I have a split personality

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Stephanie Duboit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Here's the deal. Steph used to be a kind, caring person until she met a slytherin girl who went on to be her best friend. Steph decided that her family were a bunch of losers (as her sister is a gryffindor and her dad is a muggle) and changed her name to Scarlet Rouge. She has now ended up having a fight with the slytherin girl but she is half the caring person she was before she started at hogwarts and half the horrible b!tch that the slytherin girl changed her into.

Stephanie Duboit
Steph is kind, caring and friendly. She loves her grades and her books and wouldn't dream of doing anything against the rules. Her goal is to do well in her life and get a good job and a family who she cares about. She is everything Ravenclaw and couldn't see herself in any other house. She doesn't care what she looks like as long as people accept her for who she is on the inside.

Scarlet Rouge
Scar hates anyone and everyone. She hates school and having to do the boring work which it includes and loves nothing more than to be involved in a good fight. She doesn't care about her future or her family and just wants to do anything to get out the school so she can go and wreck havoc. The one thing she wants in the school is to move into Slytherin. She wont leave the dorm until she makes sure her hair, clothes and makeup look perfect or she will keep redoing it until she gets it right.

Steph/Scar need to have:

Caring people who are into their education and want to get good grades. Could be homeork buddies or something??
Someone to give her a hand in the more difficult fights. They'd have to be vain and uncaring about most other people.

Mentor-Someone who is able to get along with both her personalitys. Either that or she can have one for Steph and one for Scar.

Enemies-Someone who did something really bad to her like beat her up. She's a forgiving person so even if someone got in a fight with her, she would forgive them. She'd have to end up with a few broken bones and stuff.
Anyone who either dressed badly or acted like an idiot or anything like that really. It's only the snobby, uptight people that she gets along with.

If you have any other ideas just say. I'm up for practically anything.

Lily and Scarlet could become proper friends.
Lily wasn't really for the friendship before, but she and her could get along more now. And they are both heavily into fashion.
And Lily is also a B!tch who wants out of the school.
Eden could be friends with both or just one. She is very book smart but when it comes down to it she looks perfect before she leaves her dorm or she will not leave at all. Eden loves a good fight and is always looking for one but has started to calm down as of lately because she is hopping to be picked as a prefect.

Could you start one please?
I'll go log on as Lily.
Eden-Yeah she could. Steph could influence her to read more and keep her grades up and Scar could try and stop her from being a prefect and make her get into more fights?? Just an idea.

Awesome do you want me to start the topic or do you want to?
Ok I will do it. I don't feel like doing Edens last lesson I am feeling lazy and I think Steph first. I will pm you with the topic once I have finished it.
Alyss is a Dark Elite and she believes that anyone who's not a Slytherin should be removed but she and Scar could become friends, and she could help Scar with the more difficult fights, even though she's younger. She's vain and uncaring and loves doing makeovers so she could do that to Scar, she only wears designer clothing and hates wearing the school robes.

What do you say?
They sound like they'll get on really well. She sounds almost exactly like Scar. Do you want to start or shall I??
I have Angela Marion.

Right Now Angela Could Fuel the good in Stephanie (And I Think They've Met) But, later; after being rudfely dumped, she will slowly turn into a mega beast. So then she could fuel the bad in her!

What do you think?
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