I Don't Learn My Lessons

Jai Dionysus

Well-Known Member
There were many things that Jai hated about the muggle club that he frequented every other Friday night. He hated the music; he hated the dancing; he hated the obscenely expensive cocktails; he hated the lack of intelligent conversation (not that he participated in any of it), but most of all, he hated the girls.
Urgh, muggle girls. Physically they were pretty fly, as far as any male's hormones were concerned, but they lost (many, many) points for being obnoxious and giggly. Dear Merlin, the giggles. No one had told Jai that most girls from between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five still shrieked when they laughed, just like in highschool - as far as the young wizard was concerned, it was just the muggles and none of them were worth more than a one-night stand.
Luckily for Jai, that was all he was after. Each and every second Friday, when work was getting tedious and the 'pickings' amongst clients were thin on the ground, he stooped to the lowest common denominator to get laid, then go home.

This evening was exactly the same as the ones before; sub-standard whisky, an ear-melting beat, an attempt at wading through throngs of women also being scoped out by other men, and eventually spotting someone to write home about. Tonight's 'target' was physically stunning, but in an understated way that suggested she knew nothing of her own attractiveness. She was dancing, yes, but not provocatively or with flirty smiles. She was blonde and had an arse that just wouldn't quit - a fair 9/10.
Jai abandoned his drink as the bar to begin the trek from one end of the dance floor to the other. He was groped many times, as was the custom in this particular establishment, before he was able to sequester himself in the corner nearest to the group containing his chosen girl.
Luckily he wasn't the only male insinuating himself into the throng, otherwise his approach would have been less than welcome. Jai scowled as a tall brunette wrapped his arms around the blonde woman. He didn't even hesitate, but removed his wand discretely from his pocket and hexed the intruder smartly, who quickly decided that the toilet was a better option than wooing, that evening. Wand away, scowl off, party on.
Some of the other women in the group smiled at him as he passed but Jai ignored them, his eyes only on one girl. Her back was to him and he reached out to trail his fingers across the hair falling onto her neck by way of introduction, then stepped into her path. There was no point trying to speak over the chest-thumping beat, so instead he took her right hand in his left and raised his eyebrow. His eyes couldn't ask 'Dance?' any louder.
Naomi Antolini didn't have a lot of friends, and out the few of them that she did have, a couple of them were muggles. It wasn't a big deal to her - both the fact that she only had a few friends, or the fact that two of them weren't magical. The blonde knew that a lot of the wizarding community felt like they were better than muggles, but Naomi didn't see the need for such superiority. In fact, Naomi was inspired by muggle-folk who were able to get by everyday without using any magic. She couldn't remember a day where she didn't use her wand to help her with something, and though it wasn't wrong to use her magic, Naomi thought it would be a neat idea to test herself one day, and see if she could survive without the extra help.
The eldest daughter of Alfonso Antolini hadn't told her muggle friends of her special ability. Naomi wasn't that close to either of them, although she did value their friendship enough to celebrate their birthdays with them. It was the friend she had known the longest, April's birthday and April had dragged a bunch of girls out to hit the town. It wasn't Naomi's favourite thing to do, but after a couple of drinks, she realized that she was actually enjoying herself on the dance floor. Still, she had her wits about her and wasn't extremely fond of the guys that kept approaching their group. The other girls didn't seem to mind, but at any chance she could, Naomi would move away from any man trying to dance with her. Why couldn't she just dance by herself, and the girls? The blonde never enjoyed when the attention was on her.
Naomi felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around her shoulder, and she wasn't sure quite how to take it. Sure, she wanted to dance, but she wasn't like every other young woman that liked to get it on with someone she didn't know. Luckily, she didn't have to decide on anything, as the bloke suddenly disappeared. Forcing a smile on her face, Naomi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, wondering if April would care if she skipped out early. This wasn't exactly her scene. However, she felt someone's fingers stroke her back, and she stood up a bit straighter, feeling a tingling where the hand had been. Naomi barely had a chance to turn to see who it was when the man stepped in front of her. He seemed around her age, but it didn't matter. Naomi had had enough and wanted to go. Feeling like the meanest person in the world, Naomi pulled her hand back, shaking her head at the man. She glanced quickly at her friend, who was quite involved with the man in front of her. Naomi knew April wouldn't notice if she left, so she turned to head back towards their table to grab her jacket and apparate the hell out of the club.
Damnit! cursed Jai inwardly.
The very forward muggle who had gotten handsy with the girl had scared her off, and Jai was in for no chance. She'd taken her hand from his and the disappointed look on his face would have been cute, had it not been followed up by a truly thunderous scowl. Some of it was directed at his attempted 'companion' for the night, but most was towards his absent rival, who was probably hurling up his dinner in complete misery.
It should be noted that Jai was no misogynist, but had come to expect a certain kind of behaviour from women as he hit a certain age. Nothing in his life had suggested otherwise. Girls liked his looks but hated his sour personality, and the only few who had taken the time to see past his exterior only thought of him as a friend. The best he could do was to play for some kind of contact, even if it was shallow and fleeting. Denied even that, this time, Jai couldn't help but feel very put out. The situation wasn't helped by the no-small amount of alcohol he'd imbibed earlier in the evening.
"Was it something I said?" he half joked to the blonde's retreating back, but the scowl never left his face. Suddenly miffed about being so openly rejected, he stepped after her into the alcove where the group's purses and jackets lay piled on an abandoned table. It was only the two of them, and it gave Jai the drunken courage to knock her shoulder to the side to force her to look at him.
"Hey," said Jai, frowning at her with heavy brows and very slightly unfocused eyes. "What's your problem?"
Naomi shrugged off the comment the man made as she headed towards her bag. The blonde felt bad, but didn't turn back, hopefully the man would just find another pair of pretty legs and enjoy his night nonetheless. In fact, he had probably moved on already, and Naomi really had nothing to be worried about; he wouldn't even remember the rejection in the morning. Still, it was bold of any person to ask another to dance, and Naomi blew him off so coldly. Shaking her head, the blonde picked up her bag, and discreetly double checked that her wand was still in her boot; it would be disastrous if she had lost track of it!
However, feeling a force on her shoulder, Naomi stumbled a step as she was forced to look at the same man she had just walked away from. Her confused face quickly turned slightly grumpy, her eyebrows furrowed. The blonde didn't feel threatened, though it was totally uncool of him to knock her - what if she had fallen down! Besides, the muggle had no chance against her - a quick hex would keep him away from innocent girls for days. Naomi slung her bag on her shoulder and crossed her arms. She had to be firm with him - especially if he was drunk, and by the smell of his breath, he probably was. "Exactly, it's my problem, not yours. Go find someone else to dirty dance with - I'm going home." And with that, Naomi turned, and began to walk away with what she hoped looked like pride; the blonde didn't feel very proud of her chosen words, she definitely could have been gentler.
As irritated as he was feeling at that moment, Jai couldn't help but be charmed by the blonde's grumpiness. The little line her brow made as she frowned was unbearably cute. Fortunately he still had his critical faculties about him to swerve out of the way as she swung her bag over his shoulder, nearly knocking him back just as he'd done to her. The movement made his inebriated body stumble and he overcompensated by stepping forward into the woman's space again. This time, he was too close for comfort. It made sense to go with the flow and press himself forward till she was pinned to the side wall.
Even drunk, Jai was stronger than her and the blonde wasn't going anywhere. It was easy to plant his palms either side of her shoulders till they were close enough to touch. He had no plans as to what he was going to do now that they were in this unstable situation, but he hadn't had his say and she was two seconds from abandoning him to the crushing throng again. His alcohol-sodden mind told him that he couldn't bear to be alone that night.
"So maybe it's a problem I can fix," Jai told the woman very seriously, with slow and measured words as though he was struggling to pull together a sentence. "I don't want to dance with just anyone ... I want you," he said, emphasising his point with a little prod to the middle of her chest. Tomorrow, he may just recall those words and cringe with embarrassment.
Mixing a strong drink with loud music wasn't always the best idea, and though Naomi hadn't had much to drink, her perception still felt out of place as she stumbled backwards. It took a couple of moments to realize but she realized that a force had pushed her back, and it happened to be the very man she tried to swoop away from. Naomi realized what the man was doing as she felt her back touch the wall, and she moved her head to the side, not only to see if maybe one of her friends were around to intervene, but also so she wasn't breathing in the foul breath of the guy in her face.
The blonde scoffed at the man's comment. The only way he was going to fix the problem was by leaving her the hell alone, as he was the problem. Naomi was starting to feel very agitated, and she was quite sure that no one was going to come to her rescue. She almost would have laughed at the man saying he wanted her. What was so special about her? It was an incredibly cheesy line, but not a hint of a smile grew on her face as she felt a jab hit her. The guy was getting way too cocky, and Naomi felt her cheeks flush red, and heat rise to her face. Taking a quick glance around, Naomi used the opportunity of the man's arm being out of the way to reach into her boot and pulled out her wand discreetly. She wasn't sure what she was going to do yet, but she pointed it at his chest, frowning at the man. "You need to leave me alone, please. Or you will covered in boils, and have no idea why." Naomi said firmly.

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