
Ruth Adler-Roux

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand, Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire, 12 ½"
Night had fallen and the tree tops melted into the blackened sky. October brought with it a chill breeze which curled around shoulders, stroking necks and sending ice down spines. Perhaps an alleyway in an unknown neighborhood, was not the best place to be right now..
Ruth's deep brown eyes gleamed in the moonlight, the stars framing her face beautifully. Her red hair was tied firmly behind her head, fixed in a neat bun. Heavy grey furs draped over her pale, slender shoulders, shielding her from the coarse wind.

As Ruth walked, she was careful to keep her wand at her side. It was not safe for a woman to walk the streets alone at this hour. Ruth knew that. Still, she did not fear an attacker. Especially not a muggle. But maybe Ruth was a little more alert than she realized as she heard the soft sound of footsteps not too far away. Ruth's mouth opened slightly as she turned to look, to speak, but there was nothing there. Just a shadow of a tree, waving in the wind. Ruth shook her head. Come on, Ruth, she thought to herself as she began journeying along the alleyway once more, in hope of reaching the not-so local muggle pub. Stop hoping someone is there.

It was true, though. Ruth had rather hoped for the excitement of a stranger looming from the darkness, her heart racing fast with mingled fear and anticipation-- But Ruth scarcely had such 'luck'. It was a one-off that she was even out tonight rather than at the mansion before the warmth of a fire, curled up in her chair, book in one hand, wine in the other.
Why on earth she was going to a muggle pub, Ruth didn't know: She had yet to decide what she wanted from life. She didn't know whether to favor muggles or to kill them. She longed for someone to kick her mind into shape and tell her what she wanted.
Night brought about the strangest of beings. Those who were just strange, with no excuse for living, whilst there were those like Asparuh. Halloween had brought many surprises this year. Asparuh's spawn, Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich IV was born, and the wench Liyla had died because she could not handle the birth. Asparuh was doted with a hard decision something of which he was not pleased with. He had a hard decision between choosing Liyla over his son. That should have been easy for him. But no, the bond he had formed with Liyla was something so close, but so far, from something he vowed never to do in his life. Love. He shielded himself from it, he loathed it, it only made people weaker. Yet, Asparuh was a wanted man, and he could see no reason in it. Asparuh glanced up and black eyes matched the night sky, absent from the moon.

The storm that was happening over his manor was no longer raging. Things have calmed down since the birth of the new Patriarch for the future after Kalif. Though he felt a change, like he would have to raise more than just one child in the family. As if something were to happen, and fate would throw even more stress on the over seven feet tall Patriarch. Heavy, black robes waved about his body, and not even a hood was over his head. His long, almost white-blonde hair was tied back, keeping his face clear and out of any distractions. A lonely peasant cowered in the alley of which Asparuh was walking, as it should be. Asparuh did not have time or the patience to handle with lower-classed folk, muggle or not.

Asparuh was once more coated in darkness, as he walked through the alleys. He needed to have his mind clear before returning to the ever-stressful and hidden Zhefarovich Manor. All the ghosts screaming, the stress of being a Patriarch over many members of a family that seemed to be reproducing like rabbits, Asparuh would go on another killing spree like seven of those that fell victim to his hands not too long ago. As long as his mind was clear, he could use Legilimency much better than the average fool. Asparuh emerged from the darkness, and his black as abyss eyes locked on a figure up ahead. Not really in the mood to deal with anyone, slowly but surely, he flourished his most used wand and had it in his left hand. Asparuh scraped the wand against the stone building next to him, enough to make an eerie sound, perhaps to send chills up someone's spine. If this person were to prove to be a nuisance, their life would cease to exist.
Ruth was in her thoughts as she walked, her eyes unfocussed on the path beyond her: Ruth lived in the mansion with her mother and brother but they rarely saw one another as Joseph worked a lot and their mother confined herself to her room, struck by various illnesses. Ruth would often spend hours simply wandering the mansion with nothing to do. Well, she had no children to care for or even a husband. Naturally, she found this depressing.
Ruth had always hoped she would be long married by the time she was this age and with a couple of children in tow. She sighed to herself, head down and fixed upon her steps.
Until she heard a noise.

Ruth looked up, turning her head to look behind her. Someone was there. Ruth turned her whole body, her wand now gripped tightly in the hand resting by her side. She frowned as she focussed on the man in the darkness. And now Ruth could see the cause of the noise.
A wand.
The scraping sound had set Ruth's teeth on edge and, had she not been the elegant lady she was, Ruth would have shot a spell at him for it. She stared at this man. Really stared. She was sizing him up, judging if she stood a chance against him should he attack her.

Ruth, though she was tall for the average woman and stood at a rather lovely six foot height, could see that this man was taller than her. Much taller. In fact, he almost appeared to loom right over her. Ruth, not truly feeling it, forced a small smile upon her deep red lips. *"Guten abend, herr." Ruth greeted, her German accent strong and her tone not quite welcoming. She wasn't trying to make friends, more.. break the ice. If she was going to be attacked then Ruth wished to at least be spared the suspense.

*Good evening, sir
Asparuh now saw that this figure was a woman. As raised by a male superior family, one as strict and law-driven as his, Asparuh thought of her as a non-threatening person. Then it crossed his mind, not all women are as harmless as they seem. Not only did his sisters prove that, but also Thorine Dolohov and Lilivek Chloroleeva, both of which who had potioned him into spawning a child. Amazingly, as strong as he seemed to be, Asparuh just could not fight a love potion, no matter how much he trained his body to reject it. It brought out a more passionate man, whereas he hated even touching a woman unless he had a reason to. Asparuh doubted that this woman could do such a thing as he was not as foolish as he was to take someone's drink. Now, he prepared his own.

The woman he had managed to catch the attention of without really a desire to, Asparuh saw that she was older, but not as old as he; even if he did not appear so. Asparuh took a mental note of her body language, seeing elegance. That was something not very common nowadays. He took a single step forward, just enough to allow what light there was in the alleys to truly show his face. Not a single emotion could be seen, not even in his black, heartless eyes. Asparuh truly was a terrifying man, but more so when his wrath was unfolding upon the world. Now, he just appeared to be calm, cold, more like a statue than anything else. The robes upon his body fell silent and still, as if he never moved at all.

The wand remained at his side, not touching the wall now. But that did not lessen the threat as he knew wandless magic, and was quick to dueling. Asparuh wasn't a push-over. He was wise, intelligent, if not the only Death Eater still alive and not in Azkaban that has been around since the beginning. When the woman spoke, the tone was something that Asparuh could consider not annoying, yet not fake either. However, Asparuh was not familiar with the German language nor with German people. Asparuh now spoke, his voice cold, low, and dark, "I don't speak German, woman." His hand holding the wand repositioned the weapon, as it was now less of a threat, pointing more or less behind him rather than in front of him. It was little signs like this when Asparuh was not going to strike unless provoked. Also, he chose not to use Legilimency on the woman, as he did not use this power unless he needed to.
Ruth watched as the light hit the man's face and at last she could see him. Would it have been going too far to say that she thought him handsome with his masculine jaw and black eyes? Of course, this was not the sort of man Ruth would normally think handsome and she supposed that these thoughts were partially inflicted to distract her from what a threat he seemed at first.
And then the man spoke. It was English. Ruth always used her mother tongue when she first met someone, no matter what the country.
It felt somewhat comforting.

It was, perhaps, one of the best things Ruth had ever done when she had learnt English. Though her accent was still thick through her speech, she could make herself clear. And she felt a little safer to speak once the man was no longer pointing his wand in her direction. Ruth, though she had no real intention, initially, of starting a conversation, she felt it only right to speak now. She loosened her grip on her wand but only lowered it slightly. "Ruth," she commented, not enjoying being addressed as 'woman'. "Ruth Adler, heiress of the Adler mansion." Alright, she was not exactly the heiress.. yet. Her mother was still in the process of dying but once she was gone, Ruth would inherit it all entirely. She had been raised to introduce her wealth and status as it often bought more points with those practicing in Dark Magic. Ruth didn't know if this man even cared which, by the looks of him, he didn't.
"Pureblood." She added, an almost darkened tone.

Ruth's red hair glimmered in the small shedding of light upon them. Her neck was constantly tilted backwards slightly so her eyes could fix on his: She was not afraid too look a man in the eyes. Her mother, of course, would think this disrespectful. But her mother wasn't here. Nobody else was here but Ruth and this tall stranger.
Asparuh said nothing more. He usually did not start conversations unless the other party wished it so, or if it were completely unavoidable. English is what he used for today. Asparuh knew many languages, but never bothered to learn German. He also did not speak his native tongue Bulgarian, not unless he was so angry that he could have a heart attack, or unless he were at home. In other countries, he would see no use in using his native tongue, as English was spoken almost everywhere. Asparuh glowered down at the woman, as black met deep brown.

Slowly, Asparuh put his wand back inside his robes. The woman was speaking now, and if she proved to be a threat, wandless magic would suffice. He could banish people several feet from him, enough to knock them off their feet to say the least. Asparuh took note of her title. It was something he had not heard before, but perhaps mentioned through the whispers of ghosts. Most pure-blood families have heard of one and another from afar. "Asparuh Zhefarovich the Third, Patriarch of the Zhefarovich Family," introduced the tall Death Eater. It was better to know one person, and have the other person know you. If someone told you who they were, Asparuh was raised to inform them of the same thing. If and only if they were not a threat. Ruth Adler did not appear to be one.

The word of her blood status meant almost nothing to him. Perhaps it increased her chances of survival after this meeting by some percent if he were to become infuriated. "Pure-blood as well," Asparuh stated coldly, his voice monotonic. Asparuh stared down, not even bothering to blink, as his stare could pierce through a grown man and seemingly shatter them if Asparuh managed to tear them apart using nothing but words. A skill that was passed down to Kalif. It was a useful skill, and if this woman showed a weakness, he could use that to tear her apart. But with this gift in mind, Asparuh only used it only if he needed to. Rather than making the victim feel like utter crap, he preferred actually to just exterminate them.
Ruth vaguely recognized the name but quickly memorized it; so he was Patriarch of the Zhefarovich family? Naturally, Ruth knew the value of such a title as was the custom among Pureblood families. Though it may have been foolish, Ruth stared back into Asparuh Zhefarovich's cold black eyes. Her eyes flicked between his, studying them carefully for any slight sign of emotion. So far, she could see none other than this shell of a man staring back at her. Of course he was intimidating- he was a man. Most men at least tried to be the same way.

Obviously this conversation, which Ruth had never intended to have in the first place, would only move along should she make it so.
Why she did this, Ruth never knew, but something about Asparuh was almost egging her on, encouraging her to continue until she made a mistake and then what? Would he kill her?
"The mansion is almost empty of life," Ruth said, her tone not eager to say this, nor finding it unpleasant. It may have seemed like a random comment but Ruth was working, what appeared to be, a one-sided conversation.
"Just three pureblood Adlers left, now." Her words did not ask for compassion and had they, Ruth would have expected none from a man so cold.

"I'm expected to find a husband and wed to save the Adler bloodline from.. filth." There. She'd said it. Ruth had finally said something not neutral on the subject of blood status. So often had she danced about words, careful what she said. But then, why should she care what she said? In many ways, it was the truth. Ruth had not expected to say those words, though. Not now, not ever.
She shuffled her slender shoulders beneath the furs. Her eyes, however, were still fixed on Asparuh with not a moment's hesitation.
It seems as so the woman had no fear in looking into Asparuh's eyes as some would have if his stories floated about the area. Over five decades of terrorizing, killing, torturing and raising a fine family he had done, yet the drive to continue for just as many decades lingered in his veins. Though now, instead of before, he needed a reason to do such dark deeds, as he had wised up to the role of being a Patriarch many years ago. So far, Asparuh had proven to be the best of the Patriarchs in the history of the family, as there were none dying out, but sadly enough, the pure-bloods seemed to have lowered also. He had yet to receive any pure-blood great-grandchildren, but there would be some soon enough.

Asparuh expected the woman to leave, to turn her back on him and just go. But instead, what he heard struck him off guard. No, he could not care for how many pure-bloods were left in her family, nor how the mansion of hers was almost empty of life. It would have been her own family's fault for letting themselves die out like so, and as for empty of life, that could not be helped if only a few people were living there. As for the Manor of which Asparuh dwelt, there never seemed to be lack of life, dead or alive. People were always there, coming in and going out, the ghosts always whispering or shouting. Asparuh usually remained in an area free from all that. He spent most of his days either sitting by the fire or staring at the family tree.

The next words that came out of her mouth did not phase the Death Eater a bit. Instead, he stared down at her, unsympathizing, uncaring of what she was expected of her. He had wed once, but to a mixed-blood who had lied to him about her blood status after the children showed up on the tree. He was lucky that he had one other that could enhance the pure-blood line, but the woman was foolish, giving up the majority to adoption. Asparuh spoke, his tone not giving out any emotion whatsoever, "Saving the line of pure-bloods is critical, in any family. Why you are sharing this information with a complete stranger is obviously odd, unless you were seeking some sort of help with the matter. Advice if you prefer." Asparuh paused momentarily before he continued, his eyes narrowing down upon Ruth, "Otherwise, if not, I see that you are only making conversation, and could think of nothing more to say other than your troubles. Most people, such as myself, have other things to worry over and would possibly not care in the slightest."
Ruth was a tolerant person and took great pride in who she was. She did not care whether Asparuh was interested or not in such menial matters of complaint but that wouldn't stop Ruth taking advantage of the situation and doing so anyway; she rarely had a chance to speak to anyone not blood related and she was going to have a conversation with this man whether he liked it or not.
A darker side of Ruth seemed to flourish, darted across her face, her lips stretching into a dark smile, her dark brown eye still fixed on Asparuh's black ones.

Perhaps she should have been afraid. Perhaps Ruth should have feared such a man. Perhaps many things: Ruth had known the name, of course, she had recognized the man's title. He was a powerful man. Ruth knew that, and yet her eyes still remained fixed on his, almost challenging. As elegant and soft as Ruth may have seemed, she certainly knew how to defend herself. All Adler women were trained especially should a dangerous situation arise.

Ruth had hidden courage and she knew it was time to use it. If she said something Asparuh didn't like, he would probably hurt her. Yet, though it should have, this notion did not bother Ruth Adler in the slightest. He could torture her or even kill her if he wanted but Ruth did not fear death. Why should she? Death was just another mystery which she would one day solve. So what if her day of reckoning came sooner than planned? It mattered not.
"You're like ice," Ruth said, taking a step closer to Asparuh. "You're tone is so cold, as is your stare," another step. "Blackened eyes staring down.. Emotionless." Ruth tilted her head slightly to one side. "Or perhaps, a little bored.. I don't doubt that you have taken countless lives, those eyes, so full of darkness." What was it all supposed to mean to him? Ruth knew exactly what she said, her pale skin reflecting his. Ruth was not scared for a reason; she knew those eyes. In truth, not those specifically, but they were same eyes as her father had worn. There was a strange comfort to the dark orbs before her.

"Tell me about yourself." Ruth said, breaking the pause between her speech, her shoulders relaxing, her wand hanging idly from her delicate right hand. The way she spoke suggested that she was uncaring as to what he thought of her one-sided conversation. She was going to speak anyway, and to him, at that. "How many children do you have?" Personal? Yes, but Ruth felt as though something was finally free and at long last, she could speak. "That is, assuming you have children?"
Something about this woman kept Asparuh firm in his standing position. Half of him wanted to leave, saying that all he was doing was 'wasting his time' when really, he was actually just out to get some fresh air and to be away from the stresses that the Zhefarovich manor held at this point. He had absolutely no reason to leave, and also no reason to stay as well. If the situation exceeded to where Asparuh would be outside of his comfort, he would just kill and be done. Asparuh grew tempted to use his Legilimency upon the woman, to see what exactly she was up to, but he held himself to only use it when needed. This situation could be analyzed through observing alone.

He wasn't about to look away either. If something were to flicker to give out a hint of what this woman was doing, it would show in her eyes. They were the key to someone's mind, to their very soul. Ruth compared him to ice, as she took a step closer. Asparuh naturally tensed up a bit, but it wouldn't show because of his robes. The words spilled out and Asparuh was not shocked, nor was he irritated. It rather reminded him of someone else who's life was taken tonight. Though what Liyla had said to him in the past, it was rather bold. The relationship they shared was only in the open in the Zhefarovich Manor, as she called him a variety of names. None of them pissed him off, but it was rather unnerving that her favorite was "sexy beast" before she was impregnated with Asparuh the Fourth.

"Blood of many are stained upon my name. Bored would be not an appropriate word to describe how I am right now, but more or less stressed," stated the Patriarch. What this woman had seen in him, as many have, befuddled Asparuh. The darkness of which he controlled within must have attracted women to him like a fire to moths. Most of which had come his way had come up destroyed by him or some matter of circumstance. "I only reveal myself to those of worthy stature that are not a waste of time and air. You have yet to prove that, Ruth Adler." Her next question though, Asparuh could answer after some thought. He had to name them all in his mind before he could give out a good, stable answer. At last, he answered, "I have a total of ten children, one deceased."
Ruth liked the way he said her name. His voice was soothing to the ears compared to the screeching one of her mother. She smiled as she was told the she had yet to prove herself. Ruth also acknowledged what Asparuh said about his children: One of them deceased. How awful that must be. But Ruth couldn't know the full extent of how this felt as she had no children of her own.
Ruth reached up one of her slender, feminine hands to her ear, stroking from it round to the underneath of her chin.
She was contemplating her next move with great consideration.

Yet, every time Ruth went to think, the words circled her mind. She allowed her furs to slip down a little, her bare white shoulders poking from the top. As weak as Ruth may have looked, as vulnerable and elegant, Ruth certainly knew how to fight.. Even without magic.
"A man with much to hide." Ruth spoke, her brown eyes flitting between his black ones. "Surely there is no harm in divulging such simple - and most likely, well known information to a woman such as I? A woman so weak and feeble." There was a slight bite to the way she spoke these words. Obviously, Asparuh had the upper hand here but Ruth, being either very brave or rather foolish, was confronting this man, regardless oof his power. She didn't know why she did it. She just did.
"I can promise you, Asparuh Zhefarovich," She hissed the name, enjoying the sound of it. "I am most certainly not a waste of time."

There was a darker side to Ruth. Of course there was. Everyone kept a secret. And, naturally, Ruth had hers:
Seven years ago, Ruth had gone out for the night on a walk. She had been alone and passing through a muggle neighborhood. Ruth had, and still did, tolerate muggles. She did not like them, yet she hadn't the drive to do anything about it.
However, this night when Ruth was wandering alone, a man about her age had pulled a knife out and threatened her, demanding her money.
Her life at risk, Ruth had taken out her wand. The man had laughed as she pointed the wand at him, cornered. He had still got that smug look on his face as he had dived to attack her, as she instinctively sent a spell at him, as his eyes became lifeless and all became silent. She had fled the scene and, for reasons unknown, had never been caught. But Ruth was unsure if she hated all muggles. It was only one man who had attacked her. Only him. But she had spent months after that cooped up inside the mansion, hating what she had done, unbelieving herself capable of killing.
Of course, Ruth was a changed person now. And it was this man who had caused her mind to change, to switch and fix on a decision it had been struggling with for months now.
Asparuh still could not get this Ruth Adler. Why was she still about in his presence? Surely he wasn’t one that a lot wanted to hang about with. His aura alone could send chills up someone’s spine. His voice could do much worse. But still, this woman was either highly intrigued with such a man, or was extremely foolish. Either or, Asparuh could care less. He preferred a less-foolish person to associate with, however. Only time would tell whether or not this woman was imprudent or not. Asparuh would only make decisions after a while of knowing someone, a look into their mind, by observing or the quickest route.

Every action taken by Ruth was noted in Asparuh’s head. Body language spoke a lot about a person. This was something that he had learned over his many years of being alive. So far, Ruth seemed to not be a threat, but a proper pure-blood, raised by a respectable family. This was a good sign, and one that could be allied with. Though Asparuh knew that families do tend to go from good to bad. Even though the furs on Ruth’s shoulders had slipped, Asparuh had paid no attention. He did not respond to bodily actions, nor did he really pay much attention to how a woman dressed. This was not the type of man Asparuh was raised to be, and that was not about to change anytime soon. In fact, if someone showed too much in his presence, he often ordered them to cover up their skin. The words that were spoken caused a very slight reaction. A tiny smirk was noticeable, as if it were a trick of the eye.

And it lasted not. “Every soul has its secrets, and its stories willing to share, but most have come to believe that I am absent of one, and secrets I have, as well as stories, are told through actions and others around. I never divulge in such information of a complete stranger. If the information is so ‘well-known’ as you put it, then you can have an excellent time trying to figure it out yourself,” stated Asparuh coldly. When she said that she wasn’t a waste of time, this would have made him laugh, if he were capable as of the moment. “Why don’t you prove that you are not a waste of time, Ruth Adler.” Asparuh was rather interested in just how different this woman can be, just how much time she would consume to prove herself to be worth higher than mud. Most failed the test, and Asparuh either killed or left after a few choice words that could cut a man down to size. This was something he was rather interested in seeing.
Ruth was a proud woman and though she had been raised to respect men- especially a man with such a title- she could not help but hold her head up high with a smile which clearly said the same as she spoke. "Asparuh," she said, her accent still strong as ever, playing with the name, "You make it sound as though I have to do something for you." There was an underlying venom to her tone which could hardly be heard but announced that she disliked being spoken to in such a way as Asparuh had done. "I am no waste of time, and nor do I feel the need to confirm it. However," again, she curved the letters, "If we should talk more, I think you will come to understand this better."

Though she seemed almost pissed off by Asparuh's comment, there was still a slight tone of flirtatiousness to Ruth's voice; something she had never originally intended but in the presence of a man such as this, it seemed to come naturally. Her eyes seemed to have changed slightly, to have sharpened and focused closer on Asparuh's. She had not met a man with eyes as such as his but something about them was.. Attractive. It was a strange thought and it buzzed around Ruth's head for a moment or two before settling down. Was that why she was acting this way?

They were both pure-bloods, both adults, but very, very different. Yet Ruth seemed to be becoming more of a chameleon, her body language altering accordingly, standing with equal posture, regardless of the fact she was about a foot shorter than he.
Ruth was quite a strong woman at heart and often she chose to hide it. Tonight, a flutter of her true self, the Ruth she had chosen to compress into the very back of her mind, was dancing before her eyes, emerging from within.
Asparuh truthfully had not expected the conversation to turn around as it did. Their minds had to be on two completely different levels. Though this did not show in his eyes, never did the emotion of confirming her statement. More often than not, Asparuh chosen to cut a woman down in her rightful place, rather than showering her in compliments and lies. Asparuh may not be as respectful as most in his family, but he only did so to those that earned it. “Thoughts are often clouded by foolish intentions. No, you do not have to do anything. I expect nothing out of you,” stated Asparuh. “My statement can be proven by words alone, no action required…usually.”

He had expected her to walk away by now, but she still hadn’t. After been with four women, two hopelessly in love with him before they died, Asparuh could surely tell when a woman was flirting, hidden or not. It was often easily read, and Asparuh was tempted to walk away now before anything more was started up. He couldn’t be driven down that road of complete hell again. Asparuh had enjoyed his times with Tsvetanka and Liyla, but enough was enough. Those two seemed too…clingy for his tastes. But they satisfied him however. Asparuh was a tough man to please though, if someone were to take this into account. Asparuh wondered what was it about women that were drawn to him… If it were something he could change, he would.

But if it contradicted with who he was, Asparuh would not. Something changed about this woman’s demeanor. Was she keeping something back that she had hidden? Asparuh did not know, nor did he really wish to. Asparuh did not have time to find out more about a hopeless basket case. He had enough of them in the family. Asparuh instead spoke rather quietly, but somehow his voice had gotten colder, “Your behavior is intriguing, as is your body language. You seem to be distinctive compared to the other common alley women I have come across in my day, most had not survived the first five minutes. Just how long are you going to continue to stand in my presence?” Asparuh had no where to go, and this was rather clear. But this also revealed something small. Not many could stand to be in his presence for too long.
Why did Ruth still remain in this place in the company of such a man? What was it that kept her there? Ruth did not know the answer, but she saw no reason to let this show on her face. She intended to remain confident, even if that, at some point, became just the emotion displayed on her beautiful face. For now, Ruth was content with the situation. But still, she had no idea why. She answered his question quite casually, "That would probably be because I am no 'common alley woman', as you so put it." She smiled as she said this.
Ruth was proud of her blood and this was perhaps the reason why she remained here; pureblood company was something she had sought for some time and now she had found it in this man.

A very slight laugh eased from Ruth's mouth at his question. "Are you not standing in my presence also?" She said, choosing her words differently from what she had thought to say. "Either of use could leave or even kill one another, yet we haven't." She held her wand between both palms, an end to each. Ruth was still watching Asparuh as she spun the wand and moved her palms away a little. The wand remained in place, just spinning. Ruth wasn't necessarily implying anything with her words, but they had some significant meaning to the conversation.

She stopped the spinning wand, which had begun to throw off little sparks of red and amber, and pocketed it. All the time, she hadn't taken her eyes off of Asparuh. "You are an interesting person, Asparuh, and I have much yet to learn about you." Ruth's deep brown eyes reflected some of the starlight. They were full of intrigue, rather than fear which perhaps she would have felt had she not met Asparuh under such calm circumstances. Ruth's pocketed wand may have not seemed much but the gesture was there. The gesture that this man was in no way intimidating to her.
Asparuh kept his eyes narrowed in focus and observing this woman, just for the littlest sign of something he could read without forcing. She seemed a bit too confident in Asparuh’s opinion which naturally made him suspicious. What was this woman hiding? What was she planning? Everything seemed so unclear, so unnatural even. Asparuh smirked slightly, but just a bit and let it fade again. “You would be surprised about how many pure-bloods are nothing more than common filth nowadays. There are hardly any respectable pure-bloods anymore.” Asparuh could list off a few families off the top of his head. Thankfully, none of which were connected to his own family. It would have been just disgusting to have filth related to him, by any means. So far, he hasn’t researched on most other families on the tree…just yet.

“Indeed I am, however I never turn my back on someone without leaving choice words to cut their soul in half,” he stated. Asparuh doubted that this woman could kill him. Many have tried, all of which have failed obviously, as he was still standing here to this very day. The motion of which she was using to hold her want up was rather intriguing, and it meant nothing to Asparuh. Perhaps it was something of hers that she needed to see. Their eyes had never left each other’s, even during the slight movement of the other. Asparuh barely moved himself, and it appeared that only his chest was moving as he breathed slowly, and his lips as he spoke coldly.

Even when she had pocketed the wand, Asparuh refused to look at any part of the woman other than her eyes. What better way than to look into the very soul itself? The stars had given the brown some added sparkle to them, and here Asparuh was, not caring in the slightest. The emotions that he was reading was something that went beyond him. It was not fear, thus it was not nearly as recognizable. “I do not think you would want to know that much about me, especially only knowing that this is our first meeting, and in a sullied alley at that.” If she were to learn about him, would she ever return the favor and know about her? That is, if he even cared to know about Ruth?
Ruth had never held eye contact for as long as she had this night. Most times, she would have something much better to do and so, she would roll her eyes and continue with her business. Tonight, however, Ruth had nowhere she truly needed to be. Alright, she was supposed to watch over her slowly dying mother but she had tired of her 'duty'. If her mother didn't hurry up an die soon then Ruth would finish the job herself. She had dark thoughts, such as these, on a regular basis and they did nothing to ease her mind.

She couldn't help the smile creeping onto her face as Asparuh mentioned cutting a soul in half. His words, though imbued in darkness, somewhat charmed Ruth. Of course he probably didn't intend such an affect, but one could hardly not admire such a man. A lot could be understood by someone's eyes and Asparuh's were stocked with power. The way he stood, though Ruth hardly took note of it, displayed great self-respect and self-belief. Ruth didn't doubt that he could physically harm her but neither did she doubt her own ability to defend herself. She had attended Durmstrang, after all, and it was only natural she learnt of the Dark Arts and how to protect herself against an attacker.

At his next words, Ruth only seemed more interested by him. Ruth was not one to give up on the hunt easily. She was enjoying herself too much, fascinated by Asparuh. "Well," she began, an eyebrow raising slightly, "if you are uncomfortable being in such a place then you are more than welcome to join me at the Adler mansion, however," Ruth added, "I have no problem with learning more of you or remaining in this alley." She chose her words carefully, instilling hidden meaning into some which only the brighter of men could have seen.
The smile keeps coming, and it was evident to Asparuh that this woman was becoming like many others before her. What was it about him that lured women into him? Asparuh didn’t even know this. He did not think he was good looking at all. In fact, he did not care a bit about his appearance. Perhaps it was the darkness within, the darkness that shaped the very man Asparuh became. It lured in people by touching others’ darknesses, and pulled them into their own demise or their own embracement. It was nothing more but a matter of choice. So far, no one had been able to be strong enough to become like him, and be the perfect companion.

There were only two close enough, and they were the ones who gave birth to Kalif and Asparuh Zhefarovich IV. Both were dead though. It was a real shame really. They just could not handle what Asparuh was, what he had to give. Was this why Asparuh never loved? He must not have had a dark light, so to speak. A dark companion without a single trace of good in them. Obviously, Kalif had found his in Nicolette, and Arnost in Thorine. Asparuh never bothered to try to search. He just did not have the time or the patience with such affections and love. He believed it weakened him, as it were nothing more than a distraction. Asparuh did not even think that this could be another possible to having a true, darkened companion. Asparuh just did not mind or care about having another companion. Two companions, and two drugged psychotic women were enough.

“I never once mentioned that I was uncomfortable, but I do not approve of this place for a conversation to hold,” stated the Death Eater. Asparuh narrowed his eyes upon the woman. No, he would not be going to the Adler Mansion. That was the last place he was wanting to go with a woman. He only trusted his own boundaries. The hidden messages that Asparuh received weren’t very clear, only because he was not paying much attention. “I will not go with you to the Adler mansion, however,” paused Asparuh. His left hand outstretched, palm up, as if offering her hand to his. “If you wish to continue this meeting, you would have to come with me to the Zhefarovich Manor.” The only result from this meeting if continued to his own territory, would be talk and that would be it. Asparuh had other things to do than entertain Ruth in any other aspect. He had children and family to attend to.
Finally, things seemed to be going in a more positive direction. Ruth had a constant, slightly dark, smile etched upon her face. The light from above hit her red hair, causing it to shine for a moment. Her smile caused very tiny creases to form either side of her eyes. From the corner of her eyes, Ruth could see Asparuh's hand out, almost offering. "I would be honored." Ruth replied finally, laying her delicate hand upon his, whether he wanted it or not.

Ruth did not usually go home with strange men she had just met. In truth, she met few men to have a conversation with and those had bored her, asking about her, talking about sports, talking about other dull things which Ruth had no interest in. It wasn't the topics, as such, which bored her but more the way the men had represented themselves- so open, nothing to hide. Honest. A man with no big secrets was a dull man indeed and not worth her time. Asparuh, on the other hand, was flooded in mystery. Naturally, Ruth had been intrigued and attempted to learn more about this man.

It wasn't just Asparuh's air of mystery, blood status or title which had charmed Ruth, but also his appearance: He towered above her in an intimidating way with cold black eyes and a strong posture. All something which Ruth had never seen before in a man. Something which she truly adored. She had pursued him in conversation and it had paid off. Getting to know such a man could only be a good thing, right?
Asparuh's hand clinched hers just a bit, but firmly. He would need a tight hold on someone in order to apparate them to the Zhefarovich Manor. Not only is there the risk of splinching, but there is a chance that she would not even make it to the Manor. Then again, Asparuh could not say that he did care if she did get splinched or left behind. His eyes still locked upon him, and he was slightly relieved about leaving a dark alley. He got closer to Ruth Adler, still staring down at her. He spoke in his expression what words could not say. Hold on tight, and do not let go.

Where he was taking her, it was a place that should be honored. With a loud CRACK!, Asparuh had apparated into the Patriarch's Lair, which was decorated in black, only lit by a large fireplace and black candles here and there. Over the fireplace hung the Zhefarovich crest, high and proud. Two arm chairs sat in front of the fireplace, one for him, and one for his twin. The family tree also covered one of the walls, which was large and the writing appeared to be in blood. Books also outlined the other walls, as well as swords and other ancient artifacts. There was a few sofas and one table-like chair used for branding. Asparuh released Ruth's hand, and he waved his hand. The chairs turned and faced each other.

Asparuh walked over to his personal chair and took a seat. Ruth could sit in the opposite one if she so desired to. The heat from the fireplace could be felt, and the light from the fire caused shadows to dance across his features. "Be careful not to touch certain items. They are cursed, so to speak." Whether or not the items themselves were cursed was a mystery. Though Asparuh did not appreciate his items being touched by random strangers. "We also should not be bothered for the remainder of the evening." Though where the entrance to this room was, there were double doors, yet to be replaced from when Asparuh eliminated them from his wrath many months before, if not a year ago. That situation was happily taken care of.
Ruth felt the firm grip of his hand on hers and within moments, the world had warped around them. It was only seconds before Ruth could admire the beauty of the place Asparuh had spoken of. The dim light further shadowed the room and all inside it. Ruth found her eyes shooting over the room- of course she had seen rooms such as this before but this one.. This one sent an excited chill down her spine.
Ruth felt Asparuh's hand release hers as he moved two chairs to face one another.

Ruth remained where she was for a moment, observing the powerful man in his chair, reminding her of a king. Though Ruth was interested in the items Asparuh spoke of, she had no intention of touching them, cursed or not. She would hate someone to place their hands all over her personal possessions, a stranger at that. Ruth walked graciously to join Asparuh, sitting in the chair opposite he, folding one leg over the other in a feminine manner. "You have a magnificent home," she said, even though she had only seen one room. That did not matter, one room could paint a picture miles longer than itself. "Though I expected no less." She added with a smile creeping back upon her face.

Her mind was drifting over the things they had spoken of so far. Ruth found a question on her lips. "Every man has his faults," she began, "You have- what I can only assume must be- a grandeur home, children of your own, a certain darkness.." The firelight seemed to dance about Ruth's eyes, causing them to gleam. "You have these wonderful things," she continued, "and I see no catch. All men have some sort of failing," Her eyes darted up and down the man before her, "Yet I see none." Ruth was used to men hiding something about themselves or being perfect in every way but for one which usually turned out to be the worst. Ruth could only hope Asparuh's was something tolerable: Holding his hand and standing at his side had been empowering and now Ruth's intentions were becoming clear to herself- She wanted to remain at Asparuh's side.
The compliments were something Asparuh was quite used to, if those people truly honored a grand home that wreaked of Dark Arts and was around for centuries. This house was unplottable, and it was also one of homes where many had died, if not hundreds to thousands. The family had been quite vicious back in the good old days, and one of the only people of the family that remained as vicious as ever before was Asparuh himself. Not many families could hold up against his wrath if he were to turn on them. Asparuh preferred to be feared than to be liked or loved. Being likable and loved could never earn anyone a place in the world, not in this man's eyes.

"A magnificent home, most would say, but once traveling to the darkest depths, one could not say otherwise." Down in the rooms that were prohibited to most others, except from himself, there were stains of blood all over the walls, and bones laying about, as well as dust from people's bodies that were kept here. Liyla had been the most recent to be buried, and she died not moments ago. Raisa was more than likely tending to the newborn, and everything around was quite, except for drafts and what sounded like moans of agony from other ghosts that lurked about from time to time. Asparuh took how she sat in mind. She was one to be honored, by others at least. To be respected by Asparuh was one of the best honors there could ever be once someone had entered or associated with the family.

Her words made Asparuh narrow his eyes. No...faults. Asparuh doubted this highly. A fault was his temper when someone pressed his buttons. He could not heal anything or anyone, and he could not cast a patronus. "I have a large family, and it seems you do not know just how old I am. I am sure I have a son older than yourself; quite positive Kalif is actually. I have grandchildren, and also two great-grandchildren. I have been around before your time." Asparuh doubted that she was around when his name was whispered throughout Europe when the Dark Lord was in reign. Asparuh was one of the original Death Eaters, having joined them as soon as he graduated from Durmstrang, and he was just a year older than Bellatrix Lestrange. "As I am now curious, what would you perceive as a fault?"
Ruth listened as Asparuh spoke of how much older than her he was. This made Ruth smile. As if age was ever an issue. In Ruth's mind, an older man was more experienced in certain matters. And when it came to the matter of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Ruth had no problem with that. Perhaps Asparuh was trying to give himself fault, to put Ruth off? If that was the case then he had failed. Once her mind was fixed on something, Ruth refused to give up. She was a tolerable woman and could shrug off pretty much anything.

However, as he spoke again, Ruth's mind plunged into a silence. She thought for only a moment, knowing what she felt was often a fault. "Caring too much." she said firmly. "Caring what other's think," Of course there were more things on her mind than this; Ruth could have ranted on about many things but in truth, she did not care that much. She thought it weak to care about something completely unrelated to your own situation. "I also think it a fault for a man to feel compassionate. I do not with to be sympathized with; a man should get on with his job and a woman should tend to the goslings." She said this more to herself than to Asparuh, stating her thoughts clearly- It was the way she had been raised.

Ruth did not care how sexist her views were or how wrong they may be, she had better things to worry about than what was the right role for a particular gender. Ruth's father had been powerful in his time and filled with sexist remarks. But Ruth had loved her father and learnt to worship the ground he walked on. "Is it not the job of a wife to cater to her husband's every need?" she added as an afterthought.
Asparuh could honestly say that he was surprised with how odd her behavior was. She knew of his age, and she did not care? Was this another Thorine and Arnost situation? No, that would be impossible. Not only was Ruth older than Thorine, but Asparuh did not love Ruth, nor did she him, as far as he could tell. Someone who fell in love or lust with Asparuh were a foolish being indeed. He could never return such feelings, and if it became out of hand, he would shut them down completely. This usually meant that he would kill them off. There was no point in loving someone who is incapable of such actions.

Ruth seemed to be rather determined with something, but Asparuh cared not about it. It was perhaps one of the most intriguing things about a personality. Determination. What she could be determined of was a mystery all on its own. Whether or not he would bother solving it was the more intriguing mystery. “I would have to agree upon caring too much. It brings others down into a weak and pathetic state. It is rather sad.” However, he did not agree on the woman tending to the offspring. A woman would not dare raise the next Patriarch to be. That was a male’s job, to train and to teach him. What type of woman was she? This struck his interest rather fondly. It appeared that she was raised in an old fashioned home. This was something new, something he had never encountered before.

“How interesting. Your thoughts would have pleased many members of my family…before my time. However, they do not necessarily please me.” Asparuh had seen a few great women of power, those who did not deserve the husbands they had sought out. “No, I do not believe a woman should have to cater to her husband’s every will. That is why we have elves. A woman of pure-blood should be respected, honored, and bond with another pure-blood to spread the bloodline.” Asparuh fell into a silence as his thoughts pondered. No, there was a rarity in when women had more power than men in this family. Then again, there were more males than females. The females were either weak or downright venomous.
A dark smile caused one corner of Ruth's mouth to raise slightly. "Pity," she said, a little surprised by how his ideas varied to hers. In her family, women had been given little respect- But after her mother's death, Ruth would become the Matriarch and she could change as many rules as she wished. Ruth may have given away her family's rules but she did, however, avoid giving away why women were given such disrespect: Some women of the past in Ruth's family tree had, in fact, poisoned their husbands. Though the women of her family had appeared fragile, beautiful and even caring, most of them were, in truth, seeking power. It was only recently, her father having passed away, that Ruth's mother had come into power.

Ruth liked the way Asparuh thought, however, though she still found herself believing in the stereotypes forced upon her by family. "You believe in respecting women?" She asked, an eyebrow raised, a sharp finger stroking her pale cheek. "You really are one of a kind." Her eyes were, once again, fixed solely upon his. She was smiling, appearing totally at ease around this intimidating man whom she had only just met. The light played about her face, as did the expression showing her intentions: A pureblood, woman respecting man. Who would not be tempted?

Her mind was now elsewhere. She knew what she wanted and she would continue to pursue this desire. It was slowly becoming more obvious. Love was something between friends, that bond which held them together and sometimes that love would evolve into something more, something 'valuable'. This was not love, the feeling Ruth had towards Asparuh. No, this was lust.

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