I really...

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Evie Brennan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10" Veela Hair Oak
I really need to start RPing with Evie. She is the muggle studies professor.

At this point all I'm doing with her is posting lessons, and she needs a life outside of that, so if you have anyone you want to befriend her let me know. I suppose a lurve interest as well, but that is not my main concern.

I also have two other characters...

Leah Winters is incredibly active, but I'm always up for new RPs with her.

Briony Harper is my Ravenclaw First year who I also need to RP with. She's a shy sort with not many friends.

Post here if interested.
Anyone? Evie's life is pretty boring right now.
Maybe both MS professors should be friends? xD
Prodan is married so there wouldn't be a love interest at all. But the man is goofy and lovable anyway. ;)

And for the Raven, I have two Ravens. Fourth year Austin who could be nice to her and such, and Kamaria who happens to be a snob and fallen for a sixth year. =))
I can offer Effie Snow the Arithmancy Professor to be friends with Evie, she's generally really nice even if she's a little strange. :cool:
Aleyha- Yes, of course. Since Prodan and her are both Professors of the same subject they're bound to cross paths. :D And about your students, that sounds good. Did you want to RP them and see how it goes?

Ariah-Evie always needs Professor friends, so that sounds fab.
Once my RPs die down and my AP exams are over, get some of the big things out the way, then sure. ^_^
I know what you mean. lol. PM me when you're ready. :D
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