I could stay lost in this moment forever

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Daenerys Tikritis

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OOC First Name
sorry about title im currently obssed with that song.

any way i need some help. i have a couple of charecters that i want some rp's for.

Daenerys Tikritis
this young puff needs everything. i could do with friends, enemys, maybe a crush depending on how nice they are to her. so background. Daenerys is a total shy one. she cant even make up her mind whether or not she wants friends.

Stefan Glass

my poor little orphaned 4th year. for him i would like a crush/gf. some friendsand maybe a couple more enemys. after being orphaned its hard for stefan to get attached to people so the crush/gf will have to earn this status. friends will have to be patient with him atm as hes quite touch and go with his anger.

Also these two know each other. so if any one "hurts" Daenerys stefan would be quite protective and probally end up in detention.
I have Ai Edogawa and Conan Edogawa, both first years from Hufflepuff. They can be friends, enemies, etc.

Ai is afraid of separations causing her to have a hard time making friends. Her personality while facing others has two choices, be shy or be mean. On the inside she is kind and will be if others are willing to accept her outer personality.

Conan is Ai's twin and he is very protective of her. Unlike Ai, he is very friendly and kind. He is willing to be friends with everyone as long as they don't dare to hurt his sister. He is not only protective towards Ai, but also to his friends because he values friendship greatly.
yh they both sound like they would be gr8 friends for Daenerys. but be warned stefan is protective of her ;)
Yeah sure.... :p

When would you like to rp?
Now's good.. Would you like me to start? Or would you like to start?
Hey there David! :) :)

I have two characters to offer:

First is this first year ravenclaw, Raziel Kim. Raziel's what you'd call a 4d character (Just a word that I learned from my cousin haha). He's a bit on the weird side as he talks and acts quite differently from other people. He sometimes talk in third person, and sometimes, he talks to himself too. He loves observing people, but he's a really nice kid, though a little too honest for his own good. He doesn't have a PB yet but I picture him out as someone who looks a bit androgynous, often being mistaken to be a girl because of his small frame and his hair, he doesn't really mind what the others say though, cause he knew who he is... :)

And for Stefan, I have Sophia Leingod, 4th year hufflepuff and a part-veela. Sophia's a really nice kid, a bit clumsy but is really observant. She can probably put up with him as she's already use with the short temper of her twin.

So tell me what you think.. :) :D

yh guys they all sound smashing. is it possible for you all to start rp's and post them here as im on ipod
Stefan Glass said:
yh guys they all sound smashing. is it possible for you all to start rp's and post them here as im on ipod
I'll start one once I get the time to do so.. :)
Me too.... And who do you want to rp with first?? Conan or Ai or both???
wich ever's easyest for you ^^^^^^^^
Ok... :D
Here's the link for Conan and Daenerys... :D
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