Ilvermorny Quidditch Practice S2

Hyun Ong Hae

MACUSA + liaison to south korea + getting by
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Wenge Wand with Acromantula Web Core
6/2038 (22)

Hyun had a grin on his face as he held his broom in one hand waiting for the team to arrive on the pitch for scheduled practice. Once he was sure that everyone had arrived he cleared his throat. "Okay everyone, I want everyone to practice hard. Our season is not over yet. I'm super proud of how well we did against Beauxbatons, but now we have one of the Hogwarts teams standing in our way." And he was pretty excited about it. Hopefully, they would be able to pull the win out of the bag for this one. "We have to prove that we play better Quidditch here in the States, yeah?" And he was more than ready to prove it, giving the team one last look before he nodded, swinging a leg over his broom and kicking off into the sky with one last should. "We all know what we're doing, so let's get out here and get in a good practice."

ooc; No arrives, just jump straight into practice.
Lucas walked out to the field, standing with Hyun and smiling warmly at the team. He nodded along to what Hyun was saying. He let the other boy lead them. "You heard him. Let's do this!" He agreed, before kicking off into the air. He let the others take possession of the quaffle, once again hanging back to see what the others were capable of.
Abigail shot into the air as soon as practice started, she saw Lucas didn't grab the quaffle for some stupid reason, so she grabbed it instead.
Micha still didn't know how he managed to catch the snitch during the Beaubatons game. He had been knocked around by a few bludgers and probably just gotten lucky. He hesitated before kicking off and was one of the last ones in the air to start his search.
Micha watched the rest of the team for a moment as they all sprung into action but he quickly focused back on his task of looking for the snitch.
Micha thought he might have seen a flash of gold but was about to go after it when he got blind sided by a bludger slamming into his side. He winced and held his ribs, and tried to breath normally. But the earlier trail of the snitch long forgotten.
His ribs were still sore but he did his bet to keep looking for the snitch even if it was a bit more half hearted now.
Micha kept looking for any sign of the snitch as the pain was finally starting to fade and he could focus better.
Micha flew in circles around the pitch hoping to find any sign of the snitch.
Abigail flew up to the hoops, but to her annoyance she failed to score.
Micha kept up his search and tried not to be too jumpy about anything that was flying his way, just in case one happened to be the snitch.
Micha still couldn't find the snitch.
Micha continued to find nothing.
Seeing Abigail fail to score, Hyun caught the quaffle as it was passed back in before looping around to try and take his own first shot.
After the last game, Patrick decided that he needed to continue playing quiz and associate it with the future. He went to training, although he was a little late. Once in the team, he didn't wait long, put his foot over the broom and shot in the air, then looked around to see the bludger.
Coming up to the hoops again he tried his first shot, grumbling as it was blocked. He just needed to get back into the swing of things.
Abigail grabbed the quaffle when it was thrown back into play. She was going to prove herself this time.
Micha was momentarily distracted by the chasers rushing by him but he wasn't sure if it really mattered. The snitch was doing a very good job of hiding from him.
Micha kept looking for the snitch and was starting to worry he would never find it.
Part of the jon of being captain was keeping an eye on his teammates, so he hung back and watched as Abigail caugh the quaffle again.
Just as Micha was starting wonder if there was ever a snitch at all he glanced up at the sky only to see a flash of gold. With out a second thought he took off after it. He had to dodge some of his teammates but he stayed close behind it. Finally he was able to reach out and grab the snitch and held it up triumphantly.

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