I don't bite......but the dog does.

Pixie Carlot-Smith

Well-Known Member
Pixie walked with Fyre at her heels. It was mid day, and most people were out shopping saying 'Oh its busy now, lets go eat at 3...'. Pixie walked in a tea room and found she only had 5 galleons left. Oh course she was in New Zeland but the wizard and witch part of it. "In 2 years Fyre. In 2 years, Ill be of age and we can be free. Just us two."she smiled and gave her loyal dog a biscuit. Fyre gobbled it up quickly.

She sat down in the only corner, or any space for that matter, empty and rested her aching feet on the seats, her dog lying on the other side. She had been walking all day in converse and her feet were murdering her.
It had been a busy day for Riley and he had been seriously rushed off his feet, he just wanted to sit down with a coffee and relax for five minutes. While Adele had Lowan he would take this time to catch up with some him time. Walking in to a small cafe he sighed as he saw how busy it was but this was the only one even close so he made his way toward the counter and ordered a coffee. Getting the money to pay as it arrived he looked around for a place to sit. He saw a young girl with a dog and walked over. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked smiling at the girl. He made sure his smile was dazzling, using his veela charms to his advantage.
Pixie heard a voice and looked up. Another Veela? I swear! There are more Veela's then there are Nymphs! she thought. Sure, have a seat. I don't bite...but the dog does." she waited for his reaction. "I'm kidding! Fyre here is softer than a pillow." she laughed, her voice like velvet, making sure she was showing het nymph scar. Every nymph had it, just different places. Hers was at the back of her hand. It read in traditional chinese, Nymph. The way all nymphs would know each other. Plus there language. Very odd to translate.

"So soldier," she started. "What's ya name and where ya from?" she said, putting on her Nymph Charm.
OOCOut of Character:
Whats a Nymph?

Riley sat down and smiled at her again before looking down at her dog lying on the floor. "Shes a nice looking dog, what breed is she?" He asked curiously. He had been a cat person before he had become a werewolf but they had gone off him since the bite so he had gotten two dogs to live in his house instead and he had grown on them since then. He sipped his drink as she spoke. Placing his cup on the table he answered. "Im Riley, I live quite a while away from here. Whangari. Its near the coast." He said softly, his voice like chiming bells. "What about you?" He said reversing her question back to ger
OOCOut of Character:
A nymph in Greek mythology is a female minor nature deity typically associated with a particular location or landform. Different from gods, nymphs are generally regarded as divine spirits who animate nature, and are usually depicted as beautiful, young nubile maidens who love to dance and sing; their amorous freedom sets them apart from the restricted and chaste wives and daughters of the Greek polis. They dwell in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, and also in trees and in valleys and cool grottoes. Though they would never die of old age nor illness, and could give birth to fully immortal children if mated to a god; they themselves were not necessarily immortal, and could be beholden to death in various forms.

"I'm Pixie Carlot. At the moment I'm living in Auckland at the moment but ya see, my life is very different. I was adopted at 2 years, and I'm being put up for adoption again. So I'm moving alot and this lil lady is Fyre, she's a German shepherd." she sipped her latté and gave Fyre another biscuit.
OOCOut of Character:
woah slight information over load xD

Riley listened to her talk about herself and tilted his head to the side slightly. "Your in the adoption system?" He asked pursing his lips. He guessed that meant she was under seventeen in that case then. Not that age really mattered to him any more since he gave up his Casanova ways. "Nice dogs, muggles use them in the police. I have a ridgeback and a cross breed at my place. White fang and Sam." He said with a smile as he spoke to her about a topic which they seemed to have in common with each other so that they could have a conversation.
Pixie nodded to both questions, a tad hurt. "Alexis couldn't look after me...do you know any families looking for a 16 year old? If I'm not adopted by my 17th birthday, I'm on the streets." she tried to smile. When he mentioned police Fyre whined. "She was ex-police. She got shot and got sent off to RSPCA in England. I took her in and won't leave my side."
Adele had been left with Lowan today. Having kept Riley in reaching distance ever since they got back together at Christmas, Adele decided that it was about time she let him out to play again. But being with Lowan never delayed Adele's ventures out. She had quite promptly put him in his pram, then had headed towards the shops, it was only a short walk from where her and Riley lived.

Adele entered a small cafe and was about to turn to get Lowan about of his pram when she spotted none other than Riley...with another girl. Adele forced herself not to say anything, she trusted him, it was just a natural instinct to be curious when she saw Riley with another girl. Adele smiled happily at her husband, she felt bad intruding on his personal time like this, but she hadn't meant to, and she could hardly ignore him now that she was here. "Hey Gorgeous." She said, walking over to him, placing her hand lightly on the back of his neck and kissing him on the lips very quickly.
Pixie giggled and easily knew what this women was thinking. "Hi, I'm Pixie and I'm 16!" she said, not wanting to alarm this woman. She seemed to be Riley's wife. "If you to want me to go, that's fine. Got to go family looking anyway." she smiled at Riley and his supposedly wife as she stood up.
Riley took another sip of his sweet coffee as he enjoyed the taste it left. In his view there was nothing better than a good coffee to relax with and enjoy. Well maybe a Gin and juice but that was only the odd occasion when he was feeling a little naughty. He never really drank alcohol any more, wanting to set a good example for his son. As he heard Adele voice close by Riley grinned at her and kissed her back before moving up to give her some room to sit down. He looked across to see Lowan asleep in his pram, he wasn't surprised as he often fell asleep when he was taken out for a walk in his pram although he would soon be growing out of it. Being two years old now he would be walking everywhere. "Hey you. Fancy seeing you here." He said happily as Pixie also introduced herself to Adele. He wondered if Adele had thought the worst about him being in the company of another girl. He couldn't really say anything about it though because of his past history with sleeping around.

He did feel slightly bad about the girls bad growing up experiences. He knew what it was like to have a dis-functional family and he could only imagine what she had gone through going from one family to another with out settling in to a cosy lifestyle like every young person should have. Of course he would take her in but it wasn't just his decision to make, there was Adele who needed a say and also Mark. Them both all being over seventeen, but it was mainly Adele. "Im sure family searching can wait a bit while you have a drink. I don't mind you here as long as you dont mind her here." He said looking at Adele with a smile. His smile hinting about the family thing also. Adele knowing him as well as she did he hoped she would pick up on this although he also knew she was not the most clever of people. but he didn't care he loved her all the same
Pixie sat back down. "Aw, he's so cute." she gestured to the baby in the pram. "He reminds me of Lily Polty. She was in the orphanage with me for a week. Came in, week later, was out. And not many people want teenagers. They want little babies." she smiled warmly at the family.

She looked in her bag for a crumpled up piece of paper. "I trust you."

Dear Pixie,

I am writing this because you deserve to know the truth. I couldnt look after you for many reasons but remember this; its not your fault. My mother forced me to give you up...nosy old bat. I loved you dearly and Jack had died and I had no-one to help me. I will visit every year on your birthday until you wish me not too. I'm afraid you cant come back to live with me because once you give a child up for adoption, you cant take them back. I wish I could but you belong to Carllila (Carly) and Henrick (Henry). I will visit you soon my baby fairy. Send me pictures of you!


Your mother, Alexis 'Lexxy' Fairy Carlot xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Adele smiled and felt relaxed as the girl made it obvious that she was not trying to flirt with Riley. Infact, she was only 16, underage, no way would Riley try and flirt with her. Adele giggled to herself as she thought about this. There she was, being silly again. She smiled happily at Pixie as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you Pixie." She told her, before pulling over a chair and sitting closely next to Riley, giving him a relaxed look as he spoke to let him know that he wasn't in the dog-house. He had no reason to prove himself, especially not when Pixie was only 16. "Yeah Pixie, there's no reason why you can't hang around...and thanks..." She said to her as she called Lowan cute. Adele picked him up out of his pram and sat him on her lap. "Hello my beautiful boy." She said to Lowan in a baby like voice. "Do you want a cuddle?" She asked Pixie, she obviously liked babies, so why not?
Pixie hesitated. She'd known her five minutes. What if Pixie was some kidnapper? Which she wasn't. "No Thankyou. I don't think I could live with myself if something happened to him." she said politely. Riley and his family seemed very nice people.
Adele smiled as she turned down the offer of a cuddle with Lowan. It was a fair-point, holding someone else's baby was a big responsibility for a 16 Year-Old girl. "Okay then." She replied to her before turning to Riley. "So...how has your day out been?" She asked her husband, placing a hand on his knee, from underneath the table.
Riley began to shake his leg as he listened to her speak. He didn't know what to say, the only time he had been involved with the adoption system was when his dad had adopted Alexia. "Personally i would adopt an older kid, babies are loads of work." He said looking at Adele as she propped Lowan on her knee. "I wouldn't worry he is a hardy guy like his dad." He said with a grin as he held his finger out for his son to grasp in his hand. "My day has been fine, uneventful but relaxing all the same." He said softly looking at Lowans big brown eyes. He wasn't sure if he had got them from Adele or him. At least knew he was his, they looked so alike it was impossible for him to be anyone else's. "So where are you going to stay if your looking for another family?" He asked concerned where she was residing. If she was still in school the half way house was open but he knew about how bad it could be in there for some. He may not have known this girl for long but he was a naturally caring person and now was no different
Pixie smiled but sighed at the same time. "Tonights ma last night with ma aunts. Tomorrow, back to the orphanage." she shrugged her shoulders. "And I'll be struggling to get a slice 'o' pizza. No biggie." she seemed to mind but had to go all the same,
Adele smiled at Riley's reply before moving the hand on his knee up to the side of neck as Lowan took his finger. "Well I'm sure you could do with some uneventful relaxation after the events of my birthday." Adele said with a knowing giggle, hoping poor old Pixie wouldn't catch on. It wasn't something she needed to know about. Only Riley and Adele needed to know what they got up to on her birthday the other week. Adele almost felt sorry for Pixie as Riley spoke to her. It must've been tough for her, living in a children's home. Pulling Lowan in closer with her spare hand, Adele shuffled in even closer next to Riley, sliding her hand right round his neck, so it hung down the other side, then rested her head on Riley's shoulder. Hearing that someone had no parents to go home to, only an orphanage, had made Adele a bit emotional. "It must be tough for you..." She said sympathetically to Pixie.
"It was, when I was 6 and all the older girls would lock me in the bathroom!" she joked. She turned serious. "They're on the streets now. When you turn 17, they can't look after you anymore, so you chucked out." She sighed. "I would love to live in a family where no one bullies you, no one is rough and you have a decent meal." she said.
Riley chuckled slightly at Adele's comment about her birthday, he would have laughed a little harder but he was not feeling in the mood after hearing Pixies sad story about adoption. "Yeah im still a little swore ." He said quietly as he looked up to face the younger girl. "Thats a little harsh, seventeen is not exactly old enough to live on your own although saying that i was only seventeen when i moved here." He said pursing his lips. He had been happy to get out of the house, he had not exactly had the best upbringing but unlike his other siblings he had done pretty good with himself.
"It's all for the new and apparently improved adoption system! Take a kid before they are kicked out in Te wet and cold!" she used a cheesy voice. She sipped her empty coffee and went to the counter to get another...except a black coffee. She drunk black coffee when she was upset.
Adele was really beginning to feel sorry for Pixie. Being from a fairly happy family, Adele couldn't imagine what it was like to not have your parents around to comfort you. And even now, they were only a phone-call away. "No kid deserves to be pushed out onto the streets like that...no matter how old they are..." Adele trailed off, she truly believed that a kid should only leave home once they were ready to, but life wasn't that simple. She was lucky she had Riley to help her through the difficult times.
"It isn't working well then by the looks of it." He said shaking his head. He would never kick Lowan out just because of his age, he would wait until he left at his own accord. "Adele's right, I would complain but there would be no point. Once someone turns seventeen they are classed as an adult. So I wouldn't get anywhere." He said quietly looking from Pixie to Adele. "You know I think Logan's dogs may like an extra dog friend in the house." He said to Adele as he looked away from Pixie. If there was something which Riley had a soft spot for it was kids. Ever since Ana had gotten pregnant with his first child Riley had grown very paternal and not that he actually had a child of his own he was even more so.
Adele was glad that Riley agreed with her, but didn't know what he was implying when he mentioned about bringing Pixie's dog back. She assumed that he wasn't planning on taking Pixie's dog away from her, he must've been thinking about adopting Pixie. Adele wanted to help, but she wasn't sure about adopting, Riley would have to convince her, which wouldn't take much effort, the way their relationship was. "Not implying anything there are we Mr Riley?" She asked jokingly as she cuddled up to him, holding Lowan safely on her lap.
(OOC: Soz I can't be asked to change charries)

Pixie was very confused of what Adele meant. Pixie wouldn't catch things on quickly unless she was wide awake but Pixie was so tired. She looked outside and saw it was dark and pouring with rain. She checked her cell phone. It was 8.37pm. "Sorry, but I have to go!" she grabbed her bag and coat and Fure followed her out into the pouring rain.

(Feel free to use this as a discussion thread! ^^))

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