I can Haz Friends?

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Izumi Toyohana

Well-Known Member
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
SO here i am, in the development section, looking for friends. So here it is. Izumi, or Izu as a friendly name, is a girl of sweet disposition. She will hopefully be transferring to Hogwarts NZ next year, so i want friends before that, and maybe even a love interest, or an enemy. So here we go, she will generally be kind, and has a heavy Japanese accent. She is very Naive, which means that she can be stupid sometimes. So if anyone wants to RP when the holidays come around and stuff, then i'll be more then happy to start, or if you want to start, that'll be fine too!

So who's gonna bite? (don't worry, i don't bite back)
Angel can be a friends she kind of shy.
I can think of like amybe.... hmm for the Enemy thing with Andrew, maybe he said something that struck her wrong. TI's hard to make her mad, but things that are said about Japan, or family, or a racist comment of any sort would make her mad. So if you are up to that, then it'll work. She also is easy to take advatage of, but hates it when people point it out, so yeah.

And that's okay Angel, can you start?
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