Old School Week I Don't Get It

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Chase Campbell

⚡beater + captain⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Aspen Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2045 (16)
Chase didn't care much for the school's parties and yet he couldn't stay away. Something made him want to go for at least a few minutes, try to figure out what everyone liked so much about them. Plus, it would allow him to tell his mom he actually went. He'd thrown on a simple white button-up and made his way into the hall, scrunching his nose as he glanced down at the snow beneath his feet. It was certainly.. something.
Leah was excited for the Yule Ball like always but this year it was like a dream. The whole hall looked like a magical forest and snow made her actually excited to go home for Christmas. She was buzzing with excitement as she walked into the hall and she nearly stopped short when she saw the ice rink and knew she had to try it even if she was in a fancy dress. "Chase! Chase!" she waved excitedly when she saw her friend nearby. "You have to ice skating with me." she gushed and pulled on his arm.
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Chase had barely registered Leah waving at him when nor did he have time to greet her before she was already pulling on his arm, possibly to drag him towards the ice rink. "I- w- sure." He gave in after a second. He'd hardly believe Leah was going to accept 'no' as an answer anyways.
Leah beamed when Chase didn't argue. She wouldn't have put it past him but she was glad he didn't. "Yes!" she said victoriously as they pushed through the crowd. "Have you been skating before?"
Chase let Leah drag him through the crowd, shaking his head at her question before he realized she probably didn't see that. "Nah, don't think I have." He replied. Perhaps when he was little, but he couldn't recall. "I reckon you have?"
"At least once a year." Leah answered excitedly and searched for where the might get skates or if they were expected to brave the ice with their fancy shoes. "Except for last year." she added with slightly less enthusiasm but it passed it quickly. Hopefully she could convince her mom to take her when she was home. "Are you scared?" she teased.
Chase just let Leah drag him along, watching as she seemed to be searching for something. "Should I be?" He asked in return, raising an eyebrow at Leah's question. "I mean I've already ended up with a bloody nose once before when I was with you." He added in an attempt at a small joke.
Leah was about to tell Chase that he had nothing to worry about when he brought up their fateful meeting. She turned to him, hands on her hips. "That was an accident!" she said, grinning. "But if you aren't careful I can do it again." she teased before finally spotting where students were getting skates. "Come on!" she said and waved for Chase to follow.
"Right." Chase nodded, trying not to grin at the stance Leah took. He was about to retort to her threat when she had already moved on to the place where the skates were. Chase followed along, picking up a pair of skates to put on. "So did you bring another scarf then? Just in case." He joked, actually grinning for a change.
Leah laughed and put in her own pair of skates. She rolled her eyes at Chase. "I didn't, so if you go injuring yourself you're just going to have to handle your own blood for once." she joked and wobbled onto her feet testing how the skates felt. It was only a step or two before she was on the ice and trying to remember how to actually skate.
Chase nodded at Leah's words, even if they had been joking he still wasn't too keen on the possibility of losing his balance and face planting onto the ice. He knew how to keep his balance on a broom though, so perhaps this wouldn't be too difficult. He got up after Leah and carefully placed one foot onto the ice, already regretting every decision he had made tonight. He then put down the other and spread out his arms in an effort to keep his balance as he carefully pushed one foot forward. "If you skate off and leave me here I swear we're not friends anymore." He muttered, far too busy with looking at his feet to actually look at Leah.
Leah took a few more steps before glancing over her shoulder at Chase who was taking baby steps. She chuckled to herself and looped back to him. "I'm right here you big baby." she said. "Do you need to hold my hand?" she teased.
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