I Hate You And We're Drunk

Clarisse Richards

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Clarisse Richards was feeling hyper whilst in a car together with her new friends in New Zealand. It was only a month ago when her boss at the pastry shop had given her an invitation to a two-month camp where they would be taught techniques and recipes in baking. Of course, being one who really loves her work, she readily agreed to the whole thing! She had only told her close friend Damon of her departure and afterwards she had already set herself to be ready for the whole camping activity. She was pretty much excited and looking forward to the said event that when the day of her flight to New Zealand came, she practically ran from the airport to the plane and was one of the first to board the said transport. The month had been coming by too quick for the pastry chef's taste though, yet she deemed it to be very tiring as well. Whilst she was enjoying her time within camp, it couldn't be helped that there was always a huge pile of work to be done each and every day and Clarisse had to admit that she wasn't used to that amount of work. And so, halfway through camp, five of them had managed to get permission to go to the bar on a Friday night.

And thus, it led to the scene wherein all five of them were in the bar. All of them had already had a number of alcoholic drinks that made them quite tipsy and while the four of Risa's companion had already gone off to who knows where, she had stayed by the bar counter, chucking down drinks that were making her more and more drunk by each passing hour. She knew she should dance and enjoy the rest of the evening but then again, she wanted to get a little more hyper before she could probably randomly ask someone to dance along with her. That wasn't such a bad idea in her drunken state of mind though the deepest part of her mind knew that it probably was considering that she was already liking someone, though said person was still not on the verge of asking her out on a date or to be his girlfriend or something of the like. And so with another glass of a gin tonic that had been given to her by the bartender that would probably be one of the causes of a major hangover the next day, she had looked around and found a man sitting beside her. He was attractive and that was the only thing she could come up with as she looked at him with eagerness and a hint of playfulness to go along with. With alcohol running through her veins, Clarisse had gotten the courage which she didn't normally have to ask said man to come with her to dance floor and probably go wild with her at the process. "Care to dance?" she told him as she faced him, her elbows on the counter and her chin resting on her hands, her eyes glinting with something yet to be known and her legs crossed, showing a little more skin than usual. She wondered if he would agree. But if he didn't she knew there were others around willing to dance.
Nights like these were incredibly vital in Tristan's lifestyle. They were like the generator that made his heart pump more blood into his veins because night clubs had alcohol and alcohol made him swirl. Swirl, in the kind of way that brought him momentary happiness. That euphoria though was not the best kind of thing for him and he knew it. Tristan used to hate being so immersed in his own studious thoughts. Those thoughts were all about veterinary things, his own family, his small circle of friends and the smallest portion of his thoughts belonged to himself. That's why with the time that consisted of several hours for himself, Tristan decided that he should make his consistent visit to the clubs even more consistent by spending half of his night there and most probably, the other half of his night in someone else's place, with someone else on the bed. He went inside the place that blasted with the best party music one would generally like and excused himself from all the sweaty bodies moving about with their craziest dance moves. Tristan was not the person who would hit the dance floor and nail it, even whilst drunk, but he knew that potential flings were also found there, wriggling and simply moving to the the music even if they were off beat. Tristan used to hate being the one stuck in bars but now, he appreciated his deal with only witnessing the people - the ladies, dance to their might. He loved watching them and then catching their eye. Afterwards he bought them a drink and the rest of the night would be the same, usual riot.

Tristan smirked when he caught a beautiful blonde from afar and she smirked at him. Now she had one hell of a body and as a man, his appreciation for that went further than enough. He motioned his head to the bar and she frowned at him, urging him to go to dance with her instead. He looked at her for the final time and supposed that if she did not want a drink with him then for the obvious part, she was not worth his time - much more his entire evening. He finally got to the bar counter and sat on one of the stools, looking at the bartender to get a drink. "Bartender," Tris called out and when he got the man's attention, he leaned forward to give him his order. He held a bill out to pay for his drink and almost yelled over the crowd's noise. "A Long Island, please." He bartender obliged and whisked something up, giving it to Tris whilst saluting at him in the most casual way. Tristan did something similar in thanks. He lifted the glass to his lips and turned his stool to face the crowd before him, just having their same fun with the random strangers in the dark. Tristan wanted to get wiped out fast and surely, the drink in his hands was something he would regret when he woke up tomorrow, suffering the best headache history has ever recorded.

Everyone was having fun. Even those wallowed in their own misery were having the time of their life with strangers. Everyone had a buzz in their system and Tristan was most definitely feeling the kick of all the alcoholic contents that were mixed in his drink. He was going to take another sip and when the lady beside him caught his attention out of nowhere by speaking and directing herself towards him literally. He glanced at her sideways and before he was going to ignore her, he let his gaze linger there for a few more seconds. She looked utterly familiar and her name was something that he could remember if he was sober. Although with that gorgeous outfit she was clad in, Tristan cannot resist but turn his stool sideways to look at her straight. "I don't dance, sweetheart. But most certainly you can show me some of your best moves out there. And maybe, come back for a drink with me?" He suggested, smirking at her vibrantly. Tristan was not this suggestive ever, but because of the buzz in him, his mouth opened more than enough. It was not shocking that he didn't slur just yet, but since he wasn't even 1/3 finished with his drink, the slurring will certainly occur later on. "We can have more fun afterwards." Tristan slyly added, thinking about the possibilties they can do together. Although, making Tristan dance was not part of those possibilities. He was an awkward thing with 3 left feet whilst doing so.
Clarisse had never really been the heavy drinker, but these were one of the rare times that she was. Aside from that, she wasn't a frequent one at bars either and so, the few times that she had gone to one, she was quite the uncontrollable woman. She didn't find it as much of a problem though, seeing as the times wherein she really gone out of hand was countable by hand, and if she were somewhat sober, she would count this instance as one that she would get out of hand. How could it be not? She had had already quite a number of drinks and was still going at it and right now she was asking some random guy to dance with her. It wasn't very normal for her at all. Risa was the gentle girl after all, and this playful woman with her face and physique seemed nothing like the regular pastry chef down at the bakery. No, she was barely recognizable at the moment by the way she talked and acted in a crowd. And even her thinking was a bit different but she had the idea that it was because of the alcohol.

Clarisse couldn't help but pout at the stranger's response, but smirk formed on her lips afterwards. "Does this mean you'll be watching me and we'll be having fun afterwards?" she asked, her tone suggesting the playfulness that she possessed at the moment. Of course, in her drunken state of mind, she would be true to her word if he really would claim spending time with her tonight. It might really be fun, but for now, she wanted to get moving before having some more of those drinks in her system. Her vision and words seemed to be far from failing and that was probably a good thing on her part that she was only having a bit of an alteration in her personality at the moment. Or was it really? "Well, sweetie, I'll be back in a few moments after I get moving and perhaps we shall have some of the fun you would rather have," Clarisse said with a slight lick of her lips before standing up and walking to the dance floor and started to get moving. She really had had too much of the alcohol and she really had ought to think things through, but since she was in a bar, scent of alcohol lingering in the air, and different bodies dancing on the floor, it was quite hard to resist the temptation of dancing and getting wild within the place. Almost half an hour of wild dancing and partying had occurred with Risa until finally deciding to have a break and have another of those strong drinks though she was still far from being sober. With a playful smirk on her lips, she walked sexily towards the bar counter wherein she had previously left an attractive man.
He tilted his head to the side and let his forefinger and thumb clasp the chin of the sexy brunette. He smirked at her wonderful pout, something that made her sexy attributes much sexier with those full lips. Without her consent, he allowed his thumb to trace a soft, small circle and watched her. She asked him something and he dropped a wink, affirming her question. In his life, he knew that having a woman give herself to him was one of the best things - even if this kind of thing was only for an evening. Without any alcohol kicking his brain, Tris knew he could never get a lady to be with him like that - much more date him regularly with the scheduled things he had going on around him. Tris was a quiet man, someone who preferred to spend his noisy thoughts in fabulous nights clubs that were packed with lots of women. Within mundane occasions, he preferred atmospheres with a mellow touch and a cup of warm tea to drink whilst reading a book. However, the counterpart of that situation was this loud, boisterous night club that Tristan thoroughly enjoyed. It was nothing ideal normally, but tonight this place was perfect for him.

He let her go when she told him she'll be back. Tristan was one who always held up his end of the agreement and secretly, he did hope she was coming back. For a special reason, his rational sense of mind urged him to think of his past memories and "friends" that he has never been in contact with for more than a year. He did try to think but with the loud music interrupting his train of factual thoughts, soon he gave up and looked up to find her dancing among the sea of faces. Tris took a long drink from his Long Island Iced Tea when he spotted that gorgeous body of hers, mingling and moving and doing the sexiest things in the world. His predatory eyes intently regarded her, a full smirk on him. Although when ten minutes fully passed, a petite and slim blonde sat beside him with the most drunken smile plastered. Tristan was already tipsy with his drink, seeing that his glass was halfway down. The young woman flirted with him but Tristan only paid attention idly, nodding and rudely telling her he was uninterested through his expression. "A guy is staring at you from there." Tris pointed to the furthest corner of the room and the she only gasped at him. "He's hooked. Go get him." Tris smirked at her one last time and she left him, searching for the nonexistent man he just set her looking for. Tris leaned his back on the bar, the alcohol in him making his mind whirl.

Tristan felt himself sway in his head but it stopped after he refocused his sight again on a certain someone. It had been minutes since they conversed and by now, Tristan's mix of alcohol in his system was doing its brilliant mind tricks to him. Not just that, alcohol altered his own personality. People were never themselves in places identical to this. Despite that, he was slightly glad because he always had something to explore within his character every time he visited a night club. Before, Tristan never knew he could hold his alcohol if he wanted to. The consumption of it though was addicting and he always tried to steer clear away from these places ever since he noticed his bad habits however, his body did not want that.

"Saved you a seat still," Tristan called, a drunken feel evidently knotted within his voice. Now it was the time to pay her the best compliments. That style was a classic before buying a lady a drink that could have her either tipsy or knocked out. It was easy to think of a compliment for her, seeing that she was her best in the tightest outfit that showed off her slim curves and tan skin tone. "You got a hundred times sexier out there. Sh*t girl, you are sexy even without moving." Tris brought his drink to his mouth and desperately hoped for her to sit down and never take away her attention from him. Tristan never thought himself as attractive or the best looking man, but he knew that his words could probably make an impact on her. "I'll buy you a drink. Anything you want," he enticed and leaned a little closer. She smelled of fresh sweat but was there anything sexier than that? Tristan thought not. He brought out a bill from his pocket and waited for her choice. Whether she wanted just a rum and coke or something even stronger (like his drink), he could pay for it.
Clarisse felt her head going from one thought to another. It couldn't be helped when she was drunk really. Her thoughts always seemed to go about her head yet none of them were ever coherent enough for her to understand. Most were just blurred and the others didn't make any sense, and so in the crowd of mingling bodies, she had discarded and ignored all the random thoughts that went to her very brain. Besides, what was the point of hanging around in a bar if all she was going to do was think and think and think? She was pretty sure that the thinking and working would be back on Sunday considering that the camp director had given all campers tomorrow the day off. And that meant that Risa could party all night should she want to. And right now, she wanted to and there was no one stopping her from doing just that. She had things she wanted to take her mind off from anyway and the alcohol was helping her an awful lot and she ad been having the most fun she had had in more than a year, so she supposed that one night of ultimate fun in the bar wouldn't be so bad for her.

With a thin layer of sweat on her forehead that she wiped off with a hand, she had gotten back to the bar counter with sexy strides. Clarisse now stood in front of the man she had found to be attractive and now that she was slightly sober in comparison to the first few minutes she was conversing with the man, yet still not sober enough to identify why there was a sense of familiarity lingering around with her and him. Risa just decided to ignore said feeling, after all, she didn't come to the bar nor met this man and showed him her playfulness to just dwell on stuff she didn't quite understand at the moment. Clarisse's lips formed a playful smirk as the man decided to compliment her figure before resuming her seat right beside the man's. "It would have been much more fun if you joined me in the dance floor," she said with a hint of teasing and playfulness evident within her tone of speaking. She didn't mind though that he didn't dance with her, seeing as he was quite willing to spend the rest of the evening in her company.

Clarisse let her forefinger wander to her chin, as if contemplating on which drink would be best for her tonight. She wanted something strong as to get her more hyped up for the night. It seemed much more fun when your all tipsy and hyper all night long. And so, she looked at the man and the drink he held in his hand. "I'll have whatever that is your drinking," she replied as she bit her lower lip and crossed her legs in the process. "Seems to be a strong one after all," she muttered as an afterthought before letting her eyes linger upon the man. He was attractive by all means in her drunken mind and in only a few moments or so, she found herself staring, especially at his eyes and lean figure. Clarisse couldn't help but bite her lip in anticipation for what more was to come for the night was still long and she was sure that a lot more was bound to happen until the sun shines and morning comes.
Dancing plus Tristan... It never was his cup of tea. If it was, it would certainly be scalding. His feet whilst dancing were displeasing to the eye hence the possibility that when he stopped, he would get a hundred snickers, a thousand teases and other various reactions. Even when drunk, he knew that it was not a good thing for him to do so. His refrain from dancing cost him his loss on potentially the best flings the world has to offer, however he did not want to risk his reputation. Besides, there were other things a man can do with a woman without having to carry on with a beating sound laced with a melody. Just like now, Tris briefly glanced at the bartender, hoping in vain that he would be there in a nanosecond when Tris finally called him. Sure, the man was busy although going back to serve Tris promptly was something he was a hundred percent capable of. He looked back at those wonderful eyes of the lady, matching her own smirk with his own curvy one and inclined himself nearer by a centimeter. "Oh but," he started slowly, absently tracing circles on the bar counter with his forefinger. It was becoming a habit of his - something not so sexy in his opinion. Now that she had her full sight on him, Tris knew she was going to catch his next words. "We can always have fun someplace else," added Tris. True, his place was all cleaned up - except for his mini storage room which probably had dust everywhere however, it was not like they would have their night off there. Tristan leaned back and thought that moving closer to her would be satisfying, however he avoided temptation and kept himself still. He was quite good at that anyway... when he was in the state of sobriety that was.

Being semi eloquent, Tristan was glad he could still gather his thoughts. If he was dead drunk like a pirate, the clutter of his thoughts would form senseless words. He knew that feeling and it threw back memories ever since his mid teens. Tris picked up his drink from the bar and sipped, his eyes never leaving her face. "Mine's strong." He raised his glass and swirled the contents inside a bit. The vodka, rum and other things were getting on his brain rapidly. One glass of this was almost an equivalent of how many beers and Tristan did not want to be accused of getting her all knocked up the next morning. "Sip for me," Tristan offered, giving her his almost empty glass. He wanted to witness her do it in the most bewitching way possible. Those high cheekbones of hers were a catch, and so were her slim lips that were beautiful. He wanted her to get a taste of his Long Island Iced Tea and at the same time, see how she would act for him by just sipping. Tristan liked a tease but sometimes, they left him hanging the cliff too much.

Tristan loved the way he got the perfect woman for some company. It was actually very simple, since she initiated their interaction. Without glancing at her, Tris was able to catch her attention. The only thing that struck him profoundly was how he felt so at ease with her. No... he wasn't at ease in the friendship kind of way. Rather, he felt as if her company was something he has experienced before. Although he could not perceive from his past thoughts if she was a mutual friend or a past fling, Tristan thought to himself that all of those mind nagging from the rational part of his brain would be silenced in a few hours. Now, he wanted to see if she was going to like his drink or pass for another. Tristan motioned for the bartender with a lazy flick of his hand and awaited her verdict over the pounding music within the night club.
If Clarisse were in her right state of mind or in a state of sobriety, she would have probably denied the advances of the man in front of her. Yet, here she was, in a drunken state and completely content with the attention she was receiving. In fact, not only was she contented with it but she was ultimately enjoying it. As the man had his eyes on her, she returned his gaze with her own that was filled with playfulness and curiosity. A playfulness she had only when she delved in alcohol and curiosity of what more could happen until the night ends. The smirk the man held was something Risa had found to be extremely sexy and she couldn't help but wonder how often she would be able to see the confident smirk tonight. She hoped it would be frequent. She couldn't help but noticed that the man was nearer to her by a centimeter and the heavens knew that Risa clearly wanted to close the distance between them as well. "Any suggestion on where we could," she paused for a while as she looked at the man seductively before continuing with her words, "have more fun?" Clarisse couldn't help but bite her lip at the thought that the man was implying.

Clarisse watched as the man took a sip from his own drink, the same one that she was intent on having for the night before she, or most probably, they left the bar. Her eyes lit up at the thought that the drink was indeed strong, though in the very back and deepest part of her mind, she knew that she should probably regret choosing such a strong drink since it would be equal to a strong and painful hangover the next day. Nevertheless, she wasn't really one to think things through when she was drunk. She took the glass from his hands, her fingers lingering on his just a second longer than initially expected. She licked her lips before bringing the glass to her lips, her eyes never leaving the figure of the man beside her. Risa's eyes remained glued to the man's form as she sipped the alcohol before letting the glass leave her lips. She let the taste remain on her tongue and throat, before licking her lips once more and biting her lower lip gently as seh contemplated about her decision.

"I'll have one," she told the man in the most enticing way she could muster before holding out the glass, letting the man take it from her fingers. She liked the drink and from just one sup she knew that it was indeed a strong one. She looked at the man that she was finding attractive and extremely sexy. There were many words that could describe the man though in her state, all she could really come up with was sexy and that she has a building desire for him, and she knew that it was the alcohol coming up with the extremely hot thoughts forming in her head. For if it were not for the alcohol, she was sure that there would be another man in her mind, yet tonight, there was none. It was only the man whom she knew not the name she wanted to be with until the night was completely over. "Though I'd really rather have you," she muttered, completely unknowing if the man had heard her or not. Either way, she really didn't care for she had already lost most of her logical thinking. Risa's eyes remained on the man, her eyes giving the hint of desire she was having for him.
Holy hell, if Tris was still quiet even with alcohol, he knew there would be, zero chances of him getting women to visit his apartment every now and then. Tristan was no ladies' man, nor was he a stranger to their charm and wit. Why, wit was one of the many things he adored when a lady had one. Wit was charm to him and ignoring that sort of intelligence was absolutely unacceptable. People with a quick tongue was just attractive, especially if the words they sang to him were hilarious and had no negative intention. He was liking the way she used her words tonight and he decided to come with a kick that might send her thrilled with her own heat. "Baby," Tris said, noticing the proximity of her face and their body heat. Damn her intoxicating body heat. "I'll take you there later. Promise," swore Tris, clearly liking where this conversation was heading. He wanted so badly to kiss the hell out of her and just do the best and craziest sh!t one has ever done with a girl, but patience was always a virtue. Tristan knew that of all people. "But if I don't... You can remind me with a little punishment." The last word lingered in the air before Tristan leaned backward, giving them distance between them a little more stretching. Basically everything about her was beautiful and oui, he was in for some good classic fun.

Tristan openly gaped at her when she took a sip, revealing those high cheekbones that were probably made by Aphrodite herself when she was in a good mood. The way she did it made him feel the arousal he was expecting to have and Tristan closed his mouth when he was done. She did it really well, just as if she was modeling for Victoria's Secret. Was she an undercover VS model, perhaps? No, Tristan had to be wrong. He knew for a fact that their pasts probably have collided in the... well, past, and there was a strong pull in his gut that told him he did not want to go back there. If his sober mind was working right now, Tristan would believe that the chance of them seeing each other tonight was fate's idea to reunite a pair of old... acquaintances? Enemies? Or even some past fling that Tristan failed to remember? Honestly, he could not come up with the right memory and now all he wished was for her to apparate with him somewhere more private make this one hell of an evening.

Tristan nodded, swaying a little as he waved to the bartender. "Two Long Islands. Make mine extra strong." He slapped his payment onto the counter and waited for their drinks, having a look at the woman in front of him. Well, technically beside him but since they pulled their stools in a way they were facing each other, he could see everything her features had to showcase. Tristan decided to voice out his thoughts out loud whilst waiting for their drinks to come. "You really look familiar. I guess we had some fun before." Tris suggested, shrugging and waiting for her response if she'd agree. Frankly he felt she was bound to agree with him because Tristan knew that his memory never failed him... except when he had to attend family reunions. Now that was an entirely different story.

When their drinks arrived, he got his own and shook it a bit, just to mix the alcoholic contents. After all, they said a Long Island Iced Tea was equivalent to almost 3 beers or so. Tristan knew he would be incoherent if he got a third one because he knew by the end of the second one, he would slurring his words. Tris raised his glass to make an informal toast. "Cheers to our evening." Tristan raised the glass to his lips, tasting that indeed, the vodka in it had some extra kicks. He fully gulped until he finished almost 1/3 of his glass, feeling the magical things it did to his brain. Tristan was ready to take this night to a whole new different level and maybe it was time to do something without any alcohol. "What's in it for me if I take you out somewhere else private?" Tristan slurred a little bit there but he leaned in again, so close that he could whisper in her ear. "I do owe you some fun right? After not dancing with you."
It wasn't quite the normal thing for Clarisse to be in the bar nor to be drunk nor to enjoy advances of a man she barely knew. Or even better, a man she perhaps never knew until tonight. While there was that lingering feeling of familiarity between the two of them, Risa was extra and very sure that the connection they shared wasn't at all like this, nor were they friends for if they were, the pastry chef was sure that she would be absolutely able to remember such a man. But then again, she didn't remember him though the familiarity wasn't something she could shake off within an instant. But her thoughts were easy to throw out as soon as the man spoke with a voice that was as sexy as hell that had her wrapped around her own heat, and perhaps also around his little finger. The woman had a gleam in her eye at the thought of punishing the man for forgetting to give her some fun and though she knew not how to punish because of her normally gentle and kind demeanor, she was quite looking forward to it. "I absolutely cannot wait," she emphasized with a knowing smile as she straightened herself in her seat, wanting time to pass by a little too quickly. But then again, the night was still long and she was sure that there was still a lot of time for her and the mysterious man to have their fun together.

Clarisse couldn't help but smirk inwardly when she noticed Tristan reveling in her features, after all, she knew that she looked beautiful in her own right, especially when she fixes herself and dresses up instead of her usual haggard state because of work. She once again tried to search her mind for some information on the man in front of her that she had a feeling that she knew even before today. But like her previous attempts, she came out empty to which she blamed the alcohol for fuzzing her mind with blurry images that she couldn't make out. And so instead, she chose to enjoy the night while it lasts and think when tomorrow comes. The woman quirked an eyebrow at the man's sudden suggestion that they have had fun before but Risa had her doubts on that. She hadn't had a lot of men before, and she could count them on one hand alone so she remembered all of them so it was quite impossible that the man before her was one of those men. Though she knew this, Risa merely nodded and smiled at her newfound companion. "Probably. I thought I was the only one who thought you were familiar," Clarisse muttered out, loud enough for the man to hear.

Clarisse smiled gratefully at the bartender as he handed them their drinks and she was quick to mix the drink and take on a sip. While her drink was not as strong as the man's, she was already feeling quite dizzy from all the alcohol she has taken for the night and the Long Island Tea isn't helping at all either to sober up either. If anything it was making some stuff in the ceiling go swirly for the pastry chef. Neglecting that thought, she followed suit with the toast that her companion had made and once again took a drink of her alcoholic drink. The woman continued to drink though she had barely halved her drink when the man had asked her something and though she tried, she couldn't help the slur in her words as she spoke. "You could have some fun with me the way you want it," Clarisse giggled lightly as the alcohol had made a straight shot to her brain. The woman was just about to turn her head towards the man but then he whispered into her ear that caused shivers to roll down her spine and to breathe a little too heavily. And through her alcohol fogged mind, all Clarisse could muster as an answer was a nod and a breathy, "Yes."
Familiarity was what Tristan held onto. The vague bond that they formed before was catching up to him and in his already drunk state, Tristan could not focus. His usual calculating and sharp sense of intelligence had abandoned him. Although he still had a tongue that could do wonders with words, he was still struggling to keep up with the conversation without having to kiss her directly and openly. Some women were shocked with men who went too fast but Tristan thought that he could never end the night without her by his side. She was beautiful, in a sense that nobody could deny. Perhaps she was not like any of those women who flaunted it every second of everyday when she was sober but even a blind man would be lying if he stated she was ordinary looking despite those curves of hers. His second glass of Long Island was already making him feel funny and right now he thought the feeling was ever the normal thing to feel during nights like these. Tristan was trying to have fun in a way that he did not have to dance. Thank Merlin, he was getting just that by being blessed with a striking brunette that he surely was familiar with until now.

The way her breath tickled his ear made him shiver and it was not because of any coldness. The temperature was increasing in his body and he adored the way she made him feel. She was so in for this; a night of unexpected euphoria that will drive them dizzy with pleasure. Tristan only wanted her consent and so far, it looked like she was sending the exact same message he was sending her though his body language. The way she reacted to him was what he exactly needed and at that point, Tristan had enough. His hand snaked up to her incredibly slim waist and whilst the other, made its way to her neck. He touched the already warm skin there and stroked it a bit, before leaning in to give her a kiss with the smirk still intact. He really did not go for a passionate one - more like a kiss that drunkenly asked if he could do more things to her than just a kiss. Tristan was going insane with the alcohol and music, but all he knew was that someone needed his attention and he was going to give it to her. "My place. Now," breathed Tristan as his forehead was still touching hers. Then and there, he apparated them out of the club and thank God, he didn't splinch the both of them. Tristan was a master at apparition, only splinching himself once by removing a toenail completely when he first apparated. That was years ago and he was thankful ever since then his record of apparating with strangers did not mess up.

They were faced with a door that led to Tristan's apartment. They were a little near Brightstone Village and currently it was a rather chilly night to begin with. However the heat in between them was too much so Tris doubted the chilliness would bother them. He quickly crashed against the brunette on his own door and kissed her with much fervor. He was breathless all over and it made his heart rate quicken. "You goddess," he rasped when he pulled away for a short moment before giving in again. He pushed the door open and immediately his wards recognized him. His company was welcomed too, because she was his guest after all. They were in the middle of his apartment which looked clean except for the several clothes hanging out. It was nighttime so he doubted she would give a damn about it hanging from several drawers. He looked wickedly at those catlike brown eyes that suggested something without a word and pulled her in for the nth time. "My room? Or somewhere else?" If she wanted to do it on the table, he would not mind. But he was more or less sure she wanted something comfortable to be on throughout the night.
Clarisse was dizzy. Dizzy with the alcohol and dizzy with pleasure. She didn't care anymore if he seemed familiar or she was wrong about him for all she cared right now was the pleasure he was currently giving her. She was wrapped around his little finger and she couldn't even care less because her thoughts were already more or less a mush of puddles. She didn't know why this was happening to her but a little thought in the back of her mind had told her that this was partly because of the alcohol currently present in her system. She wasn't usually this way for she was not a woman who would jump on any guy in any given opportunity. Truth be told, she hadn't had a man for more than two years for she had fallen for one man that only most probably considered a friend. Said man was yet to notice her or make a move on her, unlike Tristan who had merely known her for an hour or more (or less) and was already obviously interested in her, even if it would most probably be a one time thing. She would be lying though if she said that she was not liking the attention one bit.

Risa was quite surprised though when Tristan had so suddenly wrapped an arm around her waist and his hand around her neck. She had not expected him to make a move though she had very much appreciated it. Ever since he laid eyes on him and her attention span remained on him, she longed to be touched and she longed to be kissed. In fact, if he hadn't given her the invitation for having fun, she might have left him in search for someone, anyone, she could spend the night till morning with. And now that he was kissing her, almost teasing her, she kissed him back, willing herself to not be in haste and stay in his pace. She couldn't help but nod though as he breathed where they were going to spend time in and she really couldn't care less if it would be her place or his for she was already lost. Risa then felt the familiar feeling of apparating was over them both before her back and head was met with what she thought was the door before her lips were covered with his and she had to pay attention to keep up with his passionate and hot kisses.

Clarisse was surprised though when he had called her a goddess and before she could even respond they were already kissing again and she couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck and her one hard holding a fistful of his hair and stroking it. She would not get tired of this for tonight. By the time he was temporarily done with her lips, she was a panting mess with swollen lips. She wondered if she still looked attractive as they entered his apartment that she found to be quite clean. That wasn't all that important though especially since she was not there to look at what his apartment looked like. She was there to have some euphoric fun with him tonight as she looked at him with excitement and pleasure. She bit her lip lightly as he pulled him in and the answer she least expected escape from her lips. "Anywhere is fine," she said with a smile that suggested things that she had never thought she could think and she had merely decided to blame the alcohol for this. For now though, she was going to have some fun.

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