Closed I Know I Know You

Rion Pendleton

at my weakest, i've never been more strong
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2047 (16)
Nobody was more keenly aware of Rion's lack of artistic talent than Rion herself. Apart from the odd stick figure or blobby cat, she'd never drawn anything in her life, and she didn't intend to embarrass herself by starting now. No - she was in the conglomerated arts room for craft supplies. Cardboard, wood, glue, anything that might be sturdy enough for her new project. It seemed unlikely that a school of magic would keep such mundane things, but she wasn't going to dismiss the possibility until she'd rummaged through every box and crate in the room.
Angel had run out of chalk and it would take a few days before her parents could send her favorite box. Because of this, she had to make the trip to the conglomerated arts room and see if they had any spare for her to tide over until her parcel came in. The Gryffindor arrived at the door to see it ajar so she pushed it all the way and found a classmate going through the boxes. She was not being messy but Angel was a bit upset that now, it would take her long to find some chalk. "Hey, what chu looking for?", she announced her presence, leaning against the door frame.
Rion startled, as if she'd been caught rummaging through someone's suitcases. But seeing it was only Angel, she relaxed and resumed her searching. "I mean, ideally some plywood, but then I'd need a saw, and fat chance I'm going to find one of those." She lowered the pitch of her voice to mimic an adult. "Whacking bludgers at each other is perfectly OK, but Merlin forbid we give children something with a serrated edge!" She stretched on tippy-toes to pull a box from the shelf above her head. Nothing but coloured felt and a few spools of thread. "I can't even find cardboard. There's no organisation - I bet people just put things back wherever they feel like it."

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