Closed I will be a mom!

Rebeca Romanov

🦋 mother, Romanov imperia bissness, husky lover🦋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Elder wand with Phoenix Tail Feather 11 5/8"
Becca was currently sitting in the toilet waiting for the results of the pregnancy tests. She had been feeling bad since the morning and something was wrong with her. Those special women's days were delayed. Becca sighed at herself, waiting for the red stripes to appear. In a few minutes it should be.

@Jackson Mcleod
Jackson returned home from duty, which had already worked for two days, that the next day was free, which could be devoted time to his wife. When he entered the house, he was met by dogs, but not Rebeca. And he was greatly astonished, so he laid his belongings on the ground and walked down the hall. ''Rebeca! Dear, where are you?'' He cried with a loud voice, listening from where her voice will sound.
When Becca see the test and it was positive. She take the test in hand and walked out from toilet. "I'm here!"Becca was looked sick when she came closed to Jackson and her hand was test." This morning, i felt realy sick and i sty home. And i take a test.. I'm pregnant!" Becca take deep breath and waited her husband reaction and she gave him a test where was positive.
Jackson waited for a while for his wife to respond. He ordered the dogs to go places, already then he heard the voice of Rebeca. "Hello, my dear ..." he noticed that she looked quite pale. "Do you feel better now? Maybe I'll make you some medicine?" Jackson looked at Becca anxiously. And then .. then she told me she was pregnant and gave him a pregnancy test. "What? Really?" he surprised full gaze looked here at wife and here at the pregnancy test.
"Not realy good for today. Are you happy?" She asked with voried smile and she felt sick again. "I'm sorry, one moment". Becca runned again back toilet.
@Jackson Mcleod
''Then immediately prepare a potion that will make you feel a little better. It's a bit unexpected, but yes I'm happy. I didn't think it would be so fast, but if he has applied, we will wait for him to be born.'' He said, thinking of the small shock given to his wife against nausea. While Rebecca was in the bathroom, Jackson went into the kitchen to prepare a potion for his wife.
"Thanky. I'm happy that you are. I was so afraid that you won't be" Somtimes it was easy when husband was a doctor and she don't neesed go to the hospital. When time came Becca walked out from toilet and she walked to the bed and she needed a little sleap. Mayby that help feel her lot of better.
Jackson had already made a potion, then sat down on the couch and waited for Rebecca. "Please drink this to get better." he said, give Rebeca a glass of potion. "You realize that now your life will change. You won't be able to go to London so often anymore," he hoped his wife would listen to his words, but if not, they would have a serious conversation.
Becca take rhe poition and drinked. His next words don't helped feel better and why not be just hug right now but he definetly needed be smart right now. Becca feeled a little more hormones. "I know, but i don't need this right now and i don't need that. It's my dream job and later i go back work." Becca told her husband and take close to her pillow.
Jackson got up to go pour under the coffee because only it would help him seem to calm his nerves. He pretended to be calm, even though he wasn't at all, because he hadn't been expecting a baby so fast, but he wasn't going to say it out loud. He chose t to keep quiet. ''Maybe think about working here in New Zealand. okay, go relax and talk about it tomorrow.'' he said when he returned to the room, but then took a couple of documents out of his bag and sat down on the couch by the window to read them quietly and not disturb Rebeca's sleep.
"I'm sorry, i feel like exploding bomb right now when it's all hormones. I will think about it." She was sure that he was not happy about the baby and she needed just sleap and mayby he was right.
''Nothing is all right. Go to bed, I'll join you in a moment and drink tea and look at some documents. Yes, but you don't have time to think about it right now." He smiled at Rebecca, then got up from the couch, went to the bed, kissed his wife on the forehead, before leaving the room, whispered in Rebecca's ear, "I love you." Then he left the room letting her sleep because it was obvious that she was not feeling well.
''Thanky so much! I think i will be transfer here and i can talk also with my father to about this.'' She finaly feel better when her husband bring her tea. She loved him and she hoped that he will be loved our child. ''I love you to.''It was true and she realy loved Jackson.
"I don't think your father will be happy about moving here," he said quietly, because he had a sense of his father's thoughts about living in New Zealand. Jakson checked a couple of documents and drank coffee, then went back to the bedroom. He had no idea whether Rebeca was sleeping or not, so she tried to take quiet steps on the floor.

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