I'm back baby!

David Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
I'm back in the flesh, cept' no one remembers me. :(

Anyways! I'm David, I was here back in the Fall, but now I'm back. And this is my character. And he's a seventh year now. Wow. Time flies. Anyways! Glad to be back, but I have no idea how to just hop into RP, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to shoot. Also, I'd kind of like to get David involved in a romantic relationship, and get him some friends.

He's nice enough, but a little cynical and depressed. Anyways! If you want to start a RP with me, just say so. I'm up for about anything!
Maybe my First Year can meet you, she needs someone to talk to and Paige is a bit mean to everyone.. Because she thinks that Slytherins are supposed to be mean to other people. :')

Maybe you can think of a plot. ;)
Welcome back! :hug:
If you hop over to the Plot and Development topic and post something up asking for roleplays and plots, I'm sure some people will respond and help you get back into Rping! Anyways, nice to have you back! ^_^


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