Open Ignoring the Indoors

Corey Edogawa-Mckenna

tengu seeker • finally have his name • dummy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Corey rather liked the outdoors, it was so much more freeing than the stuffy indoors of the castle. It wasn't really all that bad to be honest, but when classes are ongoing and he was stuck inside, then the Hufflepuff couldn't really find much joy in being inside. He didn't like studying and didn't really have the patience to do so either. Well, unless under serious threat of failing the class. Otherwise, he was perfectly fine with being away from the books. Sometimes, he even wonders how his cousins manage to just stay put and actual deal with the study material. Especially Jai and Feli. Misa, he could sometimes get along with in the endeavour of sleeping in class or ignoring homework. And well, this year, his younger cousin Tizi was sorted into Hufflepuff. Corey tried to be a good influence. He really did. But five minutes of staring uncomprehendingly at his Herbology textbook made the Hufflepuff give up and ask his younger cousin if he wanted to hang out in the Pitch and quite possibly watch the house team practice. And that is exactly how Corey found himself sitting at the edge of the Pitch, watching the Hufflepuff team finish up their practice. It really was a shame that he and Tizi mixed up the dates for tryouts otherwise they would have been practicing with the team earlier. "So, what do you think? Think we could make it into the team next year?" he asked his cousin after the team had walked out of the pitch.
Tizi had always preferred being outside, but once he'd come to school and he'd promised his Mama that he would try, then he would try. Not that he understood anything that came up in the books though, they were all very, very confusing. He didn't know anything about anything and that was fine with him to be honest, since none of it was as fun as being in the air anyway. So, when Corey had finally given up - a whole four minutes after Tizi had - he was only too happy to follow his cousin out of the stuffy common room and all the way across the lawns to the pitch. Watching the team practice was cool and he really couldn't wait to be out there with the team, playing Quidditch and doing all the cool things he'd always wanted to do when he finally got to Hogwarts. "Yes! Auntie Taylor is Professional, you absolutely can make the team!" He said, championing his cousin. "Mama played a bit too, though not like Aunt Taylor, so I am going to be good too!" He added, delighted as he thought about the broom his Aunt owled him every year for Christmas. Well, she owled all of them brooms, bigger and better ones as they got older, but Tizi liked to think it was a special YOU CAN DO IT gift. His Mama never could quite understand why Tizi loved it so much and he was sure she would freak out if she found him neglecting his studies for it, but, he and Corey were going to be absolutely fine and Jai was already on his house team too! "Jai is playing too, so, we could all play together!" Just the boys though, not the girls.​
Corey just couldn't wait to play. Even though it had already been a few days to weeks since the Quidditch tryouts for Hufflepuff, it was still a sore spot for him to have actually missed it because they had messed up the dates. In hindsight, they should have probably told Feli or Jai to remind them of the date since he could be a scatterbrain and well, Tizi wasn't much better. "Kaa-chan would probably throw a fit anyway if I try-out and don't make the team," Corey snorted at the thought of his mum. He had been on a broom for as long as he could remember, and he was pretty sure that he and his mum had given his dad a couple of heart attacks over the years as well. She was sure though that it was because his mum loved Quidditch and it was passed on to him and his siblings. "Weren't they both captains when they were in school?" he asked as he tried to remember. He was pretty sure his mum was one, but he wasn't sure about his aunt. Regardless though, he was quite looking forward to being able to play, even though at this point, it would still be a while, and there would be more competition as well. "That'd be cool," he agreed. It would be fun to play although he played a different position than Jai. Corey was more used to being a seeker, though he could be a decent beater - his mum made quite sure of that. As far as he knew, Jai and Tizi were both chasers, although that could have changed - after all, Jai plays keeper every now and then for Slytherin.
Honestly, for Tizi, Quidditch was the be all and end all of his life. Without Quidditch there was just no point to anything at all. He loved the game more than anything else in his life, but he didn’t really want to admit yet that it was all he wanted to do with his life. He didn’t care about his studies or any of that, he just wanted to play Quidditch professionally like his Aunt and be famous as a Quidditch player. He didn’t have a favoured position at all either since played each of them at home, though Seeker was generally his go to position. He wasn’t sure if he had the arm strength for a beater. “I’m sure she would understand since she knows what it’s like to get onto the team, being an alternate is fine too right?” He suddenly wondered. He knew the teams were mostly full already so... they would still be able to do that right? “Yeah. Mama and Aunt Taylor both!” They didn’t know a lot about what their parents got up to in school since they never talked about it, but it was one of the few things they did talk about. That and prefect status, which honesty Tizi wasn’t sure any of them would achieve. He didn’t think any of them were studious enough for that. Considering he’d not gone to classes at all so far, and didn’t plan to for the whole year. “Could you imagine with all our siblings and cousins all being on the teams? We’d own all the teams!” It would be pretty funny he thought. “I can’t wait to get on the team, I’m confident we’ll make it too.”
It was weird for Corey to not be on a broom for the past two years having been able to ride one for as long as he could remember. His mum frequently told them that she had him on a broom ever since he was on diapers - which would of course earn an eye-roll from his dad, but he would not deny the claim either. With how Corey felt so comfortable on a broom growing up, he never doubted the story either. Besides, he had seen his mum with his younger siblings and it was true that his mum would take the babies flying every now and then. And she had always encouraged them with their love for flying and sports - all of them had their own muggle sport, encouraged by their dad. Quidditch though was the favorite amongst the siblings since it was common ground for all of them. "Yeah, I think she'd be fine with that," he agreed. He didn't think that his mum would be disappointed if he made an alternate as long as he did his best. Corey grinned though when Tizi agreed that both their mums had been Quidditch captains. "Awesome!" he said. He had known his mum was one, it was one of the stories she would willingly tell them about her school days. Not much else so his parents' time in Hogwarts was a bit of a mystery. His grin widened though at the thought of his siblings and cousins being on the school team. "I know! I can't wait for Yuki to start school," he said with a sigh. Yukiko wouldn't be starting school for a few more years so he had to wait before he had a sibling in school. Unlike Tizi who now had most of his siblings with him. "Too bad Misa and Feli don't play. They'd probably be awesome on the Pitch," he said rather offhandedly. He had seen them fly in class, they were pretty good fliers although, Felicita couldn't be bothered to do some of the activities sometimes. With their prankster nature, they'd probably be a nightmare in a game. "I'm sure we will!" he agreed with a smile.

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