I need you in my life!

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Hayley Huberta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally (2nd Main)
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Arryt... Here we go a new character. Hayley is cold towards people she doesn't know and she would act bratty if she hate the situation. She needs friends and enemies and probably slaves o.0..... no no cross that out lol... slaves but it's all up to you really :p

She's not very nice is from a wealthy family. She have a casanova twin brother but... That doesn't matter lol she need a friend of her own/ even enemy ... / just RP and see where the story is leading to...

She need some other brat to be her friends and probably go to hogwarts together and get to hang out with them.


arryt... ^^
Shot gun brat xD
Alright! Let's see how they go :D

Could you start the thread? / should I?

She could be friends with either one of the twins.

Isabella Romanes
Isabella is a removed person who hates to stand out in a crowd by dresses in simple and yet nice clothing. She is kind but finds it sometimes hard to get along with people as she can be quite short and a little self-centered she is the left out member of the family, and often feels the front of her fathers anger. Isabella feels inferior to her twin sister. And while hides herself she wants to be perfect.


Ostensia Romanes
Ostensia is a short tempered girl with a passion for flowers. She loves to watch things grow and hates when things are killed or harmed. She is protective of her twin sister who is often hit by there father. Ostensia has a sharp Tongue and speaks her mind. Her emotions drive her and she often finds herself over flowing with emotion and unsure of how to deal with it. She is the golden girl of the family and is preferred by her father. Ostensia enjoys fashion but it is not vitally important to her. She stands up to people and stands up for others. Her friendship is strong, but cross it and it will take a while to be forgiven.

Either one or both, I'm open to ideas.
Cherie should totally become friends with Hayley! Cherie loves fashion and flirting. She is used to being really popular. They would also have something in common (annoying twin brothers!). Cherie is talkative and nice to people unless they are dorks or something. Then she acts like a snob. She enjoys art, but sometimes is a little too lazy to make it. How does it sound?
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