I'm a surfer not a dancer

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Victor Crimson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Victor wasn't dressed as the other students seem to have looked, more like penguin with flappy arms. No he was dressed more casual than ever, something you would wear at a night club, not a grammy nominee outfit. His hair was sported right though, braided perfectly into his sculpt, many designs and zigzag he look just right to dance, that's if he was going to."I'm not a dancer" he told his friend many time, who didn't care if Victor couldn't dance he just wanted him to tag along. For what really? The minute his friend date arrived he was left alone, heading perfectly straight to the punch bowl. At least there was food here, he thought as he pour himself a drink, and notice the many begin to file in. Some with or without dates,,"Good not the only one" he said taking another swig of his punch.
The Yule Ball. Great. "What am I even doing here." Taylor asked herself rhetorically. "Because." her sister Gabriella replied. "I told you to." Taylor watched as Gabriella disappeared into the crowd. "At least you can dance." The thirteen year old girl frowned. She couldn't be bothered making any effort in her Yule Ball dress, not like her first year. Taylor smiled as she remembered her first year: the year she had worn a giant feather duster to the ball.

Taylor walked over to the food, and poured herself a drink, and peered down at her shoes. Exactly what her sister had told her not to wear: sneakers. Gabriella had been disappointed that Taylor hadn't worn a better dress, the one she was wearing was one of Gabriella's casual dresses. Taylor looked at the boy next to her. At least she wasn't the only one to not dress up. She liked his hair though. Taylor ran an hand through her own scraggly brown hair. Had she brushed it this morning? She was sure she had... "Hi." she said to Victor.
Victor looked at the girl next to him and smiled noticing she wasn't dress up so fancy. "Hey" he said taking a sip of his drink as a few overly dress first years started pouring more into the great hall. Victor couldn't help notice that one of them was wearing to much make up, man girls these days he thought to himself snickering trying to hold back a laugh. He notice the girl next to him was looking at everyone come in as well, "First years." he said still holding back a noticeable laugh.
Arisa walked into the great hall with the rest of the school. As usual the decorations were amazing, and everyone was coupled off. Her black dress hugged her body snuggly and she was feeling rather exposed. I knew I should have let grandma pick my dress... she thought for a second. Not wanting to spend the entire evening off in the corner she started looking for someone she knew. For a few seconds she didn't see any familiar faces but finally she saw Taylor and Victor. Walking over she smiled at them both, "Hey guys, not interupting a date am I?" she asked.
Taylor snickered as she saw the first years. "First years are so funny." she smirked. Well, at least they're wearing normal ball clothes. Taylor thought. She looked around the hall, and spotted Gabriella dancing with her brother Maxwell. It made her smile to see that Max had ditched his glasses. Taylor looked over to where Arisa was coming towards them. "Hey Arisa." she smiled. "Um. No." Taylor laughed awkwardly. "Wow. Your dress is amazing." she said, looking at Arisa.
"Yes they are, especially that one." he pointed to another who was attempting to dance the twist? Ah who's bringing back the o'l age back? Or was just the people around clearly didn't know how to move at all. Victor realize he was criticising, it was to funny though, he held another snicker as Arisa made her way over. "Hey Arisa." Victor eyes roam her form, sort of cheking her well he was still a guy he couldn't help but stare and grin stupidly at the same time. "No were just hanging out." although Taylor would of made a cool date if they had came here together. No to dressed up, mellow type his kind of style he guessed. Maybe next year he would dress up for the Yule Ball, maybe in his fourth year he would have a date. "Love the dress." he commented with such ease in a way it was appropriate to say.
Arisa laughed a little when Taylor said no to the date thing. Blushing a little at the compliments she muttered a quick thank-you. Arisa looked over Taylor and Victor quickly and frowned at how over dressed she seemed infront of them, "So whats up with you guys? What cha doing for vacation?" she asked hoping theres would be better then hers was going to be. Her father had just gotten cusdoty over her and her brother and she was terrified...
"Prolly stay here for the Holidays, parents don't mind it." Victor answered as he grabbed for some pretzels. "What about you?" he ask Arisa and Taylor as well, although she seem a bit busy looking at someone in the dance floor. "Oh any of you two going to dance?" he ask with a wide grin. Victor wasn't much of a dancer but he at least wanted someone to feel happy, kind hearted goofy weirdo, yeah that pretty much summon Victor. He sure by the end of the night he get a dance with someone, and surly he will be falling flat out on his face. But eh he didn't mind it all. Victor spotted a few of his friends couple were dateless as well, at least he didn't look so at the moment.
Taylor shrugged when Arisa asked what she was going to do for the holidays. "Dunno, might stay here. I'm not exactly welcome at home right now." she smirked. Taylor was the only non-Ravenclaw in her family, and the rest of the family weren't too happy about that. "What are you doing?" she asked Arisa.

Taylor laughed at Victor's question. "Nah, I can't dance to save my life." she said cheerfully. "Which makes it obvious which twin I am." she muttered, probably not loud enough for the other two to hear.
Arisa frowned for a second but instantly put on a somewhat happy face before answering Taylor's question, "Oh, I'm spending it with my dad... He got custody over me and my brother" she answered as if it were a conversation about the weather, although anyone who knew Arisa knew her deep hatred for her father and anything to do with his side of the family. Arisa's smile turned genuine when Victor asked about dancing, "Of course, I love to dance, but its gunna be no fun at all if Taylor doesn't join" she said giving Taylor a pouty face.
Victor chuckle picking out a big chunk of cookie from one of the school golden platters. "We have cookies if you dance with us." he said trying to be more comical than anything. Victor hoped Taylor knew he was playing, he just likes to tease girls when they act shy around others, sort of annoys him. "Come on Arisa." he said setting the plate down, he was going for her hand instead he grabbed them both towards the dance floor. Some kind of funky jam started to play, not Victor kind of taste but he went with the slow. Twisting and turning both girls around, the night brighten up finally.
Taylor looked at Arisa curiously. She briefly wondered if Arisa was happy about seeing her dad, Taylor didn't know the Hufflepuff girl too well. Taylor rolled her eyes at Vincent. "Well... I can't say no to cookies!" Taylor laughed as Victor pulled her towards the dance floor. Taylor didn't know how to dance, but there was no better time to learn then now!
Arisa laughed as Victor pulled her and Taylor out onto the dacefloor. Arisa was having a great time dancing with both of them and had to admit this was the funnest yule ball she had been to. "This is really fun, we should hang out more" she said brushing her hair out of her face.

(( sorry its so lame! >.< ))
Victor attempted many dance move, but failed a few. He knew he couldn't dance but eh it was a try. He was happy that the girls were having a good time, even showed Taylor a few basketball moves to interpret them into dance move. "Rah and crowds go wild for Arisa&Taylor" he said faking sounds making it seem as if there were fans rooting for them. "Deft we should deft hang out more." he had accomplish something tonight after all. Making new friends meeting new people was always A plus for him.

[[Its cool =]..]]
"Totally" Taylor agreed. Even though she was making a fool out of herself, Taylor was happy. It seemed as if she had finally made some friends. Taylor was having fun at her attempted dancing, and had noticed a few people were staring at her like she was an alien. Gabriella was amongst the people starting, and Taylor beckoned her to join them. "Evil twin! Come!" she called, but Gabriella melted away into the crowd. Taylor laughed. "Apparently my evil twin doesn't want to be seen in public with me."
"Well obviously your evil twin doesn't know how to have fun" she said remembering how she had fought Gabriella last year. Arisa was happy she was finally making friends, she hadn't really been interested since Neita left but now she realized how stupid it had been to just mope around the common room. Just then a slow song came on and Arisa watched as only couples were left on the dance floor, making fake puking sounds Arisa left the dance floor and went to go get something to drink.
Victor laughed as he follow right behind Arisa. "Its not my style of music either." he said to the both hoping Taylor was following behind. Instead of going were she was heading off to Victor found a table and sat down resting for a bit. Dancing sure did work up a sweat, glad he had his hair braided in this time. He was lucky enough to be here either way, glad the professor didn't stop him because he wasn't in proper attrie. Than again he didn't by a tux this year, he hadn't plan it ahead of time, it was just a last minute pop in for him.
Arisa went and sat down with Victor, "So why are you here all alone? I was sure the girls would be all over a guy like you" she said resting her chin in her hands. Arisa watched the couples twirl around the dance floor and couldn't help but wish she was one of them, Boys are stupid. Who needs them. Arisa reminded herself firmly.
Victor waved to Taylor hoping she come and sat with them, she probably was enjoying dancing so Victor didn't mind it. When Arisa came back to sit with him, Victor just shrugged at her answer. "Things I went out with a girl from my year." he explain with a smirk."Don't know if you know her, her names Hoshi Koshiba." he was waiting to see the reaction he would get when he told everyone he went out with a Koshiba. "Well anyways we went out for a while, we broke up it was mutual, so I decided to just, well keep my options open." he said smiling at Arisa. I don't know if girls like me or not its cool I tend not to sweat it much." he said with an American slang. "Would you like to dance?" he asked her, he notice she was staring at the other couples dancing. "Come on lovely I'm sure it be no harm." he smiled wide.
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