Idea that I've had for a while

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Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
This is my idea, Seamus Finnigan ( Caysi's father) had a girlfriend before he met Julie whom he is divorced from. But anyways, my idea is that this girlfriend comes back in the picture, but brings a surprise along with her.. a child that she never told Seamus of. This can be from a character already, or I can create new characters and you guys can play them, or any ideas, I'm open on anything :) .
How old would the child/girlfriend have be?
The child would be around 20. Seamus and Julie got married after Caysi was born so yeah around that age. The girlfriend would be late 30's in the 40's.
Would a twenty two year old do?
I have a 22 year old man. He could be his' kid, his mum got married to her husband after he was born so we don't know who his dad is. Edward Newton
Oh that sounds really good, Seamus will really want to get to know him. I was kind of hoping that the mother can come in the picture maybe a marriage, but this all sounds good.
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