Open I Know Quidditch Better Than You

Fraser Fergusson

quidditch obsessed; accio! editor; sixth year
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2046 (16)
Fraser was eager for another year at school. He had of course on the first day after a good and hearty breakfast immediately come down to the quidditch pitch. He had his broom and his quidditch equipment and was just getting it ready. His broom was a second hand one from his dad, but it was a good broom. He liked a great deal and knowing that if he was good enough on it to make the team that meant he was good on a better broom. He could see around the pitch, lots of people just like him who were practicing, hoping to improve in time for the try-outs. Fraser secretly hoped that not too many of them would be gryffindors. He did spot a boy, the year below him with his broom. "Hey man!" he greeted since the boy wasn't too far from him and they both appeared to being broom maintenance at the same time.
Milo had heard already that the Gryffindor Quidditch team was pretty competitive, but he wasn't that worried. He knew a tonne about Quidditch, more than enough than the other first years and probably even more than most of the players on the team, so he'd be fine. Still, it didn't hurt to come down the pitch and check things out. Milo had even brought his broom along, ignoring maybe that he hadn't exactly done much flying on it yet. It was fine, practical experience was only half the battle. Maybe even only like 1/5th. So he was perfectly safe to focus on just working over his broom today. Wouldn't do to fly around on a sub-par broom after all.

"Hey," Milo said back when another Gryffindor joined him near the side of the pitch, looking up from where he'd been closely inspecting the tail on his broom, eying the twigs speculatively. "You should be careful with that polish, don't wanna overdo it and slide right off, aye," he informed the kid, nodding at the kit and broom he'd brought with him, apparently with the same idea as Milo.
Renata was looking forward to another year, hopefully without as much stress from looming major exams. Of course, the NEWTs were coming up in a while, but she was going to turn seventeen and legally be able to do magic at home come Christmas, and soon enough she'd also learn to apparate so by the end of the year she would have a little more freedom. But while she was at school, she could get back into playing Quidditch. She couldn't really fly around at home, so she knew she had a bit of catching up on practice to do, but she had to make sure her broom was in the best condition it could be before she took to the sky. She offered a friendly smile to the two younger boys, situating herself nearby but not so close as to be intruding, and started checking over the broom. Of course, once one of the boys piped up she slowed her polishing, trying not to obviously look like she was listening in (and not doing a very good job of it).
Fraser grinned widely and waved a little. He glanced back at the broom and then at the tail before glancing back up at the boy. "That won't happen, this is a good amount of polish for the age and type of broom it is, keeping in good condition for the fastest speed," he replied. Fraser knew how to keep his broom well maintained, it was a second hand broom and needed more care than newer ones.
Milo couldn't help the scowl when the boy corrected him, glancing over the broom with a critical eye. Sure, maybe Milo had only had his own broom for a few months, but he'd been reading Quidditch and Broom magazines and mailers for ages, so he definitely knew what he was talking about. "Yeah, well, speed isn't everything is it. Handling's important too and if you over-polish you'll compromise your grip," he said triumphantly, casting around for something else he could call the boy out on before getting distracted spotting an older girl nearby also working on her gear. "I bet you'd tell her to trim her broom tail into a point instead of an angle since you're all about speed too," he said smugly, nodding to the girl's broom.
Renata was just quietly minding her own business while the other two talked, thinking that the - first year? - had a lot of opinions. Of course, Gryffindor wasn't a notoriously difficult team to get onto for no reason. There were plenty of enthusiastic players in all teams - especially Slytherin, although that might have been more 'violent' than 'enthusiastic' - but Gryffindor's waiting list was lengthy. She paused what she was doing when he commented on her broom, though, stopping what she was doing and looking at the broom, then over at the boy. "What's wrong with my broom?" she asked, almost affronted. Sure, Renata wasn't an expert, but she was a pretty good player, if she did say so herself.
Fraser glanced back at his broom and shook his head. "When I'm flying around, I should be loose with my grip to still more easily," he spoked quietly as the boy clearly had moved on from him and was target another girl. He glanced at her broom and saw nothing wrong with it, and would suggest to a point. He knew the girl was a chaser, and chasers did need to have speed to be able to cross the pitch. "Nothing, it's fine," he assured her, though he was sure this other boy would disagree.

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