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Felix Carnahan

circus performer🔥middle child🔥'61 grad
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Curly 9 Inch Swishy Oak Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
04/2043 (20)
Felix had been pretty excited when he came up with the idea for his costume. After not really have a costume last year he was excited to dress up and hoped people would recognize who he was. He got to the feast as everything was well underway and he tried to see if he could find Sawyer or Leo anywhere. Even on his tip toes he couldn't find any of his friends so he made his way directly to the snack table and grabbed a cupcake. He managed to eat in in only a few bites and wondered if he should grab another one. Felix grabbed it just to be safe and took a few steps and decided to eat this one slower this time.
Sawyer had never been a huge party person, but he enjoyed Halloween well enough. At home before they'd all gone off to school it had been more of a situation of trying to make it through the day without OD-ing on lollies or avoiding the absolute worse of Dad's pranks, so arguably the school feast was nothing to sneeze at in that respect. Still, Sawyer opted for lurking near the snack table, shaking his head fondly when he spotted Felix stuffing his face nearby.

"You eating the ones with or without spiders?" Sawyer asked, nodding to the cupcake in Felix's hand before flicking the balloon he had with his costume towards him, trying to nail Felix in the forehead with it. Sure it probably wasn't super cool to spend a school dance hanging out with his 12 year old brother, but Sawyer supposed there were worse options for company.
Felix rolled his eyes at Sawyer's question. My did his brother always think he was eating bugs. "With." he replied sarcastically with his mouth full of cupcake, trying to be gross. He tried to duck out of the way of Sawyer's balloon but he couldn't move that smoothly with his hands full and it bounced off his shoulder with an amusing noise. "Why you want some?" he asked and reached out his hand that was now slightly covered in frosting and tried to wipe it on his brother's face.
Sawyer wrinkled his face in disapproval when he got an eyefull of half chewed cupcake, shoving at Felix's face. "Gross, you're gross," he said flatly, squawking when Felix tried to wipe his sticky little hands on him, trying to keep Felix at an arm's reach. "Don't you dare," he threatened, trying to side-step Felix's arm and grab him in a headlock, all thoughts of retaining a semblance of cool while they were at school forgotten under the need to squash his little brother, his balloon forgotten as it started floating away in the squabble.
Felix opened his mouth again now that his mouth was probably stained by the colored frosting. He hadn't been expecting Sawyer to do much more than push him away so the headlock caught him off guard completely. "Come on!" he groaned as he tried to fight his brother's grip. "Wow good job butterfingers." he choked out as he noticed the balloon floating up into the starry ceiling.
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