I Am An Angry Teen And No One Understands What I Am Going Through

Brodie Summers

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Brodie stormed out of the great hall just begging that a little first year would get in his way. He would gladly blast a little brat into oblivion right now. Thank-fully he was just a few feet from being outside, where he could scream and curse as much as he liked. His face, which had already been a right red after what had just happened, was getting redder and redder the more he thought about what had just happened. He had just been broken up with, in a very public place, because Aeon didn't think it would be a good idea for them to date while Brodie was still in school. Aeon had been the first boy Brodie had ever dated, had been his first everything, except kissing, and they were just broken up because Aeon felt like it?!

The next thing Brodie knew he was in the forbidden forest casting curses on the trees. "How dare he do that to me?! Could have at least had the decency to do it while we were alone but noooo. Stupid ****ing Gryffindors!" Brodie knew he really shouldn't be yelling, it would attract all kinds of nasty creatures, but right now he would gladly fight a centaur, even if he was bound to lose.
OOCOut of Character:
you didn't say if this was open or not, if it is closed just let mr know if it is closed and i will clear the post.

briar had once again found her way into the forest. she had broken her promice not to go in there so many times that it lay shattered on the floor.
she was just running through the trees, unusually near the edge of the trees when a shower of curses exploded around her. luckily there as a tree between her and the caster so she didn't get hit but she drew her wand and cast a shield. defensive magic wasn't her strong point, she was much better at the attack.
she could hear someone shouting and she didn't recognise the voice. doing the not so wise thing she came out from behind the tree, her red hair blazing. "what the hell are you doing." she shouted running, towards the boy, she could see that it was an older boy, who appeared to be a snake. she flicked her wand a few times, whispering the words so that the boy couldn't hear, she wasn't old enough to do wordless spells but this was when she could do, which was pretty close.
OOCOut of Character:
I think it is closed but ask Sammy because I'm fine with you joining if she is. :)
OOCOut of Character:
Oops >.< But yeah you can join, its fine with me :) . Also sorry, I wasn't sure if Briar was casting defensive of offensive spells.

Brodie was very much enjoying pretending the trees he was cursing were Aeon. He was just about to fire a stinging hex when some girl ran out from behind the trees. "Isn't it obvious? I'm taking an anger management class. Now I suggest you run away little girl, or I'll turn on you instead of the trees" Brodie hissed meaning every word he said. There were no teachers around here to help her. Before he could do anything however the girl was firing spells at him.

Brodie managed to dodge one of the curses but unfortunately was hit by a jelly finger jinx. "poop" was all Brodie could say as his fingers turned to jelly and he dropped his wand. Brodie dived to the ground and grabbed his wand with his mouth, getting a mouthful of dirt and god knows what else in the process. Brodie was able to cast the counter curse non verbally grabbed his wand out of his hands. "You are going to pay for that you bloody ****" Brodie said before spitting some dirt out of his mouth. "Furnunculus!" Brodie cast at the girl.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry I didt realise. I don't mind clearing my post of you want. As for the spells she cast Protego, but then she cast a couple of curses. Probably the jelly finger curse and locermoter mortis, ie nothing too strong but strong.

"anger management, what do you want to do that for, the best way to relieve anger is to let it out" she shouted, forgetting that the boy had had a few years more training than her, but she knew she was fast and probably faster than most people in the castle so if things got messy she could run away. besides she hadn't had much fun in a while.
Birar smiled as the boy fought back. she tried to dodge the spell he cast at her. as she didn't hear what he said, and she didn't hear the incantation. however she was a little slow and it hit her hand. she felt some boils rise. luckily it was her right hand, so her wand use wasn't affected. "Is that the best you can do." she goaded not caring what he threw her way. then she flicked her hand whispering the incantation for the bat bogee hex.
Brodie had to admit he was caught off guard a little when the girl cast a bat bogee hex, but really who wouldn't if boogers sprouted wings and flew out of your nose? "Ugh thats disgusting!" Brodie shouted as one of larger nose nuggets prodded is face. Brodie had always been a pretty boy and did not enjoy the fact that he was getting attacked by giant boogers, even if they were his own. Brodie quickly stunned the disgusting things and focused is attention back on Briar. "You haven't seen anything yet little girl" he replied a smirk appearing on his lips. Brodie silently cast langlock oping to shut the girl up a little and then proceeded with a stinging hex not even considering the consequences of dueling a student much younger then himself. If things kept going this way she could get seriously hurt. Not that Brodie minded much.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the late reply. I have exams at the moment. Got a bit distracted.

Shaylah walked through the forbidden forest with one thought on her mind. How was she going to get the grades that she needed to become a death eater?? Her OWLs were coming up very soon and she could feel the pressure on her. If she didn't do this then she was going to start off in a very low place in the world of the death eaters and it would be much harder for her to rise up. She knew all the stuff she needed but she didn't know how to explain it to an examiner. She hated exams and wished she was graded on her class work.

Shay stopped walking when she heard people having an argument and saw flashes from wands. She went behind some bushes and quietly watched. She recognised the boy from the common room so he was definitely a Slytherin. She thought she had seen the girl around. She was a Gryffindor as far as she could remember. Shay didn't want to see a Slytherin beat by a Gryffindor. She raised her wand and whispered "expelliarmus". She then stood up and leant against the tree she was next to hoping the spell hit the little ginger girl who was obviously facing someone much more experienced than her. Shay didn't know the boy but she would happily stand up for a Slytherin over a Gryffindor any day.
briar laughed inside as she saw her spell hit the boy. it was immature of her she knew but she had to think of who found out about that spell must have been pretty immature in the first place. she knew not to let her guard down, and as she guessed that he could do magic soundlessly. "protago" she said expecting s spell to come at her any moment. and she was right, one bounced off her shield and into a tree, she didn't think she recognised the spell so she was glad that she wouldn't work out the effects first hand. she didn't expect another spell to come at her it hit her in the leg and she felt a strong sting radiate from the sight of impact. it wasn't painful as she had incurred much worse, however it was a surprise and it caused her to stumble slightly, this was a good thing as another spell came flying from the opposite direction directly where her head was moments before. she turned her wand to the unknown attacker and whispered "Densaugeo" before turning back to the boy and muttered "confundo" before sending out a conjunctivitis curse.
Brodie cursed under his breath when the girl managed to block langlock, although he did manage to land the stinging hex. The Slytherin boy was completely taken aback when someone from behind starting casting spells, they at least seemed to be on his side. Brodie managed to only just dodge both of the girls spells and while he was doing that he cast Obscuro quickly followed by Incarcerous. Brodie was actually extremely surprised that he got incarcerous to work, it was an advanced spell for 6th years and he was usually just average. I guess maybe studying more around exam time helps he decided while he ran to hide behind a tree for cover. It was then that Brodie saw who his helper was. A girl he knew to be from Slytherin, maybe a year or so younger then himself. "Hey there, come to join the party?" he asked sarcastically.
Briar saw how easily the boy dodged her spells and how powerful his spells were, however she had the advantage of her childhood, having grown up in the forests of europe, she had encountered many stinging insects so the stinging jinx didn't effect her much, and she didn't think twice about boils erupting on her hand, she had just the thing in her bag to make them go down. when the next spell hit her she was shocked by the sudden darkness but it was no different than hunting at night. knowing that there would be more spells coming she once again cast protago. she disliked this spell but it was useful in this situation. she suddenly felt something wrap around her binding her feet together, and her arms to her side. luckily for her her shield must have done something (or maybe it was just the casters inexperience at the particular spell) as the ropes, or whatever they were were not tight and she could move slightly underneath them, and possibly work her way free if she had the chance. she could hear the boy now crashing like a troll through the undergrowth, he had obviously not had practice at hunting and keeping quiet. Briars senses were now at full alert as though she was hunting a rabbit at night, she realised that he had stopped where she remembered a tree to bee and she could hear him whisper something to the person who cast the other spell. she angles her wand slightly up at hte top of the were where there was a large branch spreading out into loads of smaller branches that she hoped were over the boys head. "diffindo" she said, not troubling to keep quiet, as far as they knew she was blind and bound, therefore not able to do much and the spell she was casting was the cutting spell, a perfectly acceptable spell to use to cut the rope. Briar heard the leaves rustle as the spell passed through the tree tops, she just hoped that it had found her target.
Shay saw the boy run over and hide behind a tree close by. She shrugged at what he said. "I'll always help a fellow Slytherin in trouble." If there was one thing Shay was loyal to, it was her house. She would happily hurt anyone who said a single bad word about any Slytherin, even if it was a Slytherin she didn't like.

Shay looked over at the girl and saw her wand raised. A beam of light hit a branch above the other boys head. All thoughts of How the f**k did she do that?! left her mind as the branch cracked and started to fall. Shay brought up her own wand whispering "Wingardium leviosa." She caught the branch with her spell then threw the branch over at the other girl. If there was one thing that Shay was proud of it was her physical strength. It took a lot of strength just to hold the branch up. Even more to throw it.

Shaylah went back to her hiding place behind the tree, keeping an eye round the edge so she could see the girl. What kind of Gryffindor thought they could take on an older Slytherin?? It just proved that she was a complete idiot.
Brodie nodded at the girls reply not that he felt he was in trouble, but it was always nice to have a little help. Brodie was trying to keep quiet as he listened for the girl's next move. Hopefully the ropes had hit her, but if not they could be expecting another spell to come flying at them at anymore. It was at this moment that Brodie realized how mental this girl probably was. He had just been in the forest minding his own business, and she ran up and start firing off spells. Typical Gryffindor Brodie thought rolling his eyes. They were all the same, act without thinking.

Brodie heard a cracking sound above his head and looked up to see a large branch falling. It was going to hit him. Brodie rose his arms to cover his head, completely forgetting that he was a bloody wizard, more then capable of slowing down the branch. Lucky for Brodie his partner was thinking straight and caught the branch just in time. "Thanks" Brodie whispered his heart pounding in his chest. He was amazed when he saw the girl throw the branch over at the Gryffindor. That was a huge branch! However Brodie didn't take the time to complement her strength and focused on sending spells over at the Gryffindor girl, namely Silencio and Stupefy.
Briar started to ease the bindings off herself when her vision suddenly returned. she was just in time te see the branch flying at her. she must have slightly misaimed as her branch was still there. "impedimenta she said stopping the branch in mid air. she realised that the others were still behind the trees, she managed to get the last rope off herself, and she cast a quick charm that caused a wind to blow through the clearing blowing dust and debris everywhere. then she was up and quietly slipping between some tees back to her run

OOCOut of Character:
I have a couple of major plots at the moment so i had to drop this one.
Shay covered her eyes as debris from the ground started flying everywhere. That would have hurt if it went in her eyes. When the wind died down she looked around the edge of the tree and saw the girl running off in the darkness. She laughed slightly with a smug grin on her face. "Typical Gryffindor. All words and no play. They're pathetic." Shay was okay with Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws but she didn't love them. It was just Gryffindors that she couldn't stand.

Shay turned and looked at the older boy. "The name's Shaylah but most call me Shay." Obviously though, by most people, she wasn't including the people who called her ugly b!tch and tried to put labels on her. She didn't listen to them. Shay held her hand out to him with a smile that she hadn't expected to appear on her face.
Brodie shut his eyes tightly when a wind came and started blowing debris around. A few pieces of dust still managed to get in his eyes however and he missed watching the girl run away while he cleaned them out. After what had just happened Brodie was surprised to find that he actually felt better. All the anger he had been feeling had been worked out. "Yeah so much for them being brave, there all just a bunch of ***** cats" Brodie replied to his partner, who was still nameless to him.

She quickly introduced herself as Shaylah though. Brodie looked down at Shay's hand for a second before returned the hand shake. "I'm Brodie, I'm glad you showed up, you are an excellent dueling partner" Brodie introduced himself trying to be nice for once. It was an extremely rare thing to get a compliment from Brodie that wasn't sarcastic. He was actually a little surprised, but Shay had proved herself a worthy... what? Not friend. Ally maybe?
Shay smiled at Brodie's compliment. "Umm, thanks. My dad taught me. I was never allowed to properly use the spells until I was in the school though." Shay used to take tips from her dad whilst using a fake wand and then she remembered the tips so she could practice in school. There had been a few times when he'd met her at Brightstone but that was very difficult with the amount of hours he worked.

Shaylah's curiosity got the better of her and she decided to ask him about the fight. "Why was that girl actually fighting you in the first place??" She didn't really care much because she was a weirdo Gyffindor kid but she was kind of curious as to what she had done to make him fight her.
Brodie just nodded when she said her father had taught her how to duel. Brodie's father was supposed to teach him how to duel, but unfortunately he died before Brodie was old enough to even have a wand. So the task was left to his uncle and grandfather, both great duelers as well. "Well your father did his job properly then" Brodie added.

The Slytherin shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes then Shay asked why the Gryffindor girl had attacked him. "I honestly have no idea. I was out here minding my own business, casting some spells on some trees, and she just runs up and starts firing away spells at me" Brodie answered. It all really made no sense to him, it didn't look like he had hit the girl with any spells. She would have been much worse off if he had, he was using some pretty nasty stuff.
Shay nodded at what he said. She was proud of her father even if he had made the mistake of trusting her mother. It wasn't his fault that she stole his heart. Shay had made the same mistake with Markov so she couldn't say much. "He's the person I look up to the most. It's hard having him gone but you get used to it and at least I have somewhere to stay now." She was glad that she lived with Riley now. The Halfway House was a bad place to have four pets and a house elf.

Shay had to laugh at his response. "Again, typical Gryffindor. They're a bunch of tree hugging weirdos who need to get a life and sort out their priorities." They're weren't many people that Shay could say she hated but all Gryffindors fell under the category of loath and the Slytherin-Gryffindor war was only one of the many many reasons that she could list. She couldn't remember ever meeting a decent Gryffindor.
Brodie looked awkwardly when she said it was hard having her father gone. He too was missing a father, but he still had two male figures in his life. And he had always had a place to stay. What are you doing feelings sorry for her? Brodie asked himself. If his uncle knew that he was feeling pity right now he would probably get a smack upside the head and told to stop being such a *****. Little did he know that out of pity had his uncle let Brodie's younger sister live all those years ago.

Brodie looked up again and smiled when she began laughing and abusing the Gryffindor. "Yeah, really. If I hadn't started fighting back I would probably report her to a professor and try to get her kicked out of this place" Brodie added. At the moment as far as he was concerned Gryffindor's didn't deserve to be at this school. It was funny that if you had asked him just an hour ago what he thought about Gryffindors he would have said that they weren't all bad. Any positive emotions he felt for Gryffindors ended the moment his and Aeon's relationship had.
Shaylah was surprised at how kind she was being to this guy. It wasn't like her to be nice. It was probably because they'd gone against a Gryffindor together. People always seemed to bond when they went against someone like that. It seemed to be a form of bonding with strangers no matter who they were. It was weird how things worked like that but she wasn't going to complain. He was pretty cute. Although it wasn't like she was going to do anything. She already had a boyfriend who she loved and cared for.

Shay nodded in agreement. “If there were no Gryffindors in this school then it would be a decent school. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs aren't too bad but I can't stand Gryffindors.” Shay shrugged and looked around. That was automatic for her. She'd been taught to know her surroundings exactly. "I can't be bothered with them anymore. They're only in the school so they can p!ss us off"
"I completely agree. Hufflpuffs are stupid but at least they stay out of the greater houses way" Brodie replied to Shay. "And to think that some people have suggested getting rid of Slytherin." He added on. Brodie had been so distracted that he hadn't noticed exactly how dark it was getting outside. The Slytherin boy pulled out his wand and lit it up. He had to admit, he really didn't want to be in the forest at night. Who knew what could be lurking just a few feet away from them waiting to pounce? However he did not want to look like a coward in front of a younger girl. As it got darker it seemed to Brodie that everything got a lot louder. Even the wind rustling in the leaves sounded eerie with dim light filtering through them. "Do you think we should go back inside soon?" Brodie asked. He hoped it didn't make him sound too pathetic. If they ran into someone or something now though it would be a lot harder to aim at what they were trying to defend themselves against.

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