I suppose you'll do

Kadie Walsh

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kadie sat on the grass on the school gounds. Well, she was sitting on her jacket so she wouldn't damage her skirt. So far the only people worth talking to were either in New Zealand or being home schooled. In some ways, well, most ways really, she was jealous of Sophia. The girl may not have her stunning looks or charm or expensive clothes but she sure as hell had the privilege to not be here.

Kadie looked up as she was approached but simply looked away again. She wouldn't acknowledge that someone was there unless they spoke to her first. That was one of her personal rules. Those rules had gotten her through her life so far and she was loving it. Kadie was considering taking the girl, Sophia, out for a shopping trip at some point, she would make better company than the younger girl. Maddison or whatever her name was.
Odette had been walking around the school grounds when she saw a girl who looked to be about the same age as herself. Odette didn't have many friends because she was always going back and forth from France and New Zealand. In hope she walked up to the girl, "I was just looking over here and I noticed your outfit. It looks great on you." She smiled it looked like something she normally wore. She looked down at her outfit. She smiled it was nice out so she had put on one of her favorite shirts. The earrings her twin had just bought were also part of her outfit today. She loved to shop and her and her sister wore the same size so they could share.
KAdie looked up at the girl complementing her clothes. "It would, Fashion is my expertise." She rolled her eyes at the girl, obviously she had never heard of her. "Look, do I know you? Because I don't talk to people I don't know unless they are very well dressed, like myself, and I must say. Todays' clothes could look so much better on someone who suits them, unlike you." In reality, Kadie liked the clothes, they were nice and perfect for the season but she wouldn't admit that to someone at her own school.
Odette frowned why was this girl saying this. She looked down at her outfit self consciously. She shook her head. "You might not know me, but I've seen you around school. Which really if you knew anything about clothes you wouldn't be sitting on your white jacket." She emphasized white. Really she was going to get it all dirty. It was common sense really, who was she to talk anyway. She wondered what the girls name was anyway, she could have at least introuduced herself.
Kadie laughed. "Yeah I would, I've had this for, like, over a month. It's not good any more I'm chucking it out later. Or giving it to someone else. Which ever is easiest." She continued to snicker, the girl had nothing over her and that's how it would stay. After a minute of thinking she figured that this girl was all she had to talk to at the moment, the best she had in Beaxbatons. "So, who are you then?"
Odette didn't understand the girl, but non the less she would be nice if she would try. "I'm Odette Marceux." She smiled it was the best she could do at the moment, but on a happy face. She looked at the girl, she reminded herself she needed friends and that her parents might be happy about this. She wondered what Jaidyn would say.
Kadie looked the girl up and down before sighing. "I guess you'll do, Kadie. Kadie Walsh. Fashion expert." She did a two finger salute, a nice one, not a rude one, and gestured for her to sit down beside her. "So, you've seen me around school then? I guess that means you know I don't tolerate un fashionable people or people who don't totally get me." She smiled in a know-it-all way and waited for the girls' reply.
Odette smiled, she had made a friend. She wasn't sure if it would last but for now she was satisfied. She sat down next to Katie. She would probably have to do away with the outfit after siting on the ground but, it was okay she could always buy more clothes, friends were not as easy to come by. "So would that mean the fashion expert would consider me fashionable?" She really like the way she dressed. It was the way she expressed herself.
Kadie shrugged and looked her over, head to toe. "It means you'll do for now and, if you change alot, you've got potential." She could think of alot of ways to change this girl for the better, get her some nicer clothes for one. She had a small idea of fashion but was on the more slutty side of fashhion than Kadie.
Odette smiled. She had won Katies approval and was happy. She had a hard time making friends at school. No one really made an effert to talk to her besides her sister but she didn't count. She did have Atticus but he didn't go to school anymore. She really hoped that if she hung around Katie people would talk to her more. The thought of it made her even happier. "That's good to know."
Kadie smiled, it wasn't a friendly one, more the smile people got when they had an evil plan. "If you want I can help you with those changes. We look around the same size, I have a bunch of clothes that I don't want anymore, I'm sure they would suit you." She had a bit of trouble with the hair but she could fix that later. Odette was her new project.
Odette smiled. "That sounds like fun." She was so happy. She wondered if she knew she was a twin."Oh by the way... I'm not sure if you know or not, but I'm a twin. You can tell us apart though because Jaidyn has blue streaks." She thumbed through her a hair. THey had been sick of being mixed up so they had made it easy for people to tell them apart. Odette hoped Kadie would stay a friend. She didn't have many and figured she was entitled to one at least.
Kadie smiled and shrugged. "Well, unless your twin has an evil plot to stop your transformation then I really couldn't care less." She smiled as she said it but it was obviously true. "Is there a way you could change the colour of the streak? Pink is nice but there is potential clashing caused by it. Maybe something normal, like brunette or red, red is good." She really didn't like dyed hair, well, if it was dyed a non normal colour.
Odette thought about this. It wasn't like Jaidyn owned her. "I think I could live with red." She smiled thinking of what she would look like with red streaks. She hoped her parents wouldn't freack. BUt then again they probably wouldn't even notice. They never noticed when she was out all night and didn't come home for days at a time. "Jaidyn wouldn't mind either I'm sure maybe she will change her color too."
Kadie grinned, she was rocking this make over. "I can totally dye it for you if you want, You don't think I'm a natural blonde do you?" She laughed, of course she wasn't a natural blonde. Her father had dark brown hair and her mother was a red head. There was no chance of her being blonde without her trusty hair dye. "After that we just have to go through my wardrobe and see what you can have. I'll probably take you shopping when we're allowed out of school again. Ohh! I just Love make over projects."
Odette smiled, "That sounds like fun." She had never had anyone but a professional dye her hair before but she was always open to new things. "Ohh, I haven't been shopping in for ever. I've been dieing to go though, my dad just gave me my allowence." She knew she had over a few hundred to blow because her dad had missed her birthday and wanted to make up for it. She looked at Kadie. "This is like the best late birthday present ever." She smiled wider.
Kadie grinned. "Well then, I guess we should go soon. I have to go now, gotta owl my best friend. I will reschedule with you and meet you in town at some point with the clothes I think will suit you." She smiled and stood up, leaving her jacket on the ground. "Hell, you can start with that if you like." She smirked before stalking off.
Odette smiled. "Alright that sounds good." She looked at the jacket and didn't want to leave it. SO she picked it up and started back to her dorm. She had just the thing that would take the stains out. It would be good as new in no time. She smiled glad to have made a real friend. It felt nice.

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