I must needs to be creative again.

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Ellen Harper

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12" Essence of Basilisk Fang, Willow

In the past Ellen was known as the school b1t(h but as the years after school progressed she is finally trying to shake that title and become a bit more mature. She is currently a Secretary for a random Muggle lawyer but I do want her to work in the Ministry or as a Healer....I have just not yet decided. She is 23 years old and lives by herself in England. She does make visits to New Zealand to visit her family. I would like friends firstly, a chick best friend and perhaps a male friend. A love interest is always a plus. Her biography is located here.


Leah is eighteen years old and employed at The Silver Snake. She is a Death Eater and quite proud of that title, although the 'In training' is something she generally leaves out. She is a clever witch, and somewhat seductive. She has never had a stable romantic relationship for the ones she would like to be with are either married or uninterested. I would like her to be with someone for a while, because it would be something entirely new for her. Preferrably a Death Eater, but that isn't a deal breaker. her biography is here.


Natalie is a tom boy through and through. At the age of 16, school is far from her mind, although I am considering putting her in Durmstrang soon. I haven't RPed with this character hardly at all and I have a feeling she could be a really good one if I only would. She is friendly to all, unless she has an immediate dislike about them, and she is not one to dabble in the dark arts unlike her sister Leah. I'm looking for pretty much anything with her. Natalie's biography is here.


Evie is the runaway from her adoptive muggle parents. Her blood status is unknown for she has never known her real parents. She is the Muggle Studies teacher at Hogwarts, and is overjoyed to have the chance to inform students about the muggle way of life. Her life is uneventful for now. She mostly keeps to herself and does not know the other teachers very well. I do want a few friendships from other staff members, and I would love to have a love interest for her. Possibly an unrequited crush on someone or a mutual liking for each other. Her biography is located here.
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