I Bet a Lot of Me Was Lost

Theodora Narkle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Theodora's small bout of self depreciation and hatred had seemed to ease with each passing week of being denied a position at the ministry as an Auror. It was hard on the dirty-blonde that her biggest dream had not been successfully procured, but the more she wallowed the more she realized just how pointless that was. After all, she had a lot of ability, and had a good shot at getting a different job. She may not have looked threatening but perhaps becoming a personal body guard, or a private detective for hire in the magical world might be of some use to her. After all, Teddy didn't want to be stuck living with her mother and younger brother forever. The blonde sighed, not deciding it was late enough in the day to get dressed. She had promised she'd make it to the beach this week after all.

The woman dressed with caution making sure to wear shorts over her bikini so as not to be watched while walking down to the beach which was a short distance from the house they were in now. trying her hair back Teddy said farewell to her mother - whom was impressed to see her out of bed before one - and left to find something interesting. The weather was gorgeous, albeit humid, and Teddy soaked it in during her short walk to the beach. Upon arrival there was a small bit of regret that the beach wasn't strictly magic, as setting up her towel and finding the perfect spot would be done with much more ease. It wasn't long though before she'd laid out a towel and propped herself with a light read from the muggle world. Perhaps in a bit, she thought, she'd grab a drink from a local vendor, but it was nice enough now that Teddy could enjoy a silent chapter or two before too many children and families showed up.
Pericles liked beaches, between working in taking down the dragons, and what ever girl had his fancy Pericles' other passion was indeed the beaches of the countries he could find, wherever the dragons were so was he with his skill set, and therefore after every fight he took the beach for relaxation and to be able to de-stress. The man was feeling exhausted, admittedly the last fight had been a hard one, if the burn on his shoulder was anything to go by, he touched it, and though he had put on a magical healing salve the medic had said it would take a few days of applying it before it disappeared leaving not even a scar in it's wake. He didn't care though it was sensitive and he was feeling pretty annoyed he'd allowed himself to be hurt like that, he was just happy because he was now at the beach, the hot sun beating on his slender and tanned back. He was sat at the bar, of some place in New Zealand slowly sipping on a cold beer and just enjoying the sights and sound of the place, already eyeing out girls who seemed to interest him, and who seemed interested in him, New Zealand clearly had incredibly beautiful people.

The teen took a sip of his drink and watched as beside him a woman, wearing shorts over her bikini ordered a drink, he vaguely listened in taking a small look at the woman in front of him, she was beautiful like all the girls were here, and there was just something about her that he liked almost instantly, but he liked a lot of girls like that, just sheer attraction that he felt emitted out of him. He ignored it because he had no need to go talk to her, and he wasn't quite in the mood to approach anyone, but as she walked away he noted that she'd left her ID, he took it in his hands and then decided that he would do the right thing and return it to her, so with a little difficulty he noticed her in amongst the crowds of people currently lying on the beach, he took his drink with him, leaving his other belongings, everything important was on his person, the t-shirt he could easily replace. The man made his way through the crowd until he got close to her, "Erm, you Theodora?" he asked her his English clearly not that great, "You left your ID?"
Theodora hadn't been sitting on the beach long when she decided she really did want something to drink while she read. The dirty-blonde stood from her towel, and grabbed her ID, not bothering to grab her bag. The woman walked with unstable legs, not quite accustumed to the feeling of her feet sinking in loose, hot sand. It wasn't very far form her towel, the vendor, and so she made it quickly and ordered herself a fruity concoction that sounded too little like something she'd drink normally - but in the same vein, sounded pleasing. Normally Teddy wasn't one to drink so early in the day, but if the name of the beverage was any indication, then it wouldn't have more that a few percents of alcohol as it was. The woman set her ID on the counter so the man behind the make-shift counter could see it and took her drink with her when she left, leaving behind her own ID. Frankly she'd probably not have noticed until she needed it again, and thus with ignorant bliss sat down and once more began reading.

It wasn't until her perfect lighting was blocked that Theodora even bothered to stop looking at her book. The woman, behind large sunglasses gave an eye roll and looked toward the source of her blocked reading light. Her brown eyes scanned over a not-too-shabby figure, and then found his hands were holding something. He spoke. His English was not very good it seemed and while Teddy should have said thank you before anything else, she stood with drink in hand and sarcastically replied, "I Theodora." before setting her drink down on the edge of her blanket, which had a cup holder that just barely fit her drink. "Thanks." She spoke, removing her sunglasses to push her hair back off her face and then holding out the hand that didn't hold her book.
The young Dragonslayer was hardly surprised at this girl just leaving her ID on the makeshift counter, it was a pretty easy place to place something, a pretty easy place to forget something especially since usually carrying drinks had the mind preoccupied, Pericles looked down at the girl lying on the beach, his body covering the sunlight so she couldn't ignore him, not that she could when he said her name, although perhaps she just looked like the girl and wasn't in fact the girl, however as he spoke she got to her feet and he was sure from one glance at the ID and then at her face that this was the girl, and then found it oddly funny at her statement, she was almost mocking him, replying sarcastically to what he had said, to what his still struggling english had managed to say. The teen waited as she set down the drink and then went to take it and he pulled it away, "Maybe you don't want," he said to her looking at the ID in his hands and then seemingly deciding that he was going to keep it, "I make good Theodora," he held it up beside his face and mimicked the face she was making in the picture.

Pericles smiled at the girl, Theodora and then just turned away, heading back over to where he had left all of his belongings, sitting himself down and placing the ID down and then his drink on top of it, he was still smiling about the girl, how strange it was to instantly mock his poor english instead of being thankful, most people heard his accent, saw his bare chest and swooned, this girl had done none of those things. It intrigued him, he liked a challenge and perhaps she would be that challenge, sleeping with her in the end would be so much more earned, and the greek man was sure that if she wanted her ID she'd walk over to where he was to get it back, and then he might just give it back. Pericles rubbed the burn on his shoulder as he took a drink of his beer, letting the warm sun beat down on his back as he wanted for this girl Theodora to reclaim her ID. He wanted to see how this might turn out, he had nothing on with his day and he was free to follow the path he'd picked for himself.​
Theodora narrowed her brown orbs at the man as he yanked the ID just out of her reach. What was he playing at? With a small frown she watched him hold her ID next to his rather chiseled face and she couldn't help but crack a small smile through her irritation. She wanted to say soemthing to the man but as she moved her mouth to do so he was walking away. With her ID. Teddy stood in her spot for a moment, her face holding an obviously confused face. The blonde took a moment to realize what he was doing, and when she did she almost thought to just leave him with her ID -- but that had her address on it! She scrambled to grab her drink and left the rest of her things by her blanket before swiftly walking over to where the dark haired man now sat. She stood in his light much like he had before to her, and sipped her own drink, glaring down at his. Her Id was beneath it, on the sand. She then shifted attention to him.

"Two things, kid." She spoke. "One, you have too many smile lines to be me. And two I'm much prettier than you. It will never work." She crossed her arms slightly, and with what little solid ground her foot was on, she tapped her foot. "Now, Theodora, may I have my ID back?" She jested in her own dry humor way, waiting for him to remove his drink so she could grab it.
Pericles turned to face her with a small smile on his face and picked the ID up from under his drink, letting his eyes gaze over, flicking visibly between the ID and the girl who was in front of him. She called him kid and he had to stifle laughter, even more so when she said her peace about why he couldn't be her, and he couldn't help but actually laugh at it, "I'm gorgeous," he told her with a smirk lingering on his face as the laughter easily subsided and he held it out to her, only to take it back at the last moment. He was just having a little bit of fun with her, Pericles enjoyed such things and she seemed to at least be one of a few girls who wasn't swooning over him like he was a gift from the gods, though he thought he was, "Zeus himself, chiseled these abs, kid," he added with a slight emphasis on the word kid, seemingly throwing it back in her face but really just enjoying the way she'd spoke to him and hoping that she would take being referred to as kid just as easily as he'd taken it.

"But, I admit, I'm no Theodora, I'm Pericles," he introduced holding his hand out to her, "I'm Greek," he added surely with a small smile as if to explain his accent and the fact he wasn't very good at english, "I give your ID, if you go on date with me as apology for mocking my english," he was still smirking at her, just expecting a rejection from her but thinking this too good an opportunity to pass up, an open opportunity to ask someone out in an almost guilt trip kind of way, and while he did find this girl in front of him, beautiful, it was perhaps more the way she spoke to him which seemed to entice him to her. Drew the usually stoic and 'let the girls come to me' Pericles to ask her out on a date so bluntly and if she agreed he was certain to actually take her.​
Theodora sniggered at his comment, way to proud to let him think she agreed - which she did. After all, Theodora may not have been a romantic person, but that didn't mean she couldn't occasionally appreciate what she saw. In this case it was the man's green eyes that most struck her, and his abs weren't too horrible - not to mention his face. All around, great looking guy, but if she could knock his ego down a peg she would. The blonde rolled her deep brown orbs at him, and reached out and poked his stomach rather roughly. She had a look of regret immediately, as his stomach was much harder than she'd expected it to be. She jerked her hand back and shook it slightly What the hell was this kid made of? Literal stone? She bit back a hiss and held her finger for a moment. "Rock hard sure, just like your head." She combated.

As he introduced himself she reached for his Id again, but was unable to grab at it whilst he was talking eve. "Pericles, nice name, Greece is nice But probably nicer without you there." She insulted, though her tone had become less harsh and more playful for every moment they spent a bit of time together. She completely froze as he made an ultimatum to her and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine, date, free food and a chance to knock you down a peg sounds like a win win." She spoke before waving her hand off. "Keep the ID, it's got my address. Pick me up at eight, and don't expect me to order a salad at diner." She spoke with a hissing tone. The blonde then turned away. It was difficult to hide the small smile that perched on her lips. He didn't mind her sarcasm, and had asked her out on a date even through her insults. She supposed it would be a nice friendship dynamic at least. The woman walked back over to her things and gathered them up. If she was going to be on a date she needed to at least make sure her mother wouldn't try and greet the guy and that her brother was out of the house.
Pericles wasn't at all worried about she was going to do, since he knew himself to be well built that was really what happened when you had to work hard to keep in shape, he couldn't be chasing dragons if he was out of shape, he needed to keep himself in perfect shape it was why he didn't smoke unless he was pretty drunk and around others who were, aside from that he kept himself in the peak physical health that he could. The man just smiled at her with a grin on his face, "I don't need brains when I look this good," he told her pompously with a grin, "I slay dragons for living, all I need are muscles, no brain required" he continued with a playful smirk, if she wasn't magical she would think nothing about what he said just thinking he was lying and being more pompous. The greek man knew that if she was magic she'd know it, and likely with his attitude believe it. Pericles didn't understand why muggles and magical people couldn't live in harmony or why anyone who did what he didn't wouldn't always go on about it.

The man smiled at her, as she agreed that he had a nice name, and laughed lightly at her insult, "But, it would be even nicer if you were there with me," he countered with a small smirk at her, enjoying the what she was saying and smiling even more as she agreed to the date that he was offering to her, Pericles knew she was phrasing it so it sounded like she didn't really want it but he knew that she did, she wanted this date, after all he knew he was pretty irresistible and even more so when she arranged for it to be that night, entrusting him with her ID and address. The man just smirked at her with a warm smile, "I look forward," he told her grinning at him, "I fully expect you to pick most expensive thing, can't wait," this was probably going to be an expensive date but Pericles didn't care, he liked this girl and she seemed interesting to him, and the greek man was more than willing to see to the end, "Wear something formal, you won't get into the restaurant if you're wearing shorts," he told her, fully expecting for her to wear something informal just to spite his words.​
Theodora had long ago left the beach, twenty minutes of sun was enough for the paler woman as it was. She was certain that her date was to be on time, after all he had to bring her ID with him. She took into account what he'd said about Dragon slaying, and she wondered if that meant he'd be taking her to a magical area to eat. She'd long ago come home and told her mother she'd be going out - and Kizzy seemed more than overjoyed, though a bit worried as she had work and Milo - her brother - would be left alone that night. Teddy of course promised it was just for the free and she'd be home that night. Something her mother should have expected. Now the clock was nearing the designated time eight, and Theodora was beginning to suspect he might be late just to annoy her.

However the woman sat in the foyer of her muggle home, book open and dressed in her best. or the best that she was willing to wear. Her brown eyes hadn't looked to the clock in a while as she just waited where she sat, eager to get something good to ear.
Pericles had not expected to get a date so easily or that he would actually be taking a girl out to dinner rather than to well, drinks and his bedroom, but he was and he'd even put in the effort booked a place, gotten dressed formally too, just really trying to essentially impress this Theodora, she was interesting to him, or well, the little bit of conversation she'd had with him had been interesting and he wanted to do more than just impress her enough to get her into bed, he was beginning to think she might be more difficult than others he had previously dated. Pericles however smiled at the sight of her in the foyer of her muggle home and let a strong wolf whistle of appreciation escape his lips, "And here I thought I was the gorgeous one," he approached her with a friendly and charming smile on his face. The man walked up to her and then held out the ID to her, if she decided to run upstairs and forget about the entire evening he would not mind, he was surprised to even see her waiting for him, so anything else was really just a bonus.

He held out his hand to her and then smiled, "Shall we, Theodora?" he had picked a place not too far from where they were, or well, he'd picked two places, the first was a magical place, if she couldn't see it, and made no comment about it as they approached, since it was a grand and modern building, a fancy dining establishment, and one someone would note when approaching, and the other was a muggle place, should this girl turn out to be a muggle. The man couldn't help the grin at her, couldn't help but just be so surprised at her decision to actually go on this date with him, "I don't drive, so unfortunately we're going to have to walk, I'd carry you but somehow I don't think you'd want that,"
There he stood in the foyer, and she stood from where she had been reading, bookmarking the spot in her book that she had been on. The wolf whistle caused her cheeks to heat up, and Theodora bit back a smile at the compliment. "Flattery. Cute." She spoke in her same monotone voice. "I'll have to say, you look much nicer with the suit on." She told him playfully, approaching with a swagger of confidence in her step. She took the Id and tucked it tightly into her neon pink wallet, something that seemed out of place for the woman whom obviously appreciated her dark colors very much. She then smiled at him slightly. "Thank you for actually returning this." She said, motioning to her wallet quickly, before dropping both her hands to her hips, the strap holding her wallet in place.

The blonde glanced at his hand. Contact? She chose to ignore it an nodded. "It's just as well. I never wear heels so I can always walk anywhere. Or run away if my date turns out to be a psychopath." She teased, crossing her arms over her chest as they left to walk to the place where dinner was to be held. He was correct, the building wasn't very far. She looked at the very large, modern looking building and turned her head to him. "This can't be it?" She asked in mild shock and surprise. Her parents rarely took her out in public, let alone to an extremely fancy dining establishment. Now she might actually feel guilty ordering an expensive steak - because from the looks of the building it was going to be very expensive. She brought her money though - if she thought it too pricey she'd just pay for herself. She waited for him to confirm her thoughts, and suddenly was very aware of the way she was dressed. Maybe she was under dressed.
There really was something about her that made him smile so easily, that made it so easy for him to just smile at her and feel like this date wouldn't be entirely awful despite her clearly pessimistic attitude, "Just wait until you see me with out it, you'll never have enough," he teased lightly with a grin on his face, and he just easily kept the smile on his face as she thanked him for returning the wallet, Pericles was after a man of his word, it wasn't like him to go back on a promise, he was pompous and looked out primarily for himself but he wasn't one to not as he'd said to her. He would always return something he'd promised to return, and so he thought the thank you was unnecessary. It didn't escape the teen's notice that she didn't take his hand that he'd held out for her, clearly choosing to ignore it, and rather than made a vocal point about it he just took back his hand as they began walking towards the place.

Pericles had nothing bad to say about muggles but he was incredibly pleased when she turned out to be a witch and just grinned happily at her, the man continued walking towards her, turning to look at her as she spoke, "Yeah it is, come on," he said to her, waiting for her to join him where he stood before he lead them both into the fancy restaurant, "I come from wealthy greek family, come enjoy," Pericles boasted with ease hoping that this would prompt her to join him and just come into the restaurant with him. He kept moving until he got to the door and then held it wide open for Theodora to join him, knowing that this proof of fancy and high tastes with her might just backfire if she didn't want anything to do with that, but he was so willing to take that risk. She might at the very least constantly keep him on his toes, which was more than could be said for most of the girls that Pericles usually picked to take on dates.​
Theodora's face went from in natural color to a bright red in a matter of seconds at his comment. She looked away, scowling slightly that he'd gotten a rise out of her, but the idea was something so... odd that her body couldn't help the way it reacted. The blonde allowed some pieces of hair in her face for a moment as she calmed her heart and mind from the implications of what he said. She then spoke back only a few seconds later, "Please, you're going to make me lose my lunch." Her harsh words weren't honest though, and the remaining tinge on her face would be a dead give away.

The building was exquisite. The outside was gorgeous but nothing compared to the inside which danced with aroma from the foods being cooked. Once inside it was obvious to her that this place was hidden to any muggle eye. Around her were witches and wizards dressed beautifully, flying plates and instruments playing themselves. Since moving she'd not been to a magical restaurant and it took her a moment to take everything in. With his comment she left a sarcastic reply. "My mother says I came from a dumpster so..." She shrugged at the end of her sentence before addressing the elephant in her mind. "So your Dragonslayer joke wasn't a joke?" She looked around more, wondering where it was they would be seated and what she would even order! In the back of her mind her biggest concern was that she looked out of place here - a dumpster kid didn't belong in the high life of wizarding society.
Pericles grinned at her reply, from a dumpster would be quite something, "I mean I'm sure they wouldn't object to us eating in the dumpster if you want to return to your roots," Pericles joked with her, but he wasn't actually going to do it, he just waltz in after she'd walked into the place and spoke with the host who showed them to the table and Pericles motioned for Theodora to join him at the table, he liked that he'd impressed her, and he knew she could barely hide it, the place oozed fancy and magic, he thought it was the perfect combination of the two and was definitely happy to have brought her here even if this had been a last minute date, with a girl who'd only agreed to get some ID back, at this point it was pretty clear she was also perhaps a little interested in him. He just nodded at her, as they arrived at the table, and he held out the chair to her a small smile on his face as he expected to be batted away with a snarky response about how she could do it herself.

"I am a dragon slayer in name and profession," he told her with a cocky smirk, and he knew that this was usually the point where most were showering him with attention but he wasn't sure he'd get that sort of reaction from her, she didn't seem like the time to compliment him on such a thing, "What about you, what do you do?" he asked her, she looked like him to be relatively fresh out of school. The man took a menu that was given to him and thanked the waiter, before ordering a bottle wine, ignoring the fact that she might not want something like that, and that she could order something else if she really desired to, "So Theodora Narkle, where did you attend school? Are you one of the New Zealand kids?"
"Oh really? You'd eat by a dumpster for me. True romance." She gave a roll of her eyes, tone blunt without much feeling. She wasn't one to actually find things romantic. Often, if she were to be honest, the idea of a romantic relationship bothered her. Theodora had "dated" in the past, but she'd never officially had a boyfriend, and would never let the boys she met with call her that. Even further she'd never been physical with a boy - not even hand holding. She didn't want it to lead to something like her parents had. In her mind most relationships would start off well enough, but in the end they'd probably fall apart. Sure there were exceptions, but Theodora felt like her family was cursed to be the consistent rule. Nothing lasts forever.

The blonde watched her date, he was so proud of his profession. She took a seat and with nothing clever to say, no snide remarks hidden up her sleeve about him pulling her chair out, she offered a polite and sincere, "Thank you." She thought for a moment and asked. "So it must be hard having to slay your own family." It was obvious from the smile on her face and twinkle in her eye she was only joking. "No but that is a pretty awesome profession. Must include a lot of adventure." She listened to his two questions and shrugged at the first. "I'm not currently employed. I had tried to get a job as an auror but i was missing a grade in some class i thought was useless." She looked at the waiter and smiled, asking for a water before continuing. "And no, I graduated from Hogwarts Scotland as a Gyffindor. My accent isn't as strong I know." She spoke, as her accent which sounded much more English than Scottish was often the first thing people commented on once they found where she was from. She then returned the favor. "And what about you. You're a dragon slayer, did you learn that in school or pick up an axe as a baby and decide it was the job for you?"
Pericles just smirked at her, at her response with a nod of his head he liked the fact she was being so sarcastic and it brought the smile easily to his face. The man of course puled out her seat and was a little surprised that she didn't have anything to say about him pulling out her chair but just seemed content to just accept it. Pericles sat down in his chair, and it was in that moment that she spoke, talking about his family, "Oh it's hard," he joked with her, but because he cared about his family that was where his joke about it seemed to stop. He loved his family and he loved his job, and it was the combination of the two that brought him a lot of joy, he was thoroughly satisfied with how his life currently was, so much more than he was sure most at nineteen could say but he was happy and he was on a date with a beautiful girl, even if she didn't entirely want to be here with him. Pericles just nodded at her, "My profession is very rewarding, I love it," he told her with a small smile, since he really did truly love his job, it to him was the best job he could ever have.

"Dangerous and difficult but rewarding and fun," he told her, before then just listening what she had to say about it, and enjoyed just listening to what she wanted, an auror, that was quite something, he didn't even think about other jobs before him before he'd joined his family in that line of employment. The teen gave her a small smile which seemed to imply that she didn't have much to worry about, she was about his age, fresh out of school and therefore had plenty of time to decide what she wanted to do with her life, find a new career path. However as she continued speaking talking about how she'd gone to the school in scotland, it was then he listened more closely to her accent and didn't hear it almost at all in her words, "I can't hear difference in the accents yet," he explained trying to indicate that his english wasn't quiet up to scratch yet. As the questions turned to him, he just smiled, "I was picked by Zeus himself, attended school at Mount Olympia and mastered the fighting style of hercules," he told her with a smile on his face as he was very clearly joking, but part of it was true, he did go to school somewhere near mount Olympia, and he did believe himself a gift from Zeus himself.​
The man could take a joke, and Theodora couldn't help but appreciate that. So many men and women were so sensitive nowadays that she couldn't go anywhere without walking on eggshells. Of course it wasn't much help that the young woman had cynical humor of an older generation. She had a dry sarcasm that while it was endearing to few - many were insulted by it. If that were the case though, Pericles probably wouldn't have even gotten the chance to take her to dinner. A genuine smile graved Teddy's face, and while she didn't part her lips to show her teeth it was a huge difference in her whole appearance, a brightness that was nearly unfounded in the girl. "I'm glad you love your work. So many people get stuck in dead end jobs and it drys them out. Those people suck." Theodora was blunt, and unapologetic when she spoke - something that was distinctly her.

The blonde couldn't believe he actually listened to her story without rolling his eyes or saying that she was of course rejected - as she felt that just by looking at her she was unimpressive. However her wordless magic was fierce, and while her wand less magic wasn't powerful she had a few basic spells down - mainly accio to get her wand back into her hand. "That's good then, won't notice I'm a bit of a mutt." She used the term as a term of endearment toward herself, the mixing of her accents not something she was embarrassed about - as long as she didn't sound posh she didn't care. She had only begun to drink some water when she snort-laughed, spitting some of it back into the cup in a fairly unladylike manner. "Zeus really lowered his standards didn't he?" She asked, obviously able to think on her feet. "Pretty sure I could kick your rump up and down the streets any day. Muscles don't mean anything against magic." She spoke confidently. Theodora looked down at the menu now, knowing she needed to have her mind made up when the waiter came by once more. Often the witch was quick to make up her mind, but did find herself mildly distracted by her date - if she'd even call the guy that - as he was an interesting person. Shallower women may not have cared, but Theodora was fascinated with what he claimed was his life duty. "Ever not kill a dragon on sight? I've always wanted one for a pet." She spoke, though eyes still looking at the options before her.
Pericles did love his job, he thought it was the most incredible job in the world and he worked hard at it, though he had never thought about any other jobs and knew that his job would not be for most, as it was physically tough. The man just smiled at her as she spoke, he loved his job and couldn't honestly imagine getting stuck in some dead end job, he couldn't imagine being stuck in an office or some ministry and just pushing paper each day. He loved the energy and the challenge of walking up in the morning knowing he'd be doing something incredible. The man grinned at her nodding with what she said, "Exactly," he agreed with a firm nod of his head and he figured that was probably why after being turned down for auror training she hadn't seemed to have gotten a new job since he couldn't imagine what it would've been like if he hadn't gotten the job slaying dragons and had to find something else to do with his days. It was why he didn't bother returning any statement, rather just speaking a little bit and then letting the conversation move on, beyond her accent.

As she snort-laughed, Pericles laughed at her, before shaking his head, "I am the vision of perfection," he assured her before she continued, and he just nodded in admittance, of course in the magical world muscles didn't matter for anything, the wand was the more powerful weapon but while Pericles hadn't been studious he had done well and his magic wasn't bad, "I think I would win, I went to private magical school, and you went to a public magical school whose school song starts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts," the man returned with a little bit of a grin. He just smiled at her, it wasn't a true joke he didn't think that Hogwarts was a bad school, he was a little jealous of his siblings for being able to attend the sister school where he'd gone to private school. He loved his school, he had loved it but there was something so elusive about Hogwarts he never got to experience. He then looked at her, "You can get mini dragons," he told her, he made a vague size reference for them, "This big, ferocious little things, I have three at home in Greece, but a real dragon no,"
Theodora had to admit that it seemed odd to her. Pericles looked like a meat-head, and frankly the way he was at the beach he acted like one too. She couldn't help but have had low expectations for the amount of conversation the two of them would share. Sure it wasn't exactly fair to Pericles - he could have been a scholar for all she knew, but everyone had stereotypes that they couldn't help but project sometimes. Not that Teddy would ever say it out loud to anyone. She was raised better than that, she liked to think.

At the comment of his image of perfection Teddy couldn't help but give a playful roll of her eyes at him once more. if she stayed around him too long she'd get dizzy from the amount she was forced to roll her eyes. "Perfection as lowered it's standards." She jested quickly. Some would say it was a surprise she wasn't a Slytherin, as she was often quick to a sly comment - and clever. However she never thought of herself as too overly ambitious, and while she wanted what she wanted it didn't mean that she was going to step on others to get it. "You'd win if my wand was broken." She shot back, both pridefully and jesting. She did have a lot of confidence in her magic, and while she wasn't good with a lot of history classes or at a lot of physical activity, she had a great knowledge of curses and hexes that she could use against someone should they cross her. As she listened to him she shook her head. "You see there's no fun if the dragon can't eat a few intruders or hoard a ton of gold for me." she commented. The waiter came back to the table after a little while and of course Theodora offered Pericles the ability to order first, refusing to do so herself.
Pericles shook his head at her statement and he leaned into her with a little grin, "I am Perfect" he told her easily, he definitely believed he was a degree of perfect and was pretty pleased that other than the eye rolling she didn't seem to mind how he was acting and he definitely found this an endearing quality, too much of the time the girl's he chased or who chased him were too busy impressing him or he was too busy impressing them, but impressing Theodora was definitely more difficult and it was almost a challenge, none of his usual charms seemed to work on her, though usually his charm seemed just be him smiling and showing off his chest, perhaps bringing up the fact that he slayed dragons and that was all he needed to do. The teen didn't think that she was swayed by such things, but it was fun, it was so much more of a challenge that he was ready for, something to break from the monotony of what he would other wise be doing. Pericles just smiled at her, and then shook his head at her statement, "I'd still win," he replied but he was sure that she was probably an excellent dueller and he was almost curious enough to fight her just to see if she was.

The man shrugged at it, "I like the little dragons, harmless little buggers," Pericles replied with a small smiled at her, since he experienced dragons a lot of the time, the man didn't want to go home to huge fire-breathing dragons too that needed to be trained and all of that. He didn't want that in the slightest. The conversation was interrupted when a waiter at the table, and Pericles ordered a rather high priced fish risotto, and then a bottle of white wine for the table, before glancing at Theodora and giving her the opportunity to order, if she didn't drink the wine and wanted something else he would never turn that down. Just as happy to drink the bottle to himself and when the man had left with the menus he just smiled at her, "So, Theodora, do you often go on dates with guys who take your ID?" he asked with a small smirk just wondering why she had agreed to such a thing, "I expected you to take the ID from me at your place and then just walk away," he admitted with a soft chuckle, "Was it this perfect face that enticed you?" he motioned to his own face with a small smirk.​
Theodora chuckled at his insistence. "Okay God Complex, chill." She teased him When the waiter turned to her and Theodora shot a glance at her partner. She was never going to live the order down as she proceeded to order a salad - rather pricey as it was a Ceaser Salad Chiffonade - but it was the opposite of what she's originally planned. To be perfectly honest though the menu made it sound so good that if he gave her any crap for it she'd simply switch him plates with no protest. However as her date was a man, he was probably protective of his food. Most men she'd known tended to be. After the waiter was finally gone she quipped at him, before allowing anything to be said about the salads. "Are you afraid someone would know you were compensating if you got a large dragon?" She teased, though the very miniscule smile on her lips showed it was just that - teasing.

Theodora was actually caught off guard by his question and had to think for a moment. "I don't do dates unless there's a promise of free food." She started, sipping from her water glass. "As far as the ID I always keep my word, even if it's over silly things like that. Call me old fashioned but it would have been rude to make you come all the way to mine and take my ID and make you leave." She then finished with, "And as far as a perfect face, it can't be much of a perfect picture when you've got a bogey handing from your nose." Theodora was only chiding to knock him down a bit, laughing behind her hand as she did. There was nothing wrong with his face - and true he was handsome, but she wasn't about to let him think she was fawning over him. After all, Theo fawned for no one - except for maybe a dog or two.
Pericles just laughed lightly at her statement, he didn't think he had a god complex although he did believe himself to be a gift from the gods, so perhaps she was just putting a name to whatever he had. He didn't care about what she ordered and just sat back in his chair waiting for her to be done so that they could continue with their conversation, which took a little teasing turn and he couldn't help but laugh, "You'll just have to come to mine to find out I guess," he replied easily with the small hints of a smile upon his face, he would enjoy bringing her back to his but something told him that she wouldn't do such a thing on the first date, a first date like this wasn't the sort of thing he imagined that she did often so he also imagined that a first date was a strictly hand holding business, which for the greek man would make quite a difference to how he usually went about things. He was not a first date, holding hands kind of man, but there was a first for everything and he quite interested by Theodora and everything that she was, since to him she was so entirely different from the girls he usually picked to go on a date with.

The question he asked was just a general line of thought in his head why was she bothering with him, when she could've said no and it would've been no skin off his back, the reply she gave at first made him laugh, which seemed to be something she managed to do quite often. The man just smiled at her, especially as she continued, "I wouldn't have thought it rude," he replied with a shrug, "I don't even live in New Zealand, and I'm a wizard, I apparate everywhere," he continued just wanting to press that there had been no obligation for her to join him, or come on a date with him. Her last statement made him want to check his nose, but didn't entirely want to give her the satisfaction, "See now you've got me, if I rub my nose or check my noise and you were lying I'm an idiot, but if you weren't I'm an idiot with a bogey coming out my nose," The man just laughed, opting to not get it, just smiling at her, "But, the only thing I have is that I'm perfect and you know it," Pericles assured her confidently, "You're pretty perfect too, not my level but pretty perfect,"
It was odd how he was able to laugh things off, but it was a trait that Theodora appreciated and she'd be lying if she didn't say it brought the hints of a smile to her face. The blonde concentrated slightly more on the table than him for a moment. She'd never really been on a date, never anything this fancy, and for a moment she realized how out of place she was. She wondered if he thought it too. What other kind of women were even in the restaurant at that moment - what other women did he take out? Why did she care?! Theodora looked up at him and finally shook her head. "Yeah, back to yours. I guess if I do that tonight..." She paused and drank some water. "You'll sleep on your couch, and I'll take the bed." She wondered if he'd even gotten his hopes up - she was not the kind of person to go home. Ever. It was something Theodora supposed she'd never been interested in.

She raised an eyebrow. "Well then let me put it this way, you're not totally disgusting and you're buying me free food." She spoke honestly, and then laughed once more at him. So far this dinner was much more than she'd ever expected. Theodora was thankful when very little time passed and the food was brought out. The perks of magic being used to cook was that it was speedier than anything a muggle could do. She was about to retort against him when the man made another comment. One that stopped her. Her dark brown eyes shot to the rim of her glass and her face felt hot - most likely now a crimson color. Think of something clever, you dunce! She mentally scolded herself. "Don't you mean pretty and perfect?" She asked masking her embarrassment quickly with a cocky comment. "I think you're acting like a gift because you're afraid i'm out of your league." She pressed, hopping he hadn't noticed her small stutter.
The man was beginning to realise that this girl really wasn't like anyone he had ever dated before, she was honestly different, and it wasn't even a bad thing, Pericles went on dates with girls who were in all essence just like him and out for just one thing, he realised she wasn't and he would of course respect it, since who was he to judge her upon the choices that she made, who was he to say that what he did was right and what she did was wrong. So, he just smiled at her, at her statement, "I guess it's a good thing my couch is as comfy as the bed," he replied easily with a small smirk linger on the edges of his face. The fact she said he wasn't disgusting was probably the most surprising and biggest compliment he was likely to receive from her and it felt nice that she had even managed to get that out and he would definitely take it as that, "Not totally disgusting, I'll take it," the man replied with an easy laugh to accompany it. Pericles had never laughed so easily with a person in his life, usually he made jokes that people laughed, but he had never found himself laughing so much or so easily, perhaps it was that he'd just been dating the wrong girls.

Pericles was definitely happy when it appeared that she had taken the compliment, with the food now in front of him he was a little distracted by it but his gaze remained on the woman in front of him and the little cocky comment that followed, and he just gave a small shrug, "I prove myself to the gods by punching above my weight," he replied though he knew that she was beautiful she was well within his league but he'd never admit such a thing, instead playing along with what she was saying was just a lot better. The man began eating his food slowly, tucking into it with a small smile on his face, "What did you think of the beach?" he asked obviously in reference to the beach they had both been at earlier in the day where they had met. It was easy, far more casual conversation which likely suited the fact they were now eating.​
Theodora's large, brown eyes rolled in their sockets again as he spoke. He was quick to a joke - something she appreciated. Perhaps he wasn't as brainless as she was telling him he was. After all, to be cunning and keep up with her humor took at least a thousand healthy brain cells - and a few unhealthy ones for the driest of her jokes. "I'm glad you'll accept the compliment - because it's the last one you'll probably ever hear." She jested at him. Though there was a seriousness to the joke - if Teddy was honest with herself she didn't see him asking her back out again. A guy like that would get bored with the kind of person she was - she was nearly certain.

The meal was easily underway, and frankly Theodora had expected the conversation to die out, however it seemed that she was wrong as he prodded her for her thoughts on the beach. If the blonde had to be honest with herself she'd never spoken to a single person so much; that wasn't in her family that was. She shrugged, finishing the food in her mouth. "It's a beach. I'm not really an outdoors person - but with my brother being home schooled I have to get out of the house some time or another. He drives me up a damned wall." The conversation once more became silent, and Theodora left it up to him to continue - after all she was sure she knew how Pericles felt about the beach - as tanned as he was he probably lived there.

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