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Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk hated dances. He hated anything to do with dancing. So, why was he at the school's Valentine's dance, even half way dressed up? Because his girlfriend wanted him to. He was whipped and he knew it. That was why he even bothered to navigate to the dance. He didn't venture outside of the office often because of who, or rather, what he was. At least many doors were tall enough for him to walk through, so he walked through the Great Hall, more along the edge so that he doesn't run over the students. He found a wall along the edge, folded his arms across his chest and leaned against it to wait until Amethyst came along. If she wanted to dance, she can dance, but he wasn't changing anything about him. At least if any fights break out, he could easily separate the students.
Amethyst-Rose couldn't think of a better way to spend the holiday than chaperoning in the school. Well except maybe going on a really romantic date with a candlelit dinner. But she didn't exactly expect that out of her big "scary" boyfriend. She loved getting dressed up regardless and chose a red gown with princess puffed sleeves, she couldn't wait to see Killy in a suit. Except when she got down there he was barely in anything dressy at all. Immediately her bright smile fell. "What kind of example are you setting for these young guys? That dressing like that is suitable for taking a girl to a dance?" She asked huffily.
Killian glanced down as Amethyst approached him. She looked really dressed up. He knelt down as she spoke, and questioned his attire. Personally, he thought it was fine so he gave her a weird look. He touched the collar of his button up shirt and glanced down at his black khakis. Was he really not dressed up enough?! "I think this is fine. No jeans and a button up shirt. What more can you ask for?" This was supposed to be a good night for them and all that sh*t and now it sure didn't feel like it. Worst of all, he didn't think he did anything wrong! "Did you want to go dance?"
Amethyst couldn't help but pout a little that he really thought this was dressed up enough. She crossed her arms and looked up at him. "Well I just expected you to be in more of a suit ensemble, you know, of the three piece variety?" She added. She then sighed. She wasn't going to win that argument for sure. "Dance? How?" She asked looking up at him. "You didn't shrink... we can't exactly dance together without you rag-dolling me around like a broomstick." She added, perhaps another reason she was so disappointed.
Now, she was just pouting and it looked adorable on her. But he couldn't turn a serious matter into non-serious because then he would be in the dog house for a week. His eyebrow raised at the thought of being in a suit. "This is a student dance. I'd only wear those for special occasions." It also made him look too much like one of his other brothers and he didn't want to deal with that. His green eyes blink at her words and he averted his gaze. No, he didn't do that but for a good reason too. "I can't dance. I thought I'd just stand back and watch you have some fun." He could just hold her and sway a bit, but he still moved about as fluid as a robot that needed some WD-40.
Amethyst rolled her eyes slightly. "It is a special occasion. You get to chaperone a dance with me. I mean c'mon, younger Killian would have only been so lucky as to go to a dance with school aged Amethyst, and this is the closest you'll get!" She said with a laugh. She was only half serious. She didn't think she was that much of a catch, and teen her? With her braces? no way. She gave him a half smile when he admitted he couldn't dance. "To be fair, I've never slow danced before." She admitted. "But if I was ever going to have my first slow dance I'd want it to be with you. Even if you are kind of a jerk."
Killian cocked his head slightly to the side as she mentioned how it was a special occasion. He was about to argue but she mentioned how younger him would have been lucky to go to a dance with school aged her. He pointed out, "If we did go to the same school, by the time you entered, I would have been a sixth year, and a sixth year taking a first year to a dance is extremely creepy. Not lucky." At least his math skills were pretty on par, and he remembered her birthday. But at least she wasn't about to tear his head off for not knowing how to dance, and even mentioned how her first slow dance should be with him. Then added on the insult which had him roll his eyes, and shook his head. "If you want to dance, you can, but if you slow dance with anyone, we are going to have problems. Um, if you wanted to slow dance, the closest thing I can do is hold you on my chest, and attempt to move."
Amethyst smacked her forehead gently. "I wasn't being literal I meant... you know what neverminded." She sighed, moving to lean against the wall and watch everyone in the room, mostly making sure that no one was doing anything they shouldn't be. So far it seemed like the kids were behaving at least. She looked back over at him as he spoke and hid her disappointment well. "No, really it's okay. I'm happy just standing here." She said taking in a deep breath and exhaling quietly. "If you get thirsty the punch would be like a shot." She pointed out teasingly.
Killian wondered if he was not being a suitable boyfriend just because he didn't really like dancing. But she moved to lean against the wall and look at the students. He shifted his own gaze to them. They seemed to be well-behaved so far, but he wasn't exactly paying attention. He rubbed his face as he felt that he was disappointing her, despite her hiding it expertly. "You aren't the type to be happy just standing around." That much he knew and his own inability was preventing her from having fun. And now she was teasing him for his size again. "Only a shot would be a lot more entertaining than punch. Maybe then I'd loosen up and actually dance." Although he was not being serious. "I just want you to enjoy yourself... Don't let my stubborn a** hold you back."
Amethyst looked over to him and she softened her gaze. He was really worried about this wasn't he? She moved her hand to link with his in a way that was only mildly awkward due to their size difference. "Hey, I am having fun. I enjoy being around you. So it's fun for me to stand here and talk about how silly the kids are, and how weird some of the dance moves are, and then maybe go snuggle later." She said, reassuring him.
Killian glanced down as she tried to link their hands, which didn't exactly work. He shook his head as he just lets her hold on her to finger, wrapping it around her hand delicately. After all, she was fragile compared to him. He still wasn't so sure about her having fun. He was a solid introvert, and she seemed more like an extrovert. "Are you positive or are you settling?" Killian gave her a look of disbelief. Amethyst loved to dance. He seen it for himself many times over. "Some of the dance moves are weird, granted, most are in my eyes..."
Amethyst didn't mind that they couldn't exactly hold hands the size he was. She didn't mind mind standing near him and watching the students dance, but she didn't know how to make him see that he was valuable to her even when they weren't necessarily doing what she wanted to do. "Killian, when it comes to you it's never settling. I'm happy to spend time doing anything." She laughed at his comment. "Yeah some of the moves are strange. I think I saw someone pretending to be a sprinkler." She looked up at him smiling. "I love you. Don't forget that. Dancing or no dancing, you're still my huggy-bear."
Killian was not sure where that insecurity was coming from because he knew how hot he was. He was probably the best looking professor at the school - not that he would ever say that out loud. At least she was reassuring him somewhat. He missed the human sprinkler for a second, but he didn't have time to even react to that when she declared her love, and then called him by that name that should have never been uttered in public. Blood rushed to his cheeks as he uses his other hand to try to cover her mouth. "You cannot be calling me that in public, Amethyst!" Not only was it private, it was pretty damn embarrassing for it to be uttered so openly like that.
Amethyst couldn't believe she was witnessing him blush! She was about to say something about it when he whole hand practically covered her face. She grabbed at his wrist to pull it away, laughing. "Stop that!" She said, giggling the whole time. "What, afraid these students are gonna know that you're just a big ol' teddy bear?" She spoke loudly behind his hand.
Killian was just glad that he didn't accidentally hit her in the face when he tried to cover her mouth. But he let her pull his wrist down so that she could say what she wanted to say to him. And now she was talking loudly. He glared at her and murmured lowly, "Don't make me carry you out of this hall, miss Kuznetsov." Killian thought that she deserved a warning, but her teasing him in such an open place, with students no less... He could not handle it, especially since he was blushing and turned away.
Amethyst laughed a little louder at his threat. "I don't think that would be approved of. A professor just hauling a nurse over his shoulder and leaving. Besides we have a duty to make sure that the students are being safe tonight!" She insisted. "I'll let you calm down, don't worry. But I'll remember how much this makes you blush for a later date." She threatened with a childish grin on her face.
Killian didn't know if he wanted to just leave the Great Hall and save him some dignity, or make her pay later. Ultimately, he decided on the latter. He gave her a dirty look before rolling his eyes, "Just remember what they say about payback. And I have interest to apply." Killian could feel the burning in his face fade, so he turned back to look at the students. "The students are being okay, except stay away from the punch. I think a student put a pranking powder stuff in it."
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