Open I'll Dance Anyway

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Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (13)
Apolline had been excited for the dance, the semester was underway and she was already feeling the pressure of her classes, of the work she needed to do for things. Apolline was therefore glad for an event to let her hair down. She had wondered if Jean or Caius would've maybe asked her to the dance, but they hadn't. it wasn't a bad thing, she knew that she could have fun. She headed into the great hall, and went straight to dancefloor, intending to start with some dancing and then maybe get some snacks later.
Anisha was glad this semester was going smoothly so far, though she knew the exams at the end of the year wouldn't be easy. She was determined to just have fun tonight, so she headed over to the dance floor after getting a drink. She smiled when she saw Apolline there, moving over to her as she started to dance next to her. "Hey, having fun?" She asked the younger girl.
Apolline was having fun, dancing by herself and forgetting the world around her existed. She wasn't alone for long when she was joined by one of the older students she knew pretty well. "Hey!" she greeted warmly, and nodded as she danced. "I am, you?"
Anisha smiled as she spun around, even if her dress wasn't really made for that. She nodded. "I am too, dates are overrated." She said with a grin, though it wasn't like she would really know, she had only ever gone with friends as dates. "Assuming you don't have one hidden somewhere." She joked.
Apolline didn't think that dates were overrated, but she didn't want to seem uncool in front of Anisha. "Oh yeah," she agreed, perhaps a little too quickly. "I don't." she replied. "Is there anyone you might've wanted to go with?" she asked while she danced. Apolline was mostly just curious and unsure what else to say.
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