Open Icy Adventures

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Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 7th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (17)
Anisha always liked the Hogwarts events, especially when she could hang out with her friends. But Dahlia had a date apparently, or at least she was going with a boy, which sounded like a date to Anisha. She expected to meet up with Raafe at least, and maybe she could spot Leah somewhere too. The great hall was in the wintery theme again, and Anisha crouched down in her dress to inspect the fake snow on the ground. She started to gather some up, and formed it into a ball. It didn't stick together well, unlike real snow, but it would have to do. She looked around for a target to throw it at, preferably someone she knew.
Chase still didn't care much for the school parties, yet for one reason or another he found it difficult to stay away. Perhaps because unsubconsciously there was something about them that did interest him. Or maybe because spending the night alone in his dorm sounded like an even sadder fate. He hadn't put much effort into dressing up, simply showing up in jeans and a plaid button up. Chase frowned as he entered the hall to step into a very winter-y scene. Admittedly, he liked the summer theme better. After a couple of steps into the hall he stopped, looking around to see what might be worth spending his time on.

i guess this is me setting him up to be hit if you want lol
Anisha was quickly growing tired of waiting for one of her friends to show up. So when she saw a familiar face, she decided it was close enough. Classmates were pretty much potential friends, right? She took aim at Chase and then threw the snowball at him, grinning as it hit him on the shoulder.
Chase had still been debating what to do when he felt something hit his shoulder. It wasn't something that hit him hard but it was something. He was sure he wasn't just imagining things. He turned around to scan the environment, eyes landing on Anisha. "What're you grinning about?" Chase questioned, wondering if she had anything to do with it.
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