Ideas are welcome

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Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member

So I have a bit planned for Andrew. He has one girl with whom he's going to have a secret relationship and another who he will be dating. Also his godmother is getting married in winter. Apart from that there is nothing major going on with him which makes him boring.

I would appreciate if anyone has any plots were AB could fit in. I am willing to do dark stuff since I wanna change AB to darker side. Also I would like if anyone has any good ideas for their character and AB's story, that is apart from normal friendship rps.

Any DE things, chaos, drama etc....

I am so bored and AB is my favorite. I don't want to lose hope in him so please help me.

If Andrew is going to be darker then I may have a place for him.

My character, Sydney Caine, Is gradually getting nicer and nicer to people. That's going to change when her soon to be step father gets put in Azkaban. She's going to become conflicted, angry all the time but having friends who are encouraging her nicer side.

What I need is another person to encourage the nasty side of her. Is Andrew up for that? She's still pretty mean at the moment so they could meet now.
If you want you can be the one supplying all the things that Zazuka needs for her Lotus potion. She is slowly developing an addiction to Delphi Root and I'm having so that soon she can't afford to get more without help.
Yes, I would surely love to be a part of both these things. Maybe AB and Sydney can meet once and get to know each other so when you want AB to influence her to be nasty, things for Sydney can work out easily. Could you start a topic?

Yes, AB would love to help Zuka. Is Delphi Root illegal or a drug sort of thing? And is AB going to get it from the forest?What would the Lotus Potion do. Whatever the whole thing is, I am up for it
Hmmm ...

I don't have any plot in mind ... but enemies are fine, as his going to change into the darker side ... it fits ...

Hope it helps ...
Andrew Bruke said:
Yes, I would surely love to be a part of both these things. Maybe AB and Sydney can meet once and get to know each other so when you want AB to influence her to be nasty, things for Sydney can work out easily. Could you start a topic?

Yes, AB would love to help Zuka. Is Delphi Root illegal or a drug sort of thing? And is AB going to get it from the forest?What would the Lotus Potion do. Whatever the whole thing is, I am up for it
It's a herb that controls Seeing. Toxic only to young Seers like Zazuka who can't control their abilities on their own. The Delphi potion on it's own would make Zazuka sleep for the whole day but when Eclipsed Lotus is involved the potions turned into something that makes Seers sleep to something that gives them energy. Zazuka started using the lotus potion as an upper but then starts getting addicted to it to the point where she starts cleaning her Gringots account to get it.

Delphi wouldn't be something you find in the Forest unless you think it would like at the heart of the forest.
Thanks Sydney.
Yes, that is good, enemies. Could you start please?
As for Zazuka, I am in and will do anything for my new family person. Will AB be buying the potion? I guess yes. i am excited. Where should we RP?
Andrew Bruke said:
Thanks Sydney.
Yes, that is good, enemies. Could you start please?
As for Zazuka, I am in and will do anything for my new family person. Will AB be buying the potion? I guess yes. i am excited. Where should we RP?
Actually he would be chiping in to send away for the root. In the forbidden forest at first if you want to start the thred this time :D
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