"I have arrived"

Laurence Zemonif

Active Member
OOC First Name
Laurence landed most ungainly with his heap of luggage after, he'd never been very good at apparating, particularly not with so much stuff to take too! He got to his feet and stood up some of the luggage that was now scattered across the lawn. He looked up at the huge building that stood infront of him, he hadn't been here since he was quite young, and couldn't remember how grand it was.

He'd told his younger brother Axel to meet him here when he was ready, Laurence couldn't wait to get out of his mother's house, her 'boyfriend' was the most irritating person to live with possible. Even though moving out meant leaving his sister, it had to be better getting some distance from the situation. Plus, this house he was going to was so big, he could probably get away with anything here! Smoking, Drinking, Girls! He was sure all of this would be far easier in a place like this, and if his mother was trying to 'improve' him by sending him here, she'd gone hopelessly wrong!

Leaving the heap where it was on the lawn, he ran across to the door and knocked loudly. "I have arrived!" He called sarcastically, and wandered round in circles in front of the door whistling 'I'll tell me ma', as he waited.
Axel apparated to the house just after his brother and laughed as he saw the stumbling and falling. His brother often forgot he could use magic, unlike Axel however who had shrunk his baggage and put it in his pockets instead of trying to carry it all. "You alright there bruv?"

Axel looked up at the house they would be living in and almost passed out with shock. This was hardly a house, it was more of a mansion. He watched as Laurence ran up to the door and started being typical Laurence. Their mother was stupid if she thought this would sort them out. He remembered Uncle Benson being really scary but their Aunt Taneaka was always nice.

Axel waved his wand and Laurence's luggage became a neat pile outside the door before joining his brother and putting his, newly enlarged, next to it. The door opened and he saw his aunty at the door. "Aunt Tika." He smiled, they had always called her that as, when they were younger, they couldn't pronounce Taneaka.
Laurence ignored his brother's entrance. He didn't like being embarrased, he always had to be right, and have the best way. And he didn't like using magic all the time, sometimes he just wanted to do things differently!

He glanced down at the pile of trunks next to him, then up to his brother, with a look that said 'yeah, so what?!', and going back to wandering around, even when his aunty answered the door "Hey," smiling nicely at her. "nibbles around?" he asked, pointing at the luggage around his feet.
Taneaka sighed and looked up when she heard yelling in her front garden. She would recognise that arrogance anywhere, her nephews had arrived. She had gotten her sisters' letter last week and, though she saw no reason for them to be removed form their own home, she accepted for them to live with her. She had enough room after all.

Taneaka didn't see the fault in their actions. Boys will be boys and getting arrested for fighting was perfectly fine, especially on his twentieth birthday. She stood up and smoothed down her dress. She walked over an opened the door. The woman smiled at her hello from Axel, he was a sweet boy with a bad influence, she wasn't about to change that. "Hello Axel dear." Taneaka rolled her eyes at Laurence's greeting.

Taneaka smiled and looked at the luggage. "Laurence darling, you are a wizard with a full operational wand, do it yourself. I assume it's operational anyway." She smirked at the boy and turned back to Axel. "Now, you boys can come in and have dinner now or I can show you to your rooms now. They've been set up just for you but please tell me if you want any changes. It's up to you boys."
"humph, it works, just not very well!" Laurence muttered under his breath and looking around his pockets for it. On finding it it "Ah HAH!" he waved it and the cases shrank back down again, and floated up into his hand, "Naw, aren't they sweet?" he giggled at himself, not really listening to what his aunt was saying, appart from the word food "Food! Now thats a good idea aunt Tika!" He had only just eaten before leaving his own home, but Laurence being Laurence, he was hungry again!
He strolled in, looking around the place and nodding approvingly, as if to say 'yes, yes this will do.' Then proclaiming "Where to then aunty?"
Axel smiled as he lifted his bags and followed Laurence into the house, shutting the door behind him. He remembered the house being bigger than this but it was still massive. He secretly thought it was bigger inside than outside but you couldn't really tell, the outside was pretty big too.

Axel rolled his eyes, his cousin was always hungry. He, himself, didn't eat all that much. The boy realised he didn't have anywhere to put his bags for now so he re-shrank them and put them back in his trouser pocket before turnng to his aunt. He could see her either getting very annoyed with Laurence or finding him funny. He knew Uncle Benson wouldn't take any rubbish from them, he was one of the few men that Axel was scared of.

Taneaka rolled her eyes and walked through the hallways, past all of the portraits of past family from both her and Bensons' side, towards the dining room. When they walked in a smile appeared on her face and the scariness disappeared. The small blonde girl that was in the room ran over and she grabbed him when she jumped, stopping him from crashing.

Who are they mummy? Taneaka laughed at the small girl, she still had her lisp. "They are your cousins. That's Laurence and that's Axel." She pointed at the two boys individually before walking to the table and putting Andromeda back in her chair next to her food. She took her own seat at the head of the table, she always sat there unless her husband was joining them for the meal, then she sat to his right. "Nibbles!" She yelled out, her scariness returning. "What would you boys like to eat?"
Laurence followed his aunt through the huge house, into the dinning room, the most noticeable piece (to Laurence) in which being was the wall size drinks at the far end, which he started making his way over to as soon as he saw it "Whow, I want one of these in my room!" He declared in a faked childish manner. He replied to his auntie's question while still looking up at the rows of alcoholic beverages in front of him "I'll have a BLT... without the L, or the T. And lots and lots of fries!" he announced, showing the size of the pile of fries he wanted with his hands.

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