I don't know you, but I want to

Amanda Hilsinger

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch, 14 1/4", Dragonstone
Amanda had barely gotten back into life with her family, but she already knew so much about them. She regretted every year she hadn't been with them, but most of all the things she had missed. Walking along the beach the mother of two let her bare feet sink into the sand, she had fallen in love with Bondi the minute she had arrived. It was shockingly similar to Florida, but the main reason was that it was home to her son. Amanda had missed Izaak so much and she kicked herself everyday for not standing up to her b*stard of a husband, perhaps if she had things would be so different. But today she hadn't come to dwell on the past, she had come to get in touch with the present and even the future. She was waiting to see her future daughter-in-law Alexis Richarde. Though she was keen to meet the girl her son was so smitten with, she was slightly apprehensive, she wondered if Alexis would judge her like everyone else. That was what she feared most. She wanted so much to be a part of her sons new life, and she didn't want to screw any of it up.

As the waves crashed onto the shore, washing away the shells before drawing back out to sea Amanda tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and noticed another figure walking along the shoreline. As the figure came closer the older woman smiled, she recognized the beautiful strawberry hair Izaak had so passionately described to her on numerous accounts. "Alexis." she said as the woman came closer. She really was beautiful, but none of that mattered the only thing that mattered was that she loved her son, as much as he loved her. She was so happy for the young pair, but even more pleased that Izaak hadn't turned out anything like Marcus, she wouldn't have been able to live with herself if he had.
Two months pregnant and not showing much of the pregnancy at all other then nausea, Alexis stepped out of her home. Amanda had wanted to see her and this worried her very much so she had fished through a box of forgotten things, one of which being her wand and she put it in the small tote bag that rested on her shoulder in case this conversation took the turn for the worst as Alexis did not trust Amanda in the least, not with Izaak, not with Leah, not with Jay and certainly not around her unborn child. While this may seem harsh, she was afraid that the former Death Eater was still consorting with her old friends and had the same life style, but only more manipulative. Only months after Marcus had disappeared, Amanda had returned after all, it was only human for her to assume she was no good, right?

Either way, Alexis was taking the precautions necessary but also hiding them from her love out of fear that he would be hurt that she didn't have such blind faith in the woman and how they could trust her to be back in his life. To protect the people she loved, it was fine with her to lie to them but only in this situation.

The young woman, walked along the beach, soaking up it's warm rays with an exhausted grin before turning as she heard her name spoken. "Hello Amanda," said Alexis to the older woman, uncertain if she should call her Ms. Hilsinger or Amanda but she had chosen the latter as it seemed more natural to address her future mother-in-law in such a fashion.

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