again, someone I haven't really spoken to at all, and again a big deal for me. Thank you for welcoming me back, and thank you for your thoughts. I am definitely getting better :)
Again, a huge thanks


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