Iced Milk Teas

Nicole McLean

Active Member
Oak wand, 17 1/4 inches, Essence of Dragon Heartstring
The sun’s heat warmed up the fourteen- year -old’s skin. It was a hot and sunny day and it didn’t do Nicole’s skin any favor. Nicole squinted and tried to look up at the sun. It was too late when she realized that it was a stupid idea. The sun’s rays hit Nicole’s eyes in a second and it hurt like hell. Nicole rubbed her eyes and grimaced. Damn, she could be a bit of an idiot sometimes. The sun was as its scorching best and the most agreeable idea in order to avoid its wrath was to come inside some cool and shady place and maybe get something cold to eat. Nicole had been walking around on the streets of London for almost half an hour now without any umbrella or a hat for protection –just a measly looking yellow handkerchief. The girl checked out her watch. Just forty-five minutes more and her stepsister would finally fetch her. Nicole heaved a sigh. She could not take this anymore. She wanted to go home already. At least that place provided her some comfort physically, unlike here. Nicole continued to walk as she carried her stepmother’s big bag uncomfortably. It was typical of her stepmother honestly to order Nicole to fetch her dry cleaning when she could ask one of her maids. Nicole even wondered why she sent her clothes into a dry cleaning place when she could order her maid to dry clean her clothes at their house any minute. Nicole figured that her stepmother set this all up so that Nicole would suffer. Nicole rolled her eyes. She had always been on her stepmother’s bad side. Their mutual hate relationship deepened even more when Nicole finally got the last straw and snapped back at her last week.

There were many people that crowded the street. Nicole wasn’t surprised. She was sort of used to this kind of crowd. The streets of London were rarely isolated and despite of the bad weather, people were still out to do some shopping. After a few more minutes of torture, Nicole finally got the urge to look for a restaurant that sold something cold preferably ice cream. Her insatiable desire for a cool and shady place finally took over her as she began looking for the restaurant impatiently. It was a bit of a tough quest since she was in the range that sold mostly clothing. Nicole pushed herself further as she turned her head in multiple directions in hopes to catch a glimpse of an ice cream parlor. She struggled helplessly as she bumped into numerous of people. When she was finally about to give up, her bright blue orbs settled on a light green woodwork that said ‘Mila’s Milk Teas and Cookies’. A toothy grin appeared on Nicole’s sweat-covered face as she made her way towards the store’s entrance door. It wasn’t an ice cream parlor, yes but it was just as good. Nicole wiped away all of the sweat that trickled on her face and on her bare skin. Her bangs were as wet as a melted ice and she figured it wouldn’t be too pleasant to enter a decent place while looking like a pig. When she was sure her sweat were all wiped up, Nicole went inside the open door and was refreshed by the cool air that came out from one of those Muggle fans. She could also smell the aroma of the teas that were being prepared. Nicole put a hand inside her pocket and snatched a pound. She looked at the shopkeeper and smiled. “An almond black milk tea, please” She ordered with a friendly smile. “Oh and please put tons of ice” She added. Nicole looked around the place as she waited for her order.

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