I love you. Seriously.

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Lawrence Andrew Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
So here the deal. :p
Enzo is back. I guess . I'm trying. :jesse:

Anyways I need some girls and boys to be friends with no flirting, preferably Dumstrang. Fourth, Third or Fifth. Next I also need some girls to flirt with again. Yes I want some gorgeous girls please. I'm interested in having a girlfriend this time so please join the line. :lol: Joking. I mean really I want someone who is kind of wild yet over fun! Please :wub: . So just PM or reply me! and if you have any interesting plots just tell me! -- Enzo. ;)
As i replied to a topic in Durmstrang with Joshua Chase, i could offer him as a friend i you like. As far as i girl friend goes iv been meaning to make a female character, if you like i can make her a Durmmie and they could date

Laura :)
I have a Durmmy called Anika Saffron. She is exciting, spontaeous and completely flirty but not interested in a relationship that is serious in any way.
I have Nobody, maybe she'd be a friend. As it is, she's shy and smart, usually stays in the background. For more, check out my bio (in the Spoiler). She's timid with everyone at school, but is a secret preformer when she's with her crowd, yep. And She'd probably warm up to any person that is nice to her, and maybe even flirt, though she's not interested in boys right now. ANd It might take a while for her to realize that she is, so... Yeah. That's all I got =)
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